PERSONNEL: 5 Cub Scouts and Cubmaster
EQUIPMENT: 5 Index cards with a script written on each, US Flag, and Pack Flag.
Flags are already in the front and each Cub Scout enters from the side one at a time and reads his script.
1st Cub: December is a fun time of the year. It is a time for giving and sharing.
2nd Cub: As we gather for the last Pack meeting for 199_, let us remember the good times.
3rd Cub: Let us end this year with new determination to keep the Cub Scout Spirit going.
4th Cub: As we begin our program tonight, let us keep in mind the true Holiday Spirit.
5th Cub: Remember, to give of yourself is more important than any gift you can buy.
Cubmaster: Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.