InsaneScouter - The Candles Of Friends - Ceremonies Cub Scout

The Candles Of Friends



EQUIPMENT: 13 yellow taper candles (drip guards are optional but help a lot), 1 larger column candle (1" by 6" or larger) in a candle holder. The larger candle should be center stage on a small table with 13 Cub Scouts, each with a yellow taper, in a semi-circle around the larger candle. The larger candle is lit before the first Cub begins his lines. The first Cub steps forward to the table and lights his candle and says his line. He then lights the candle of the second cub who then speaks his line. The flame is passed in this manner until all 13 Cubs hold lighted candles.

1st CUB: We light the candles of Friendship.

2nd CUB: These are the symbols of our promise as Cub Scouts.

3rd CUB: Our flames are small and burn steady and bright.

4th CUB: We light them with thoughts of friendship glowing and steadily burning in our hearts.

5th CUB: We watch the glowing flames with hopeful hearts, for children here and abroad that they may enjoy all the rights of the child.

6th CUB: For the Founder of all Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell.

7th CUB: For the Founders of American Scouting: Ernest Seton, Daniel Beard, William Boyce, and James West.

8th CUB: For the "unknown Scout" whose helpful deed brought Scouting to the United States.

9th CUB: This candle is for the hope of peace in every land.

10th CUB: This one is for service to our Country.

11th CUB: For all Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts wherever they may be tonight.

12th CUB: For the Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Motto.

13th CUB: For the Cub Scout Promise we make as Cub Scouts together.

ALL CUBS: Join with us as we renew our Cub Scout Promise.

I promise to Do MY BEST

To do my DUTY to GOD and my COUNTRY

To HELP other people, and

To OBEY the Law of the Pack."



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