Personnel: 7 Cub Scouts, Denner or Leader and 2 color guards for flag on stag or at the front.
Equipment: U.S. Flag, pack flag, stands. A-M-E-R-I-C-A should be cut from cardboard or painted on cards (some red, some white, and some blue.)
Setting: As each Cub Scout recites his line , his letter is held or tacked up to spell A M E R I C A.
Cub 1: “A” is for ALL people in our land.
Cub 2: “M” is for MEN who helped build, so grand.
Cub 3: “E” stands for EQUALITY of race, color and creed.
Cub 4: “R” is RESPECT for all people’s need.
Cub 5: “I” is for IDEAS - new ways to know your neighbor.
Cub 6: “C” stands for CARING and sharing in labor.
Cub 7: “A” is the ALLEGIANCE we should feel for our land.
All: (together) Let us now stand and pledge it with heart and with hand.
(Denner or Leader leads the Pledge of Allegiance.)