InsaneScouter - Totem Pole - Calling the Role, Indian Style - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Totem Pole - Calling the Role, Indian Style

At the first of the month, each den is issued a box or round carton that is to be decorated in some fashion to denote their den - designs, faces, feathers, bells, etc.   Be sure to include the den number.  This will take some planning on the den's part, let the boys give their ideas.  The totem should be closed top and bottom with a center hole on both sides to slide on the support pole at the pack meeting.

At the pack meeting the Cubmaster, wrapped in a blanket, calls each den to come forward and add their den totem to the colorful pole.  A broomstick or dowel stick with a sturdy, weighted base should be available to keep the stack of totems secure and in order.

Cubmaster: Den                                 , are your Cub Scout braves in attendance at this council circle?"

Response:  "We are."

Cubmaster: "Then come forward and place the den's totem on the pole."

(One or all go forward.  Return to places in the circle.  Cubmaster continues to call the dens forward until all have reported and added the den's totem.)

Cubmaster: "All of our sub-tribes have gathered here.  Let the council begin as the sun journeys over the edge of the world."



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders