ARRANGEMENT: Cub Scouts line up with posters as indicated and read their parts.
DEN CHIEF: Wheels, wings, and rudders make many things go. And for the month of (name of month), it is our theme you know.
CUB #1: (Wheels) Henry Ford was an important man, he really took us far. Our thanks to Mr. Ford, he helped invent the car.
CUB #2: (Wings) Lindberg was a man whom we've all read about. He flew a plane that made the world really jump and shout.
CUB #3: (Rudders) Robert Fulton did his part in making something grand. The steamship made him famous all across the land.
DEN CHIEF: Wheels, Wings, and Rudders have helped our country grow. So let us now salute the flag, we're a nation on the go.