Greetings To Everyone


ARRANGEMENT: This ceremony is introduced by the den chief (the leader if no den chief), who explains that the audience is to respond by doing as the boys say. The boys hold up cards that spell out the word G-R-E-E-T-I- N-G-S. Each exposes his card as he speaks his line.

G Glad to see you here tonight.

R Reach out your hand to a friend left or right.

E Everyone smile and shake his hand,

E Everybody smile and nods at another friend.

T Together now, stand up on your feet,

I   I'd like for you all to take your seat.

N Now that we're all friends, we'll start the show

G Goodwill is a feeling we all like to know.

S So now we say greetings to everyone. We've tried to spread goodwill and that we have done. So Cubmaster(name), our program's begun! (This last boy motions for Cubmaster to come forward) 

Boys with cards remain on stage; Cubmaster has lights dimmed; color guard advances, present colors, leads Pledge of Allegiance, posts colors, and retreats. Boys with cards follow the color guard off stage.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders