Personnel: 6 Cubs and a narrator
Equipment: Each Cub hold a picture or drawing of a tree with his section of text on the back.
Cub 1: Did you ever pause to think about how helpful a tree is?
Cub 2: It provides a nesting place for birds, shade from the sun, and protection from the rain.
Cub 3: It discards its dead branches, thus providing wood for building fires and for cooking food.
Cub 4: A tree adds beauty to the countryside and to camping areas.
Cub 5: We must admit that a tree gives a lot more than it receives.
Cub 6: We can learn a lesson from the tree, by doing our best to always be helpful to others and by putting our fellow Scouts first and ourselves second.
Narrator: Remember the lesson we learn from the tree - To give to others more than we receive.