EQUIPMENT: Artificial campfire. Stick for each one in the ceremony.
ARRANGEMENT: All boys dressed in Indian costume, (and families, if they wish to participate), carrying a stick to add to the campfire. Lights dimmed. All participants divide into four groups, each in a corner of the room.
CUBMASTER: (Dressed as Indian Chief) Let the North Wind enter. (All those in the North corner of the room enter; place their sticks on the campfire and sit beside the campfire). As they enter, the boys from the North corner of the room say...
NORTH WIND: The North Wind that brings the cold, builds endurance.
CUBMASTER: South Wind, enter. (All those from the South corner enter, and place their sticks on the campfire, then sit down.) As they enter they say...
SOUTH WIND: The South Wind brings the warmth of friendship.
CUBMASTER: East Wind, enter. (Boys and others from the East do the same as North & South Winds.)
As they enter, they say.
EAST WIND: The East Wind brings the light of day.
CUBMASTER: West Wind, enter. (All those from the West, do the same as North, South - and East
Winds.) As they enter, they say...
WEST WIND: The West Wind from the direction where the sun sinks, brings night and stars.
CUBMASTER: The Four Winds will light our council fire. (Plugin campfire).