Cubmaster: Enter pack meeting room in a long laboratory coat over slacks that are easy to remove, holding a clipboard, and carrying a briefcase. (Wearing socks and slip-on shoes, the Cubmaster has on Beach clothes under the lab coat.)
Cubmaster: Welcome to our Water 101 college pack meeting. I am Professor Cubmaster and I hope that you are all prepared to listen closely and take notes. We are here today to learn about a very important substance, H2O, otherwise known as water. Now the first thing we will study is the molecular structure.
Pack Committee Chair: (Runs in to interrupt Cubmaster.) Excuse me, Professor Cubmaster, but tonight's pack meeting is Water Fun, not Water 101.
Cubmaster: Oh, but I'm sure my secretary told me about a Water 101 lecture I was to give today. Consults pocket calendar.) How embarrassing. That's next week. Luckily, every good Scouter comes prepared for nearly everything. Excuse me for a moment. (Cubmaster turns around, opens his briefcase, sheds his lab coat and loose slacks, and reveals self dressed in beach-going gear. Pulls a beach towel, snorkel, and fins from the briefcase. Steps into sandals or thongs and—as the piece de resistance – pulls out a water pistol and fires off a few squirts to the audience.) Tonight Water Fun, and we are going to have fun! Who's ready to join me in that???