In the movie “Toy Story,” an action figure named Buzz Lightyear became a hero. But at the beginning of the movie, Buzz did not act much like a hero. He acted more like a show-off, always thinking he was better than all the other toys because he could fly. It took a few hard bumps for Buzz to realize that he could not fly and that he was just another toy. That was a sad discovery, but it led to a much happier one. Buzz learned that when a person makes an extra effort to help a friend, then that person is a hero. Buzz rose out of his own disappointment and fear to help save his friend Woody from disaster. That’s the way it is with us, too. We might never be able to fly off into space and save a galaxy, but if we learn how to be trustworthy and loyal to the people who depend on us, then we are heroes in the deepest sense of the word