Water Fun College 101


CUBMASTER resumes position in front of the pack meeting audience, rubs his plastic water pistol fondly before setting it down, lays down his beach towel after wiping away the same imaginary drops of water.

CUBMASTER: Well we've come to the end of another deliciously delightful pack meeting. In planning a successful activity for Cub Scout-age boys, there are five essential ingredients to include...

• First is ACTION. Boys find it impossible to sit and do nothing. Action makes everything much easier. Tonight we had ACTION!

• Second is SOMETHING TO WATCH. Watching and helping celebrate another’s accomplishments and hard work is one of the best ways to have fun watching.

• Third is having SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. It's fun for Cub Scouts to hear adults telling

stories and fun for them to do things that are worth talking about later. I think we accomplished that tonight!

• Fourth is SOMETHING TO LAUGH AT. We all need to enjoy laughter and sharing funny experiences is one of the best ways to do that. Did we succeed with laughter?

• Fifth is SOMETHING TO HELP WITH. Parents, leaders, and family members get involved in helping Cub Scouts move along their trail toward Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and the Arrow of Light. But just in case you missed out on helping this week, we have one more chance, as we have our retiring of the Colors, you can help with the cleanup!

Oh, and just in case you would like to learn more about the molecular properties of water, come back next week, same time and place, and I'll ... (loud groans from audience members and Den Leaders).

Huh, nobody interested? Oh well...



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders