InsaneScouter - Why Ceremonies Are Important - Ceremonies

Why Ceremonies Are Important

Why Ceremonies Are Important


Ceremonies are important for many reasons, the most important being that boys like them. The boys like to participate in them to receive recognition. Ceremonies are also important for recognition of leaders, for achievements, for special occasions and holidays. 

Ceremonies help to teach the ideals and goals of Scouting and citizenship. They can help to promote participation of family, which is very important as Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program. Ceremonies also help maintain order in meetings when properly used.

It is important to remember to keep ceremonies simple so there won't be too much for the boys to memorize, yet use as many boys as possible. Do you remember the best ceremony you ever saw? The worst? Was it the first or the last ceremony you remember? Were you on the receiving or giving end of the ceremony? If you could answer any of these questions you already know the importance of ceremonies. If not, then this section will be of great help when you are called upon to give a ceremony.

Most people take ceremonies in our lives for granted, especially if they are a spectator and not a participant. In Scouting we cannot take ceremonies for granted. Ceremonies take planning and effort to perform a good one. If they are done badly or not at all an important part of the program is lost. Imagine how you would feel if you worked hard and long to earn a badge, and it was just given to you with nothing, really nothing else. Now, image if that happened to a young Cub Scout who finally after a great struggle, earned his Wolf badge, his very first earning of anything. Put your imagination to work again and think how it would look if this Cub Scout and his parents were called up in front of the entire pack and all the other parents. Imagine the Cubmaster dressed as a King knighting the boy to the Royal Order of the Wolves. The Committee Chairman reads aloud the many challenges the boy overcame and calls him "Sir Knight." His parents receive the badge on a ribbon from a satin pillow to pin on his chest. The entire audience stands and gives him a standing ovation. Can you see that smile on that boy's face, the feeling of pride in his chest? Can you now see the importance of recognizing each and every Cub Scout for his accomplishments with an appropriate ceremony?

Cub Scouts will remember their awards and how they were recognized for earning them. The presentation ceremonies are important to all, especially to the Cub Scouts. It is their time to shine in their glory. The badge is important to the Cub Scout because it is a symbol to show others what he has done. But a little creative imagination going into how he receives his badge will have long lasting benefits. Not only will that Cub Scout remember but every Cub Scout in the audience will also. There will be excitement and inspiration for all to work for their next badge because who knows what might happen then?

The most important occasion in the life of a Cub Scout is his graduation into Boy Scouts. This event, above all, should have a lasting impression on all concerned, especially the graduating Cub Scouts. This should be very special, the best you can do. Don't underestimate the importance of ceremonies, especially this one.

Some of the reasons for having ceremonies are:

  • To establish a regular plan to present awards as soon as possible after they are earned.
  • To provide high points in the a size="3">To focus attention on the accomplishments of Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts by awarding badges and recognizing parents at the same time.
  • To give special recognition to Cub Scouts and parents for recruiting, service projects and special activities.
  • To honor pack leaders by recognizing Den Chiefs, Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Den Leader Coach, Webelos Leaders, and pack committee members.
  • To make visitors and guests welcome by including them as a part of the pack program.
  • To provide an opportunity to present the Purposes of Cub Scouting in a dramatic and lasting manner.
  • To promote parent participation by helping explain the parents' role in Cub Scouting and creating parent interest.
  • To improve the program by marking a beginning and an end place.
  • To help develop the theme of the month.

1997 Illowa Pow Wow Book


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