Cast: Narrator, 10 Cubs
Props: 1 large kettle, 1 American flag, 1 large wooden spoon, 1 table or tripod, strips of red, white & blue crepe paper.
Curtains opens: The narrator stands behind a kettle, stirring with a wooden spoon. An American flag is concealed inside the kettle. For more effect, put a piece of dry ice in a cup in the kettle. Each Cub steps forward and adds an ingredient.
Narrator: Tonight we commemorate the American Flag that was adopted by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777, as a symbol of our independence from Great Britain. As an American, what special ingredient would you add?
Cub #1: (sifts confetti inside kettle): SIFT together the freedoms of religion, speech, and the press.
Cub #2: ADD I cup of courage to stand by your convictions.
Cub #3: STIR in a generous amount of bravery in memory of our American soldiers.
Cub #4: SPRINKLE in loyalty for our country.
Cub #5: Season with a mixture of all colors and creeds.
Cub #6: MIX in peace, love, and happiness for the brotherhood of man.
Cub #7: Fold in opportunity for education for all people.
Cub #8: Add an abundance of rolling countryside, city skylines, sprawling deserts, and fields of corn.
Cub#9: Blend with spacious skies, majestic mountains, and shining seas.
Cub #10: Combine this mixture with 50 states and simmer slowly for 120 years.
NARRATOR: Ladies and Gentlemen, our recipe for FREEDOM! (narrator pulls out the flag from the bottom of the kettle.) Please rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.