During the meeting have distributed to all adults small birthday type candles
Group of Scouts to one side - (They will repeat the Cub Scout Promise later)
Boy with a lit candle and parents come forward to Cubmaster.
LEADER: (name), I see you enjoyed your first pack meeting tonight. You carry with you the spirit of Cub Scouting. Would you like to join our pack?
BOY: Yes, I would like to become a Cub Scout.
PARENTS: Yes, (name), would make a fine Cub Scout.
LEADER: we would be very pleased to have him join our pack. However, if your son is to receive a quality Cub Scout program we need help from the parents as pack and den leaders and as pack committee persons.
DAD: I can't help! I work. You'll have to ask somebody else.
MOM: I can't help! I have housework. You'll have to ask somebody else.
LIGHTS OUT...........
LEADER: There's a clever young fellow named somebody else. There's nothing this fellow can't do...
He's busy from morning 'till way late at night. Just substituting for you. You're asked to do this or asked to do that, And what is your ready reply? "Get Somebody else", Mister Cubmaster, "I know He'll do it much better than I."
There's so much to do in our scouting, so much and the workers are few... And somebody else is getting weary and worn Just substituting for you.
So next time you're asked to do something worthwhile, Just five then this reply: "If somebody else can give time and support You bet your last dime so can i."
(Pack leaders & committee should be ready to come forward)
LEADER: To give our sons a meaningful Cub Scout experience we need somebody else - A small group of parents can not do it themselves.
LEADER: The Cub Scout Spirit Burns dimly in the boy's hand and heart.
(Committee Chairman comes forward and lights candle)
(Pack committee come forward and light their candles)
(Pack and Den Leaders come forward and light their candles)
LEADER: The Cub Scout spirit now burns brightly. This shows us that starting with only a small candle, like a small group of concerned parents, when all are working together the cub scouting experience glows and fills the room... and everyone does only a small part.
SCOUTS: Repeat the Cub Scout promise.
LEADER: The Cub Scout promise reminds us "to help other people" do we know a better way to teach our boys the meaning than by our example?
LIGHTS ON...........
LEADER: Recruit for needed positions right then. Have an assistant placed at a registration table.