ARRANGEMENT: Each boy comes on stage holding the object he's speaking about, or, he can use a poster with the appropriate picture on it. He can read his lines, or they can be read by a narrator.
CUB #1: THE CHRISTMAS TREE. The custom of decorating a small evergreen tree at Christmas time began in Germany. However, it reached America before it arrived in England. The German settlers in Pennsylvania decorated the trees with lights, sweets, and colored paper. That is how the Christmas tree became part of our traditional Christmas.
CUB #2: THE MISTLETOE. Ancient Celtic priests believed mistletoe had medicinal powers and was sacred. They thought it brought good fortune. Mistletoe was also considered the plant of peace, and under it, enemies met and reconciled their differences. From this ceremony came the English custom of kissing beneath the mistletoe.
CUB #3: THE CHRISTMAS WREATH. During the 16th century in Germany, branches of fir or spruce were intertwined in a circular shape. This symbolized the love of God which had no beginning or end. One legend tells of a young girl of Bethlehem who wept because she had nothing to bring to the Christ Child but a crown of holly leaves. The babe touched the crown and the leaves gleamed and scarlet berries appeared where her tears had fallen.
CUB #4: THE CHRISTMAS CANDLE. Medieval Christians believed that on Christmas Eve, the Christ Child wandered through town and countryside in search of those who believed in Him. On that night, they placed candles at their windows to guide Him.
CUB #5: THE POINSETTIA. This Christmas flower was discovered in Mexico in 1828 by Dr. Joel Poinsett. The people of Mexico and Central America call it "Flor do la noche buena" or flower of the Holy Night, because it reaches full bloom at Christmas.
CUB #6: THE CHRISTMAS CARD. At Christmas in 1843, in London, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens had just been published. A friend, Sir Henry Cole, had an artist friend design a Christmas greeting to send to his friends. This was to be the first Christmas card. It took more than 30 years for them to become popular. They were first introduced in the U.S. in the late 1870's.
(Everyone stands and can sing a favorite carol. )