Good night Scouts
Good night . . . Scouts, good night . . . Scouts Good night . . . Scouts, we're going to leave you now. Merrily we Scout along, scout along, scout along. Merrily we Scout along, on the Scouting trail. Farewell, . . . Scouts . . ...
Scout Camp
. . . Scout Camp, . . . Scout Camp The busses that you ride in, they say are mighty fine, But when they turn a corner, they leave the wheels behind.ChorusI don't want to go to . . . Scout Camp. Gee, Mom, I want to ...
A Balancing Elephant
An elephant stood on the web of a spider. She felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter. Along came her friend. She called to invite her. Two elephants stood on the web of a spider. Two elephants stood on the web of a spider. They felt it was strong, ...
A Boys Eyes
"I'd like to be a Cub Scout" His eyes were the deepest blue. "I'd like to learn, and play, and build Like Jim and Freddy do." "I know how to use a hammer; I can drive a nail if I try. I'm eight years old, I'm big and strong ...
A Cub Scouts Smile
(Tune: When Irish Eyes are Smiling) When Cub Scouts all are smiling Sure it’s like a morn in spring For a mid their joy and laughter You can hear the music ring. When all the pack is happy and the night seems bright and gay, With that fine Cub Scouting ...
A Freezing Tent
A freezing tent, a freezing tent, The rain is coming down in a freezing tent. A freezing tent, a freezing tent, The rain is coming down in a freezing tent. Wet blankets, wet blankets, The rain is coming down in a freezing tent. Wet blankets, wet blankets, The rain is ...
A Grace
For food, friends, and fellowship. We thank Thee, Lord. Por sus-ten-to y amis-tad, Gra-cias Senor. ...
A Great Big Sea Hove In Long Beach
A great big sea hove in long beach. Right foloral taddle diddle Ido A great big sea hove in long beach, And Granny Snooks, she lost her speech. To me right, fol diddy fol dee.Oh, dear mother, I wants a sack. Right foloral taddle diddle Ido Oh, dear mother, ...
A Hiking Song
Pack up your luncheon in your brown knapsack And hike, hike, hike. Take all you need upon your own strong back Wander where you like. Leave the road to motor cars, The sidewalks to the bikes-but . . . Pack up your luncheon in your brown knapsack And hike, hike, ...
A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
When you hear dem bells go ding, aling, aling All join 'round and sweetly you must sing And when the verse am through, in the chorus all join in There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight ...
A Laugh Provoker
It isn't any trouble Just to s-m-i-l-e, It isn't any trouble just to s-m-i-l-e, If ever you're in trouble It will vanish like a bubble, If you only take the trouble just to s-m-i-l-e.Second verse:-------------------- G-r-i-n-grin.Third verse:--------------------- G-i-giggle-e.Fourth verse:----------------------- L-a-u-g-h.Fifth verse:------------------- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.It isn't any trouble, T'-READ! the B-I-B-L-E. It ...
A Legend In My Time id Be
If heartaches brought fame In love's crazy game, I'd be a legend in my time. If they gave gold statuettes For tears and regrets, I'd be a legend in my time. But they don't give awards, And there's no praise or fame For a heart that's been broken Over ...
A Little Guy Called Joe
In a war torn land of poverty, Somewhere across the sea, There's a little guy who's waiting, And he looks a lot like me. His hair is like the Raven's, Or the wings of a Crow, I don't know what they named him, But I'm sure they named him ...
A Place To Stand
Give us a place to stand And a place to grow And call this land Ontario A place to live. For you and me With hopes as high As the tallest tree Give us a land of lakes and a land of snow And we will build Ontario A ...
A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam, A ram sam sam Goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li ram sam sam A ram sam sam, A ram sam sam Goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li ram sam sam A ra-vi A ra-vi, goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li goo-li ram sam sam A ra-vi A ra-vi, goo-li ...
A Sailor Went To Sea
Chorus:A sailor went to sea sea sea To see what he could see see see, But all that he could see see see Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea.Oh, Helen had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. When Helen went to heaven, the steamboat ...
A Salute To Leaders
We thank you all our leaders, But we know we bring you joy, For each and every week we send To you our quiet boys; Alone they're very silent But together quite a noise, And the troops go marching on.Chorus: Thank you all for being leaders, Thank you all ...
A Scout Hymn
Grant us, O God, that in our youth We may learn duty, faith and truth And by our Promise and our Law Serve the great end our Founder saw. In brotherhood throughout the world May the Scout banner be unfurled; Let not our feet in sin be snared, Help us ...
A Scouters Smile
When Scouters all are smiling, Sure it's like a morn in spring For amid their joy and laughter You can hear the music ring. When all the crowd are happy And the night seems bright and gay, With that fine old Scouting spirit, Sure it wins you right away. ...
A Smile Is A Funny Thing
A smile is quite a funny thingIt wrinkles up your faceAnd when it's gone, you'll never find Its secret hiding place but far more wonderful it isTo see what smiles can doYou smile at one, she smiles at youAnd so one smile makes twoHe smiles at someone since you ...
A Training Course Song
We came up to (name your camp) Campsite, A Scouting course for to run, And once we arrived at the Campsite, We sure had a whole lot of fun.Chorus:Camping, Camping, it's good to be camping again, again. Camping, Camping, it's good to be camping again.The tents were erected quite quickly, ...
A White Sport Coat
A white sport coat and a pink carnation; I'm all dressed up for the dance. A white sport coat and a pink carnation; I'm all alone in romance. Once you told me long ago To the prom with me you'd go. Now you've changed your mind, it seems; ...
A Woman Stood By The Churchyard Wall
A woman stood by the churchyard wall Ooh__________ Ahh__________ The woman she was gaunt and tall Ooh__________ Ahh__________ A corpse was being carried in Ooh__________ Ahh__________ The corpse was very pale and thin Ooh__________ Ahh__________ The worms crawled in and the worms crawled out Ooh__________ Ahh__________ In at ...
A Wooney Gooney
A wooney gooney cha a wooney A wooney gooney cha a wooney I, I, I, ippee I, I, anna I, I, I, ippee I, I, anna A wooney, A wooney, cheche! ...
A Wound Time Cant Erase
Have you found since you turned me down, The one that you were searching for. Are you glad that you made me sad, For you know I vowed to love you evermore.CHORUS: What did you have in mind, When you broke this heart of mine, Are you laughing ...
A Young Austrian
A young Austrian went yodelling on the mountain so high When along came a cuckoo bird, interrrupting his cry, yodel-ley-de Yodel-ley-de, Yodel-ley-de, cuckoo, cuckoo Yodel-ley-de, Yodel-ley-de, cuckoo, cuckoo Yodel-ley-de-o St.Bernard dog . . . Hahh, hahh (pant) Grizzly bear . . . Ahhh (fierce noise) Milking cow . . ...
A Youre Adorable
A - You're adorable B - You're so beautiful C - You're a cutie full of charms D - You're a darling, and E - You're exciting, and F - You're a feather in my arms G - You look so good to me H - You're so heavenly ...
A-de-a-de-a-de-o A wig wig wig wig waggly wo Clap your hands up in the sky Because ________ is flying high! A little louder! A little stronger! ...
At number three Old England Square, Mark well what I do say; At number three Old England Square, My Nancy Dawson she lives there: And I'll go no more a-roving With you, fair maid! CHORUS: A-roving, a-roving; since rovings been my ru-i-in, I'll go no more a-roving With you ...
Aardvarks Are My Friends
Aardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friendsAardvarks are my friends! ...
Abdul The Bulbul Ameer
The sons of the Prophet are hardy and bold And quite unaccustomed to fear- But of all, the most reckless of life or of limb Was Abdul, the Bulbul Ameer. When they wanted a man to encourage the van Or to shout "Hul-la-loo!" in the rear Or to storm ...
Abide With Me
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide; When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. I need Thy presence every passing hour What but Thy grace can foil tempter's power? Who like Thyself my guide ...
About A Quarter To Nine
The stars are gonna twinkle and shine This evening about a quarter to nine My lovin' arms are gonna tenderly twine Around you around a quarter to nineI know I won't be late 'Cause at half pat eight I'm gonna hurry thereI'll be waiting there the lane begins ...
Ach Von De Musica
(Caller) Ach von de musica (Everybody) Deutches Vaderlander (Caller) Ach von spieler (Everybody) Ach von spieler (Caller) Ich-en bee en zumba-za. (Everybody) Ich-en-bee-en zumba-za. CHORUS: Zumba, Zumba, Zumba-za etc. 2. Viola-la 3. Piccolo-la 4. Trumpet-ra (dat, drrat, drrat, dat, da) 5. Piano-la. ...
Acres Of Clams
I've wandered all over this country, Prospecting and digging for gold; I've tunnel'd, hydraulicked, and cradled, And I nearly froze in the cold. And I nearly froxe in the cold, And I nearly froze in the cold, I've tunnel'd, hydraulicked, and cradled, And I nearly froze in the cold. ...
Advancement Ceremonies 20407
ADVANCEMENT CEREMONIES 2 JUST FOR FIN FUN The boys love it when their parents or leaders take a part in the program. Celebrate July’s Fin Fun by having some of the adults perform this song, wearing swim goggles and flippers. Invite audience participation by passing out stick puppets of the ...

The fish it never cackles 'bout Its million eggs or so. The hen is quite a different bird, One egg--and hear her crow! The fish we spurn but crown the hen Which leads me to surmise, Don't hide your light but blow your horn, It pays to advertise! ...
African Boat Song
Zingo za-me, zingo zee-ah A-way, a-way, a-way. Zingo za-me, zingo zee-ah A-way, a-way, a-way. Bombaala ZIMA, bombaala ZIMA Bombaala ZIMA ZIMA ZIMA WEH-O-MAH. Bombaala ZIMA, bombaala ZIMA Bombaala ZIMA ZIMA ZIMA WEH-O-WAH. ...
After CubsBrownies
After the meeting's over After the Cubs/Brownies have gone After two hours of screaming After your voice is done Many a Leader's wilting And you can hear them all Sigh now the Cubs/Brownies have vanished Outside the hallAfter the Ball was Over After the ball was over After ...
After the Ball Was Over
After the ball was over, after the break of morn, After the dancers' leaving, after the stars are gone; Many a heart is aching, if you could read them all; Many the hopes that have vanished, after the ball.After the ball was over, she took out her ...
Aiken Drum
There was a man lived in the moon, Lived in the moon, lived in the moon. There was a man lived in the moon, And his name was Aiken Drum. Chorus: And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle, And he played upon a ladle, And his ...
Aint It Great To Be Crazy
Eli, Eli, he sells socks, a dollar a pair, a nickel a box The longer you wear them, the shorter they get And you put them in the water and they don't get wet. Chorus: Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy Boom boom ain't it great ...
Aint She Sweet
Ain't she sweet? See her coming down the street! Now I ask you very confidentially, ain't she sweet? Ain't she nice? Look her over once or twice Now I ask you very confidentially, ain't she nice? Just cast an eye in her direction Oh, me! Oh, my! Ain't that ...
Akela Were Assembled Here
Akela we're assembled here, Around the Council rock, About you glance and you will see The finest of your flock. Our promise once again we make That we will "Do our best" Right loyally we'll hunt with thee Thro' North, South, East and West. ...
Akelas Band
For I am the Akela of a jolly Wolf Cub Band Who, personally, I always think The finest in the land. In uniform upon parade They look so trim and neat, That I'm as proud, as proud can be, When we go down the street, Chorus: (Stepping along--a happy ...
Akelas Pack
We're a Pack of happy Cub Scouts Wolf, Bear, and Webelos. We'll eventually be Boy Scouts, As everybody knows. Don't you want to come and join us? Be with all the rest? Don't you want to be a Cub Scout? Come and Do Your Best! ...
Alabama Jubilee
You ought to see Mr. Jones when he rattles the bones, Old Colonel Brown foolin' round like a clown. Miss Virginia who is past eighty-three, Shoutin', "I'm full o' pep! [SPOKEN] Watch yo' step, watch yo' step" One legged Joe danced aroun' on his toe, Threw away his crutch ...
Alexanders Ragtime Band
Come on and here, come on and hear Alexander's Ragtime Band Come on and hear, come on and hear, it's the best band in the land They can play a bugle call like you never heard before So natural that you want to go to war That's the ...
Alice Blue Gown
In my sweet little Alice Blue Gown, When I first wandered down into town, I was both proud and shy As I felt every eye, but in ev'ry shop window I'd primp, passing by, Then the world seem'd to smile all around, Till it wilted I wore it, I'll always ...
Alice the Camel
Alice the camel has 10 humps, Alice the camel has 10 humps Alice the camel has 10 humps, so go, Alice, GO!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.[Continue with 9, 8, 7 . . . humps, until . . . ]Alice the camel has ...
Alive Alert Awake
I'm alive, altert, awake, enthusiastic alive, altert, awake, enthusiastic I'm alive, altert, awake, I'm awake, alert, alive, I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic! Actions: Alive: hands on your head Alert: hands on shoulders Awake: cross arms over chest Enthu-: hands on thighs -si-: clap -astic: snap with both hands Repeat ...
All About Dinosaurs
(Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb) The Tyrannosaurs was a mean ol' thing. Mean ol' thing, mean ol' thing. The Tyrannosaurs was a mean ol' thing, Cause he ate all the others. The Brachiosaurs lived in the water, Lived in the water, lived in the water. The Brachiosaurs lived in ...
All Earths Creatures
chorus:All earth's creatures got a place in the choir Some sing lower and some sing higher Some sing out loud on the telephone wire And some just clap their hands Or paws or wings or claws Or anything they got now.Listen to the bass its the one on ...
All Girl Guides
I don't know but I've been told, All Girl Guides are good as gold. I am one, and I say it's true, Guiding's great for me and you. Chorus: Sound off: 1, 2, Sound off: 3, 4. Bring it on down: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, - 3,4 ...
All Gods Creatures
Chorus:All God's creatures got a place in the choir Some sing low and some sing higher Some sing out loud on the telephone wire Some just clap their hands or paws or anything they've got now... Listen to the bass; he's the one on the bottom Where the ...
All I Have To Offer You Is Me
Before you take another step, There's something you should know, About the years ahead and how they'll be. You'll be living in a world, Where roses hardly ever grow, 'Cause all I have to offer you is me.CHORUS: There'll be no mansion waiting on the hill, With crystal chandeliers, ...
All My Lifes A Circle
All my life's a circle, sunrise and sundown The moon rolls through the night time Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle, but I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by.It seems like I've been here before, I ...
All Night All Day
All night, all day, (O Lordy) Angels watching over me, my Lord All night, all day, Angels watching over me Now I lay me down to sleep Angels watching over me, my Lord Pray the Lord my soul to keep Angels watching over me If I die before I wake ...
All Our Love Is Gone
Darkness lures you to the bar-room, And you don't return 'til dawn, Does the bright lights make you happier, Than what you've left at home. Does drinking kill your conscience, And turn your heart to stone, If it holds such powers over you, Then all our love is ...
All Pull Together
We'll all pull together Comrades, birds of a feather Happy Cubs, Snappy Cubs, Ready Cubs, Steady Cubs, Where'er you find us Adding our story, To our Pack's glory, For all of our, Pack are jolly proud To know they belong to the finest Cub Pack of them all. ...
All Round My Hat
All round my hat I will wear the green willow; All round my hat for a twelve month and a day; If anybody asks me the reason why, I wear it, It's all because my true love is far, far away. My love she was fair, and my love she ...
All The Boy Scouts
All the Boy Scouts love a campfire All the Boy Scouts love a hike. For there's something about a campfire That is just what all boys like. Hiking along with good companions, Cooking supper in the open air, Where they park their staff and rod, And they gather close ...
All The Nice Girls Love A Sailor
All the nice girls love a sailor, All the nice girls love a tar; For there's something about a sailor -- Well, you know what sailors are!Bright and breezy, free and easy, He's the ladies' pride and joy. Falls in love with Kate and Jane, Then he's off to ...
All Things Bright And Beautiful
CHORUS:- All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings.CHORUSThe purple-headed mountain, The river running by, The sunset ...
All Things Shall Perish
All things shall perish from under the sun All things shall perish from under the sun Music alone shall liveMusic alone shall live Never to die ...
All Through the Night
Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee, All through the night; Guardian angels God will send thee, All through the night. Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and vale in slumber sleeping, I my loving vigil keeping, All through the night.While the moon her watch is ...
All Together Again
We're all together again, we're here, we're here,We're all together again, we're here, we're here.And who knows when, we'll be all together again?Singing all together again, we're here!A ram, Sam, SamA ram sam sam, a ram sam sam, gooli gooli gooli gooli gooliram sam sam [Repeat.]Arra-tay arra-tay, ...
All You Etta
Chorus:All you etta, tell me all you etta.All you etta, tell me all you en.Did you ett your (ham) today?Yes, I ett my (ham) today.(Ham) today.(Ham) today.ChorusDid you ett your (potatoes) today?Yes, I ett my (potatoes) today.(Potatoes) today,(Potatoes) today.(Ham) today.(Ham) today. Ohhh. *Chorus.[Continue as previous verses.] ...
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluiaPraise ye the LordAllelu, allelu, allelu, alleluiaPraise ye the LordPraise ye the Lord, alleluiaPraise ye the Lord, alleluiaPraise ye the Lord, alleluiaPraise ye the Lord ...
chorus: Ah la la la la la la la lay luiaah la la la la la lay luiaah la la la la la la la lay luiaah la la la la la lay lay luiaSinging shake the hand of the person next to youshake the hand and sing alongshake the ...
Alligator 1
The alligator is my friend.He can be your friend too.If only you would understand,That he has feelings too!Chorus:Alligator! Alligator!Can be your friend.Can be your friend.Can be your friend, too.The alligator's happy and smiles.He never sings the blues.I'd rather have him as my friend,than wear him on my shoes.(chorus)The alligator ...
Alligator 2
Alligator! Alligator!Can be your friend, can be your friend, can be your friend tooThe alligator is my friend he can be your friend tooIf people would just understand that he needs friendship too!Alligator! Alligator!Can be your friend, can be your friend, can be your friend tooThe alligator ate my friend ...
Almost Persuaded
Last night all alone in a bar-room,Met a girl with a drink in her hand,She had ruby red lips, coal black hair,And eyes that would tempt any man.Then she came and sat down at my table,And she placed her soft hands in mine.I found myself wanting to kiss her,For ...
Alouette, gentille alouetteAlouette, je te plumeraiSolo: Je te plumerai la teteAll: Je te plumerai la teteSolo: Et la teteAll: Et la teteSolo: AlouetteAll: AlouetteAll: Oh alouette, gentille alouetteAll: Alouette, je te plumeraiContinue with:le basle frontle dos les yeuxles jambes le nezles pieds les dentsles pattes la barbele cou ...
Alouettesky, gentille alouetteskyAlouettesky, je te plumerai, HEY!Solo: Gentille plumerai la tetskyAll: Gentille plumerai la tetskySolo: Et la tetskyAll: Et la tetskySolo: AlouetteskyAll: AlouetteskyAll: Oh, alouettesky, gentille alouetteskyAll: Alouettesky, je te plumerai, HEY!Continue with:les yeuzauitchla nezakoffla bouchekales knees-a-knock-a-nitch ...
I've held it inward, but God knows I've tried,But it's an awful awakenin' in a country boys life,To look in the mirror in total surprise,At the hair on my shoulders, and the age in my eyes.CHORUS: Amanda, light up my life, They should have made you a gentleman's wife, Amanda, ...
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see.Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I ...
America My Country Tis of Thee
My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring. ...
America 1
O beautiful, For spacious skies, For amber waves of grain. For purple mountain's majesty Above the fruited plain. America, America God shed His grace on Thee And crown thy good With brotherhood From sea to shining sea ...
America 2
My country 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty.Of thee, I sing.Land where my father's died,Land of the pilgrim's pride,From every mountainsideLet freedom ring.My native country thee,Land of the noble free,Thy name I love;I love thy rocks and rills,Thy woods and templed hills,My heart with rapture thrillslike that above.Let music ...
America The Beautiful
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain.Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress, A thoroughfare for freedom beat, Across the wilderness. America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in ...
America America
America, America.How can I tell you how I feel?For you have given me many treasures.I love you so.Peace, peace; peace, peace.Wars may come, and wars will cease.We must learn to live with each other.Peace, peace, peace.Love, love, love, love.Love is the gospel of the world.Love your neighbor as ...
An Old Austrian Yodeller
An old Austrian Yodeller,On an mountain top high,Met up with an Avalanche,Interrupting his cry.Yo de le hi, Yo de le hi hi,I ....Shhh !Yo de le hi hi.(2) A shaggy dog - arf! arf!(3) A grizzly bear - grr! grr!(4) A milking cow - shh! shh!(5) A pretty maid ...
Angels From The Realms Of Glory
Angels, from the realms of glory;wing your flight o'er all the earth.Ye who sang creation's story,now proclaim Messiah's birth.* Chorus:Come and worship, come and worship,worship Christ, the newborn King.Shepherds, in the fields abiding;watching o'er your flocks by night.God with man is now residing,yonder shines the infant light. ...
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels we have heard on high,sweetly singing o'er the plains,and the mountains in reply echo back their joyous strains.Chorus:Gloria in excelsis Deo;gloria in excelsis Deo.Shepherds, why this jubilee?Why these songs of happy cheer?What great brightness did you see?What glad tidings did you hear?Come to Bethlehem and see Himwhose birth ...
There was a Ranger had a dog, and Angus was his name-us, A-N-G-U-S, A-N-G-U-S, A-N-G-U-S; and Angus was his name-us. George Hay Kain, III ( ...
Ants Go Marching
The ants go marching 1by 1 hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching 1by 1 hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching 1by 1 the little one stops to suck his thumb CHORUS: And they all go marching DOWN (where) to the Ground (why) to get out of the rain, BOOM, Boom, ...
Archeologist Song
(Tune: My Darling Clementine) In a canyon, in a cavern, Looking for a dinosaur, With a brand new pick and shovel I will go and dig some more. Chorus O my dino, O my dino, You are gone from off the earth. Extinction was our downfall Many years before my ...
Archeologist Song
Tune: My Darling Clementine In a canyon, in a cavern, Looking for a dinosaur, With a brand new pick and shovel I will go and dig some more. O my dino, O my dino You are from off the earth, Extinction was your downfall Many years before my birth. I'll ...
Archeologist Song
Tune: My Darling Clementine In a canyon, in a cavern, Looking for a dinosaur, With a brand new pick and shovel I will go and dig some more. O my dino, O my dino You are from off the earth, Extinction was your downfall Many years before my birth. I’ll ...
Astronomers Song
(Tune: Yankee Doodle) We've got our eyes upon the sky We watch the starts that shimmer, The sun and moon are friends of ours, We know their every glimmer. Keep your eyes upon the skies, Watch the twinkling stars, It's better than a TV show, By Jupiter and Mars. ...
Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my friend, For auld lang syne; We'll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne. ...
Auld Lang Syne
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, in days of auld lang syne?ChorusFor auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne; We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.And here's a hand, my trusty friend, ...
Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody, Go tell Aunt Rhody, the old gray goose is dead. - The one she's been saving, [Repeat twice more.] To make a feather bed.- She died in the mill pond, [Repeat twice more.] From standing on her head.- The ...
BP Spirit
I've got that B-P spirit right in my head, Right in my head, right in my head, I've got that B-P spirit right in my head, Right in my head to stay I've got that B-P spirit deep in my heart, I've got that B-P spirit all round my ...
Everyone stands in a circle. Everyone takes one step back and yells "B" ..... another step back and yell "R"..... another step back and yell "O" ..... "W" ..... "N" ..... "I" ..... "E" ..... "S"!! Then everyone squats down and jumps up yelling: "Yeah Brownies!" ...
Ba Ba Boom
We break the boys up between the younger and older. The oldest boys sing the ba,ba,ba, boom with deep voices. On a pad in a forest green ba,ba,ba boom Crazy Herman was surveying the scene ba,ba,ba boom Saw a farmer truck'n by, a rapping at his door. ...
Baby Beluga
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,Swim so wild and you swim so free.Heaven about you, sea below,Just a little white whale on the go.Baby beluga, baby beluga, is the water warm?Is your mother home with you, so happy.Way down yonder where the dolphins play,Where they dive and splash ...
Baby Beluga
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea, Swim so wild and you swim so free. Heaven about you, sea below, Just a little white whale on the go. Baby beluga, baby beluga, is the water warm? Is your mother home with you, so happy. Way down yonder where the dolphins ...
Baby Duck
Oh what a bit of luck That I was born a baby duckWith rubber socks and rubber shoes, I can waddle where I chooseQuack,quack,quack,quack,quack,quack,quack,quack. ...
Baby Face
Baby face You've got the cutest little baby face There's not another one can take your place Baby face My poor heart is jumpin' You sure have started somethin' Baby face I'm up in Heaven when I'm in your fond embrace I didn't need a shove 'Cause I just fell ...
Baby Sardine
A baby sardine saw her first submarine, She was scared and looked through the peephole, Oh come, come, come, said the sardines mum, It's only a tinful of people! Tra la la la, Tra la la la, Tra la la la, La la la la. ...
Back To Gilwell
I used to be a Beaver And a good old Beaver too, But now I've finished Beavering, I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, And I can Beaver no more. So I'm going to earn my ticket, if I can, Back to Gilwell happy land, happy ...
Backwards Song
Well I walked up the door and I opened the stairs Said my pajamas and I put on my prayers. Turned off the bed and jumped into the light All because he kissed me good night! Well, I woke up next morning and I scrambled my shoes Shined up an ...
Backyard Treasures
In the backyard, there are treasures, There are treasures all around, If I look hard in my back yard, All the treasures can be found. Found some pine cones and an anthill, And a toad all squashed and dead. I can hide them in my pocket, And I'll keep them ...
Found an honest man, found an honest man, Baden-Powell was his name, Started Scouting back in England, Which led to his fame. First came Boy Scouts, Then came Wolf Cubs, At first, their numbers were small, But they spread to other countries, Now we're several million all. When he died, ...
Badgered Woodbadger The
At Wood Badge camp I served a span As a junior helper to the clean-up man. I burned the garbage and I cleaned the bunks, And I chased through the forest after coons and skunks. Chorus: He chased through the forest after coons and skunks. I chased those critters with ...
Ballin The Jack
First you put your two knees close up tight Then you swing them to the left And you swing them to the right Step around the floor kind of nice and light And then you twist around and twist around With all of your might Stretch your lovin' arms way ...
You take a stick of bamboo You take a stick of bamboo You take a stick of bamboo You throw it on the water ah ah ah ah Hannah River she come down river she come down. You travel on the river You travel on the river You travel on ...
Banana Slug
You know I love my baby, Love the way that she hugs. Some people don't understand it, She's a banana slug. BA - NA - NA - NA -NA - NA - NA BA (clap)- NA (clap) - NA (clap) SLUG! She's got just one foot, She ain't got no ...
Banana The
Bananas of the World Unite (arms from hanging straight down go out to the side and up to a point above the head to form a banana) Peel banana, peel peel banana, Peel banana, peel peel banana (peel yourself) Shake banana, shake shake banana, Shake banana, shake shake banana (shake) ...
Bananas Coconuts and Grapes
I like bananas, coconuts, and grapes. [Repeat twice more.] That's why they call me: TARZAN OF THE APES!Sing three or four times: the first time loudly; the second time softly (except for the "Tarzan" part); the third time, whisper all but the "Tarzan" part; the last time, ...
Bananas Coconuts And Grapes
I like bananas, coconuts, and grapes I like bananas, coconuts, and grapes I like bananas, coconuts, and grapes That's why they call me: TARZAN OF THE APES! Sing three or four times: the first time loudly; the second time softly (except for the "Tarzan" part); the third time, whisper all ...
Band Played On The
Casey would waltz with the strawberry blond, and the band played on He'd glide 'cross the floor with the girl he adored, and the band played on His brain was so loaded it nearly exploded The poor girl would shake with alarm He married the girl with the strawberry curl, ...
Banks Of My Own Lovely Lee
How oft do my thoughts in their fancy take flight To the home of my childhood away, To the days when each patriot's vision seemed bright And I dreamed that these joys should decay. Then my heart was as wild as the wild winds that blow Down the Mardyke through ...
Banks Of The Hanky Panky
Down on the banks of the Hanky Panky, Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky, With a hee, hi, ho, hop, Leaps off a lily with a KERPLOP. ...
Out of my window looking in the night, I can see the barges flickering light. Silently flows the river to the sea, And the barges too go silently. Barges, I would like to go with you; I would like to sail the ocean blue. Barges, have you ...
Out of my window looking in the night, I can see the barges flickering light. Silently flows the river to the sea, As the barges do go silently.ChorusBarges, I would like to go with you, I would like to sail the ocean blue. Barges, have you treasure ...
Out of my window looking in the night, I can see the barges flickering light. Silently flows the river to the sea, And the barges too go silently. Barges, I would like to go with you; I would like to sail the ocean blue. Barges, have you treasures in your ...
Barney Song The
I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug . . . ...
Battered Elm Tree The
From out the battered elm tree The owl's cry we hear And from the distant forest The cuckoo answers clear Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo Mr. Moon, Mr. Moon your out too soon The sun is still in the sky Go back to bed and ...
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on.ChorusGlory, glory hallelujah! [Repeat twice more.] His ...
Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on. CHORUS Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory ...
Be A Good Scout
Be a good Scout, and always wear a smile, Be a good Scout, be cheerful all the while, It's the creed, yes indeed, that a Scout must practice gaily, Help those in need--do a Good Turn daily, Be a good Scout--be Loyal, Clean land brave, Never say die, just let ...
Be Kind To Your Scouting Friends
(Tune: Stars and Stripes Forever)Be kind to your Scouting friends, That's a pledge from one Scout to another. Be kind to your leaders today, 'Cause for helping they don't get any pay. Be kind to your neighbors and friends, 'Cause by caring you follow Scouting's letter. Scouting and friendship are ...
Be Kind To Your Scouting Friends
Be kind to your Scouting friends, That's a pledge from one Scout to another. Be kind to your leaders today, 'Cause for helping they don't get any pay. Be kind to your neighbors and friends, 'Cause by caring you follow Scouting's letter. Scouting and friendship are grand, And as we ...
Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends
Be kind to your web-footed friends For a duck maybe somebody's mother Who lives all alone in a swamp Where it's very cold and damp You might think that this is the end Well it's not caus' I know another stanza Be kind to your web-footed friends For that cop ...
Be Prepared 1
Boys will be boys, that's what the fables tell But is there a boy who does not enjoy The life of the woodsman bold. Boys will be boys--that's what the world has read But Scouts mean to show by their pluck and go That boys can Be men as well. ...
Be Prepared 2
Be prepared! That's the Boy Scout's marching song Be prepared! As through life, you march along Be prepared to hold your liquor pretty well Don't write naughty words on walls if you can't spell Be prepared! To hide that pack of cigarettes Don't make book if you cannot cover bets ...
Bear Song The
Leader: Group, echoing: The other day (The other day) I saw a bear (I saw a bear) A great big bear (A great big bear) A way up there (A way up there) Everyone: The other day I saw a bear A great big bear a way up there [Continue ...
Bear Went Over The Mountain The
The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see To see what he could see And all that he could see And all that he could see Was the other side of the mountain The ...
Bear The
The other day, (group repeats) I met a bear, (repeat) In tennis shoes, (repeat) A dandy pair. (repeat) The other day I met a bear. In tennis shoes a dandy pair. Continue with: He said to, "Why don't you run, Because you ain't, got any gun." And so I ran, ...
Beautiful Dreamer
Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee Sounds of the rude world heard in the day Lulled by the moonlight, have all passed away Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song List while I woo thee with soft melody Gone are the cares of life's busy ...
Beaver One Beaver All
Beaver Teeth: the first two fingers of each hand rather like 'quotes in the air', while making the 'beaver sound' - a kind of click with tongue/teeth - like calling a cat (!) but that's the best way to explain it - similar to 'tut, tut' sound that you make ...
Bed Is Too Small
Bed is too small for my tiredness Bring me a hilltop with trees Tuck a cloud up under my chin Wind, blow the moon out, please ...
There was a bee-i-ee-i-ee, Sat on a wall i-all-i-all, And he could sting i-ing-i-ing, And that's not all-i-all-i-all, There was a boy -i-oy-i-oy-i-oy, Who had a stick -i-ick-i-ick, He gave that bee-i-ee-i-ee, An awful lick i-ick-i-ick, And then that bee i-ee-i-ee Began to sting i-ing-i-ing He stung that boy i-oy-i-oy ...
Bee The
There was a bee-i-ee-i-ee, Sat on a wall-i-all-i-all, And he could buzz-i-uzz-i-uzz, And that is all-i-all-i-all. There was a boy-i-oy-i-oy, He had a stick-i-ick-i-ick, He gave that bee-i-ee-i-ee An awful lick-i-ick-i-ick. And then that bee-i-ee-i-ee, Began to sting-i-ing-i-ing, He stung that boy-i-oy-i-oy Like everything-i-ing-i-ing. And then that boy-i-oy-i-oy, Began to ...
Beetles And The Bedbugs The
I woke up Monday morning and looked upon the wall The beetles and the bedbugs were having a game of ball The score was six to nothing the beetles were a hit That knocked me out of bed Singing ennie meenie minnie moe Catch a wiggle worm by the toe ...
Bells Of St Marys
The bells of St. Mary's, I hear they are calling The young loves, the true loves, who come from the sea And so my beloved, when red leaves are falling The love bells shall ring out, ring out, for you and me ...
Bells of St Marys
The bells of St. Mary's, ah hear they are calling, The young loves, the true loves, who come from the sea. And so my beloved, when red leaves are falling, The love bells shall ring out, ring out, for you and me. ...
Beyond The Blue Horizon
Beyond the blue horizon Waits a beautiful day Goodbye to things that bore me Joy is waiting for me I see a new horizon My life has only begun Beyond the blue horizon Like a setting sun ...
Bi Ullamh
Bi Ullamh, be prepared That's our Girl Guide motto True to God and our land We'll forsake it never Our Girl Guide days will live on Will live on forever Duty-bound day and night Doing whatever we ought to ...
Bicycle Built For Two
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true, I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage; I can't afford a carriage, But you'll look sweet on the seat of a bicycle built for two. ...
Big Buffalo
Big buffalo come from mountain far, far away Big buffalo come from mountain far, far away Far, far away, hee hee hee! Far, far away, hee hee hee! Big buffalo come from mountain far, far away Actions: Big: arms out to each side as if measuring something large Buffalo: two ...
Bill Bailey Wont You Please Come Home
Won't you come home, Bill Bailey - Won't you come home? She moans the whole day long I'll do the cooking, honey, I'll pay the rent I know I've done you wrong Remember that rainy evening I threw you out With nothing but a fine-tooth comb? I know I'm to ...
Bill Grogans Goat 1
Boodliada Boodliada Bop, bop, bop. Bill Grogan's Goat Was feeling fine. Ate six red shirts Right off the line. Bill took a stick. Gave him a whack. And tied him to The railroad tracks. The whistle blew. The train grew nigh. Bill Grogan's Goat Was doomed to die. He gave ...
Bill Grogans Goat 2
Bill Grogan's goat (echo) was feeling fine (echo), Ate two red shirts (echo) right off the line (echo). I took a stick, gave him whack, And tied him to a railroad track. The whistle blew, the train grew nigh, Now that poor goat was doomed to die. He gave a ...
Billboard Song The
When I was walking down the street one bright and sunny day, I came across a billboard and what to my dismay, The sign was torn and tattered from the storm the night before, the wind and rain had done their job and this is what I saw: Smoke coca-cola ...
As I was walking down the street one dark and gloomy day, I came upon a billboard and much to my dismay, The sign was torn and tattered from the storm the night before, The wind and rain had done it's work and this it what I ...
As I was walking down the street one dark and gloomy day, I came upon a billboard and much to my dismay, The sign was torn and tattered from the storm the night before, The wind and rain had done their work and this is what I saw: "Smoke Coca-Cola ...
Billy Boy
Oh, where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy, Oh, where have you been, charming Billy? I have been to seek a wife, She's the joy of my life, She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother. Did she bid you to come in Billy boy, Billy boy, Did ...
Farmer Brown, he had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o! B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name-o! alternate chorus: B with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name-o! ...
Bingo Was His Nameo
There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name-o' B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o.Sing song through six times, the first time just spelling out the name BINGO; second time, clap the 'B' and spell out the last four letters; third time, ...
Birdie 1
Way up in the sky The big birdies fly While down in the nest The little bird's rest With a wing on the left, And a wing on the right, The sweet little birdies sleep all through the night Up comes the bright sun The dew goes a-way Good morning, ...
Birdie 2
Birdie birdie in the sky Why'd you do that in my eye I won't worry I won't cry I'm just glad that cows don't fly ...
Birds In The Wilderness
Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, Birds in the wilderness, Birds in the wilderness, Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, Waiting for our eats, Waiting for our eats, Waiting for our eats, Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, Waiting for our eats. ...
Birds of a Feather
We are birds of a feather, London Town is our home. To all birds of a feather, Where so ever we roam. Get your wavelength on the air, We're going to shout, "LONDON" calling, Listen to our Greetings ringing out, to Birds of a feather, and the wide wide world. ...
Early in the morning (echo) When I'm fast asleep (echo) I hear a little birdy That goes cheep cheep Now this little birdy Has a funny name It... was... Auga flauga feega flooga,ishga nauga neega nooga auga flauga feega flooga birdy ...
Birth Of The Blues
They heard the breeze in the trees Singing weird melodies And they made that The start of the Blues And from a jail came the wail Of a downhearted frail And they played that As part of the Blues From a whippoorwill out on a hill They took a new ...
Bits Of Paper
Bits of paper! Bits of paper! Lying around, lying around. Make a place untidy! Make a place untidy! Pick them up, pick them up. ...
Black Crow Spirit
Black Crow spirit in the happy hunting ground, Black Crow spirit in the happy hunting ground, Black Crow spirit in the happy hunting ground, Ever so far away. Hi, hi, hi waffa, mini, mini ha-ha, Hi, hi, hi waffa every so far away. (As you repeat the song drop the ...
Black Socks
Black Socks, they never get dirty The longer you wear them the blacker they get Someday I think I must wash them, but something keeps telling me Don't do it yet, Not yet, Not yet, not yet . . . ...
Black Socks
Black socks, they never get dirty. The more that you wear them, the stronger they get. Someday, I think I will change them; But something inside me keeps saying not yet, not yet, not yet . . .[Typically sung as a round.] ...
Black Velvet Band
Her eyes they shine like the diamonds You'd think she was Queen of the land And her hair hung over her shoulder Tied up with a black velvet band As I went walking on Broadway Not tending to stay very long I met with a quarrelsome damsel As she came ...
Blair Atholl Song The
Here in the heart of Scotland, Nature's glories never cease. Amid the soft green hills of Pertshire, We have known Blair Atholl's peace. Haste ye back, haste ye back, Haste ye back and don't forget Happy days here at Blair Atholl, May God bless our Jamborette. We have clasped our ...
Blaydon Races
Aa went to Blaydon Races, 'Twas on the ninth of June, Eighteen hundred and sixty-two on a summer's afternoon, Aa tyuk the bus fra Balm-bra's and she was heavy laden, Away we went along Collingwood Street that's on the road to Blaydon. CHORUS:- Oh! me lads, ye shud a'seen us ...
Bless This House
Bless this house, bless this bread Come oh Lord and sit with us May our hearts grow with peace Come with your love and surround us Friendship and love may they bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Bless our friends, bless us all Bless all [ . . . ...
Bless This House
[Tune: Eidelweiss]Bless this house, bless this bread, Come oh Lord and sit with us. May our hearts grow with peace. Come with your love and surround us. Friendship and love may they bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Bless our friends, bless us all, Bless all [ . . ...
Blow The Man Down
Come all you young fellows who follow the sea With a way, hey blow the man down Please pay attention and listen to me Give me some time to blow the man down There are tinkers and tailors, shoemakers all With a way, hey blow the man down They've all ...
Blow Ye Winds
Oh, a ship was all rigg'd and ready for sea, And all of her sailors were fishes to be.ChorusSo, blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow. We're bound for the south'ard, so steady she goes.Oh, first came the herring, the kind of the sea, He jumped on the ...
Blow Ye Winds 1
CHORUS: Blow ye winds of morning, and Blow ye winds, heigh-ho! Haul away your running gear, and blow, blow, blow! Tis advertised in Boston town, New York, and Buffalo Five hundred brave Americans, A Whaling for to go, singing CHORUS: They send you to New Bedford fair, That famous whaling ...
Blow Ye Winds 2
Oh, a ship was all rigg'd and ready for sea And all of her sailors were fishes to be. So, blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow We're bound for the south'ard, so steady she goes Oh, first came the herring, the kind of the sea He jumped on the poop, ...
Blowing In The Wind
How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand How many times must the cannonballs fly Before they're forever banned Chorus: The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind, The ...
Blue Skies
Blue skies smiling at me Nothing but blue skies do I see Bluebirds singing a song Nothing but blue skies all day long Never saw the sun shining so bright Never saw things going so right Noticing the days hurrying by When you're in love, my how they fly Blue ...
Blue Springs
I wish I was in the land of Blue Springs; Old times there are not forgotten, Take me back, take me back, Take me back, to Blue Springs land. In Blue Springs land, where I was trained; Knowledge, friends, I truly gained; Take me back, take me back Take me ...
Bluetail Fly
When I was young and used to wait On master and hand him his plate Pass down the bottle when he got dry And brush away the Blue-Tail fly Jimmy crack corn and I don't care Jimmy crack corn and I don't care Jimmy crack corn and I don't care ...
Boa Constrictor
I'm bein' eaten by a boa constrictor, a boa constrictor, a boa constrictor, I'm bein' eaten by a boa constrictor, And I don't like it a bit. Oh no! He's got my toe. Oh gees! He's up to my knees. Oh my! He's got my thigh. Oh peanut butter and ...
Bonhomme! Bonhomme, bonhomme, as-tu joue? As-tu joue les campers, la? Fun, fun fun, the campers, la! Bonhomme! (the cycle starts over again, with the verses getting longer and longer.) Other Verses: Leaders: nag, nag, nag, the leaders, la! Cooks: burn, burn, burn, the cooks, la! Sanitation: scrub, scrub, scrub, sanitation, ...
Boogie Woogie Washer Woman
Way down the road where nobody goes, There's a boogie-woogie washer woman washing her clothes, Scrub, scrub, here, scrub, scrub, there, Scrub those stains right out of there! She goes: scrub, scrub, a-boogie, a-woogie, Scrub, scrub, and a-boogie some more... She goes: scrub, scrub, a-boogie, a-woogie, Just a boogie-woogie washer ...
Boom Boom 1
Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Scouting? Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Outing? Camping, Hiking All day long, Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Scouting? Usually sung as a round ...
Boom Boom 2
Chorus: Boom, Boom, but it's great to be crazy, Boom, Boom, but it's great to be crazy, Giddy and foolish all day long, Boom, Boom, but it's great to be crazy. Akela, Akela, he sells socks, Ten cents a pair, and a dollar a box, The longer he wears them, ...
Boom Chicka Boom
I says a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.] I says a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.] I says a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]Uh-huh! [Group echoes.] On Yeah! [Group echoes.] This time! [Group echoes.] We sing! [Group echoes.] HIGHER!Each time a leader adds a different variation such as: LOWER, WHISPER, LOUDER, TONGUE-IN-CHEEK, SEXY, GROOVY (COOL). ...
Boom Chicka Boom
I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.] I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.] I said a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.] Uh-huh! [Group echoes.] On Yeah! [Group echoes.] This time! [Group echoes.] We sing! [Group echoes.] HIGHER! Each time a leader adds a different variation such as: LOWER, WHISPER, LOUDER, TONGUE-IN-CHEEK, SEXY, GROOVY (COOL). ...
Bottle Of Pop
One bottle of pop, two bottles of pop Three bottles of pop, four bottles of pop Five bottles of pop, six bottles of pop Seven, seven, bottles of pop, pop! ...
Boy And A Girl In A Little Canoe
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe And the moon is shining all around As they dipped their paddles they didn't even make a sound Well they talked and they talked till the moon went in And he said you better kiss me or get out and ...
Boy Scout Camp 1
Boy Scout Camp. Boy Scout Camp. The buses, they say they're really fine, But when they turn the corner they leave the wheels behind. I don't wanna go to Boy Scout Camp. Mo-o-om, I wanna go, back where the toilets flow. Mo-o-om, I wanna go ho-o-ome. The food, they say ...
Boy Scout Camp 2
They say at good ol' Pico the food is mighty fine Ev'ry time you eat it your life is on the line Chorus: Oh, I don't want no more of Boy Scout Camp Hey, ma, I wanna go But they won't let me go Hey, ma, I wanna go ho-o-ome ...
Boy Scouts Of America
We're the Boy Scouts of America Scouting for things anew. Our activities lead to victories in all, we set out to do. We're the Boy Scouts of America, We plan hand in hand each day To do better than need be done till all our goals are won champs with ...
Boy Scouts Together
(sung moderately slowly) Boy Scouts together, That is our song, Winding the old trails rocky and long. Learning our motto, living our creed, Boy Scouts together in ev'ry good deed. ...
Brain Boxer
With my hands on myself, Vas is das here? Das is my brain boxer Ya mamma dear. Brain boxer, brain boxer Dippy dippy doo. Dat's vat I learned In the school Yah vol! Additional Verses: Point to - Sing: Top of Head - Brain Boxer Forehead - Sweat Browser Eye ...
Brass Ring Song
I like to catch the brass ring on the merry go round The merry go round that's me I like to play croquet or embroider or crochet But I like to participate in my own way I like the hobby horse on the merry go round The one that goes ...
Bravo Bravissimo
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravissimo Bravo, Bravo, Jolly well done Bravo, Bravissimo Bravo, Bravissimo Bravo, Bravissimo, Jolly well done ...
Breton Fishermans Prayer
Protect me oh Lord for my boat is so small Protect me oh Lord for my boat is so small My boat is so small and your sea is so wide Protect me oh Lord ...
Bring Back My Neighbours To Me
Last night as I lay on my pillow Last night as I lay on my bed I stuck my feet out the window Next morning my neighbors were dead! Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my neighbors to me to me Bring back, bring back, Oh, bring back my ...
Bring Back My Spaceship to Me
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean I went for a ride in my spaceship The moon and the planets to see I went for a ride in my spaceship Now listen what happened to me.(Chorus) Bring back, bring back, Oh, bring back my spaceship to me, to me. Bring ...
Bringing Mary Home
I was driving down a lonely road a dark and stormy night When a little girl by the roadside showed up in my headlights I stopped and she got in the back and in a shakey tone She said my name is Mary please won't you take me home? She ...
Brownie Bells
Oh Lord our God Thy children call Grant us thy peace And bless us all Goodnight… ...
Brownie Flag Song
I am your Brownie Flag, Brownie Flag, Brownie Flag, I am your Brownie Flag, I am Brown and Gold. When you carry me, stand tall, You stand tall, We stand tall, When you carry me, stand tall, Never let me fall. ...
Brownie Friend Maker Song
Your Brownie hand in my Brownie hand, And my Brownie hand in your Brownie hand, Come along with me and sing along with me, Yes, I'll come along with you and sing along with you, Hi ho, friend makers all, Hand in hand's the Brownies style Hi ho, friend makers ...
Brownie Smile
There's something in my pocket That belongs across my face. I keep it very close to me, In a most convenient place. I bet you'll never guess it If you guess a long long while, So I'll take it out and put it on. It's a great big Brownie smile! ...
Brownie Song
We're the Brownies, here's our aim Lend a Hand and play the game. ...
We're The Brownies, Love To Play We Like Field Trips, They're Okay We Like Doing Crafts And Art Come Join Brownies, We Are Smart! ...
Bubblegum Song
My mommy gave me a looney To go and see Mulroney I did not see Mulroney I bought some bubblegum! Chorus: Nee-nee-nee-nee-nee bubblegum, Nee-nee-nee-nee-nee bubblegum, Nee-nee-nee-nee-nee bubblegum, I bought some bubblegum! My mommy gave me a quarter To go and pay the porter I did not pay the porter I ...
Bug Juice
At camp with the Boy Scouts They gave us a drink. We thought it was Kool-Aid, Because it was pink. But the thing that they told us Would've grossed out a moose, For that great tasting pink drink was really bug juice. It looked fresh and fruity, Like tasty Kool-Aid, ...
Bumble Bee
I'm bringing home a baby Bumble Bee Won't my Mommy be so proud of me? I'm bringing home a baby Bumble Bee Buzzy, buzzy, buzzy Oooooooo, He stung me. I'm bringing home a baby Rattle Snake Won't my Mommy really, really, shake I'm bringing home a baby Rattle Snake Rattle, ...
Now Gavin inspected the Eagles And afterward mentioned to me "Their campsite is utterly spotless" It sounded like bunkum to me Now Craig went to Boks for supper He said you make jolly good tea They said "It's not tea Craig it's soup Craig" It tasted like bunkum you see ...
Burn Care
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) For minor burns, we are told, Treat with water that is cold. A light cover keeps out air, A minor burn gets minor care. Major burns need medical potion, Never apply grease or lotion! “A clean dry cloth” is what they say And, “See ...
Buy Some Cookies
Up and down the neighborhood streets Girl Scouts sell their cookies Ringing doorbells, asking you, please Please buy some cookies! ...
Buzzard Song The
If I had the wings of a buzzard, a buzzard Into the woods I would fly, would fly There to remain as a buzzard, a buzzard Until the day that I die, I die? Oooh la la ooh la la ooh la la Repeat Oooh la la ooh la la ...
By Our Love
(Chant) We are one in the Spirit. We are one in the Lord. We are one in the Spirit. We are one in the Lord. {[And]} we pray that all unity might one day be restored. {[And]} they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they'll ...
By The Blazing Council Fires Light
By the blazing council fire's light We have met in comradeship tonight, Round about the whispering trees Guard our golden memories; And so, before we close our eyes in sleep, Let us pledge each other that we'll keep Scouting friendship strong and deep, 'Till we meet again ...
By The Light Of My Scout Flashlight
By the light of my Scout flashlight, Wish I could see, what it was that just bit my knee. Batteries, why-y did you fail me? The chance is slim, the chance is slight, I can last through the night, with my Scout flashlight. ...
By the Light of my Scout Flashlight
[Tune: By the Light of the Silvery Moon]By the light of my Scout flashlight, Wish I could see, what it was that just bit my knee. Batteries, why-y did you fail me? The chance is slim, the chance is slight, I can last through the night, with ...
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
By the light of the silvery moon I want to spoon To my honey, I'll croon love's tune Honey moon, keep a-shining in June Your silvery beams will bring love dreams We'll be cuddling soon By the silvery moon ...
Bye Bye Blackbird
Pack up all my cares and woe Here I go, singing low Bye-bye blackbird Where somebody waits for me Sugar's sweet, so is she Bye-bye blackbird No one here can love and understand me Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me Make my bed and light the light ...
California Here I Come
California here I come Right back where I started from Where towers of flowers bloom in the sun Each morning at dawning Birdies sing and everything A Sunkist miss said, "Don't be late" That's why I can hardly wait Open up that golden gate California, here I come ...
Call A Scout
When you're down and feeling blue CALL A SCOUT They'll know just what to do CALL A SCOUT If you're ever in a hurry Don't take the time to worry All you have to do is shout CALL A SCOUT! If you need a helping hand CALL A SCOUT They'll ...
Calliope The
1st part sings: Um-pah-pah 2nd part sings: Um-sss-sss 3rd part sings: Um-peep-peep 4th part sings: Um-tweedle-tweedle The rest of the group sings the melody of a suitable tune, such as "Daisy, Daisy," "East Side, West Side," "In the Good Old Summertime," or "The More We Get Together" ...
Camp Granada
Hello Mudda, hello Fadda, Here I am at Camp Granada. The camp is very entertaining, And they say we'll have some fun if it stops raining. I went hiking with Joe Spivy; He developed poison ivy. You remember Leonard Skinner; He got ptomain poisoning last night after dinner. All the ...
Camp Hinds Spirit
I've got that Camp Hinds spirit Up in my head, up in my head, up in my head I've got that Camp Hinds spirit up in my head And its up in my head to stay I've got that Camp Hinds spirit Deep in my heart, deep in my heart, ...
Camp Rivalry
Camp DeWitt (use your camp name here) is our home camp, Hidden Valley's (use rival camp here) way too damp! Rangers, Tots, Brownies, and Cadettes, (use the name of sections, levels, patrols cabins, etc.) Juniors (use your level, section or cabin, etc.) are the very best! ...
Camp Song The
Oh, give me my home With its comforts and foam, With a stove and a show'r and some lights; Where seldom at all do you trip up and fall, Where the stars are not needed for lights. Home! Give me my home! Without snakes and the ground's not so hard. ...
Camp Staff Lullaby
Over in Pine Acres, a day or so ago, I heard a camp staff moaning On his hand-held radio. His words, they had no meaning His voice was full of fear The echo of his screaming Was ringing in my ears. A tour at Treasure Valley, At summer camp am ...
Camp Staff Nightmare
CHORUS: And nothing's too good for the Camp Staff And nothing is just what we get, Campers get all the gravy, The Camp Staff, we get all the grits. McQuaid, he called me early one morning, My poor blood-shot eyes could not see. He said pack your bags and get ...
Camp Vesper Hymn
God of the night, the stars, the skies Catch o'er the fires, of day Be with us as the sunset dies, and colors fade away May incense from our campfires Bear our gratitude to you in prayer Most days begin with songs of birds And meadows bright with dew With ...
Camp Woolsey Song
Some call it fun and some may call it madness So come on along with us and forget your sadness Happy campers are we having fun 'neath the trees And when we are gone we'll be singing the song of... Chorus: Camp, Camp Woolsey Camp, Camp Woolsey Camp, Camp Woolsey ...
Campfire #1 (the whole group yells together, as loud as possible) We are campfire number one Number one, number one We are campfire number one Where is number two? If there are other campfires nearby, they should respond with Number 2, Number 3, etc... ...
Campfire Embers
The embers of the campfire are now slowly dying The birds in the treetops have gone to their nest, The stars twinkling o'er us, are now shining for us, O God of Nature, grant us now the perfect rest. ...
Campfire Reflections
We are gathered by the campfire's light, At the close of a very busy day, We've had fun and we've made friends The Scouting spirit has prevailed, We are gathered by the campfire's light. We will hike along the nature trails, Finding everything we can from A to Z, We'll ...
Campfire Song 2
Come 'round any old time And make yourself at home; Put your feet on the mantle shelf, Open the cupboard and help yourself; Now I don't care if your friends Have left you all alone, Rich or poor, just knock on the door And make yourself at home. ...
Campfire Trail The
There's a long, long trail a-winding Into the camp of my dreams; Where the evening campfire's glowing And the bright moonbeams; There'll be long, long months of waiting Until my dreams, all come true, 'Till the day when I'll be going down That old camp trail with you. ...
Campfires Burning 1
Campfire's burning, campfire's burning Put logs on, put logs on Higher higher, higher higher And build up the fire. ...
Campfires Burning 2
Campfire's burning, campfire's burning Draw nearer, draw nearer Campfire, Campfire Come sing and be merry. ...
Campfires Burning 3
Camp fire's burning, camp fire's burning, Draw nearer, draw nearer, In the gloaming, in the gloaming, Come sing and be merry. ...
Camping 1
Camping, camping, that's what we like to do Ev'ry summer, we're off for a week or two We never mind the weather As long as we're together But we don't approve of no room to move, In a hike tent that's built for two. ...
Camping 2
When we're camping, just camping In the warmth of the summer air We don't envy the rich, in their caravanettes For a caravan is cheating With hot water and central heating When we're camping, just camping With the light of the moon above Every summer you will find us With ...
Campin In The Rain
I'm campin' in the rain, just campin' in the rain. The tent and campfire are soggy again. The clouds in the sky are making me cry. My waterlogged shoes may never get dry. All the mud in the place is stuck on my face. The frogs and the turtles are ...
Camptown Races
De camptown ladies sing dis song, Doo-da, doo-da De camptown racetrack five miles long, Oh! Doo-da! Day! I come down dah wad my hat caved in, Doo-da, doo-da I go back home wad a pocket full of tin, Oh! Doo-da! Day! Wine to run all nice, wine to run all ...
Can A Woman
Can a woman fly an airplane? Yes she can, yes she can! Can a woman build a building? Yes she can, yes she can! Can a woman fight a fire? Can a woman change a tire? Can a woman lead a choir? Yes she can, yes she can! Can a ...
Canadian Boat Song
Heigh Ho, anybody home, Meat or drink or money have I none Still I will be happy. (Start quiet, then get louder and louder, then quiet again). ...
Canadian Girl Guides
We're gonna loud, loud, bang, bang, Rattle bang, bang! Let's make plenty of noise! (2X) Canadian Girl Guides, here's to you We love every one of you, We're gonna loud, loud, bang, bang, Rattle bang, bang! Let's make plenty of noise! We're gonna soft, soft, ssh, ssh, Rattle, shh shh! ...
Canadian Taps
Come we all, say goodnight As the shadows still cling to the edge of night With each burning, dying ember There are friendships to remember As we sing one last good night, good night, good night. ...
Canadian Vespers
Softly at the close of day As our campfire fades away Silently each Cub/Guide should ask Have I done my daily task Have I kept my honor bright Shall I guiltless sleep tonight Have I done and have I dared Everything to 'Be Prepared' ...
Cannibal King 1
The Cannibal King With a big nose ring Fell in love With a fair young dame. And every night By the pale moonlight, Across the lake, he came. Oh a hug and a kiss For Zula Miss in the shade of the old palm tree Whenever they met They sang ...
Cannibal King 2
Oh, the cannibal king with the big nose ring Fell in love with the dusty ma-aa-aid And every night by the pale moonlight Across the lake, he swa-aa-am Oh he hugged and he kissed his pretty little miss In the shade of the bamboo tree-ee-ee And every night by the ...
Cannibal King Medley
Oh, a cannibal king with a big nose ring, fell in love with a dusky maid, And every night by the pale moonlight, across the lake he came. Oh, a hug and a kiss for his cannibal miss, in the shade of the old palm tree, Whenever ...
Cannibal King The
The Cannibal King with the big nose ring Fell in love with a dusky dame. And every night by the pale moon light Across the bay he came. He would hug and kiss his pretty little miss, In the shade of the Bamboo tree, And every night by the pale ...
Cape Cod Girls
CHORUS: So heave 'em up my bully, bully boys Haul away, haul away. Heave 'em up and don't you make a noise. We're bound away for Australia Cape Cod girls don't use no combs Haul away, haul away They comb their hair with cod fish bones And we're bound away ...
Captains they do nothing, Lieutenants they do less Patrol leaders go watering and get themselves a mess. Seconds they go wooding that's if they want some sup, But all that's left for the jolly Girl Guides is the dirty washing up. Oh, we ain't gonna work no more no more, ...
Carry On
All pull together through the stormy weather, Carry on! Carry on! Carry on! Keep on trying, keep the old flag flying; Carry on! Carry on! Carry on! The sun is shining above the cloudy sky, A silver lining will greet you by and by, SO-- All pull together through the ...
C-A-S-T-E-R-O-I-L spells casteroil--casteroil The most indecent kind of medicine--medicine, The man who made it must have been a demon--demon, C-A-S-T-E-R-O-I-L you see Is gloom on a spoon guaranteed to kill you soon, No Casteroil for me! ...
Castle On The River Nile
On my castle on the river Nile I'm gonna live in elegant style Lay your diamonds on the floor With the bamboo butler at my door Gonna meet that prince from Kalamazoo Blood's gonna change from red to blue Live in royalty all the while, On my castle on the ...
Cat Came Back The
Well, old Mr. Johnson had troubles all his own, He had an old yeller cat that wouldn't leave home, Tried everything he knew to get the cat to stay away, Even took him up to Canada and told him for to stay, Chorus: But the cat came back, the very ...
Cat Came Back The 1
Old man Johnson had troubles of his own. Had a little cat that wouldn't leave him alone. He tried and tried to give him away, He gave him to a man going far, far away. CHORUS: But the cat came back, the very next day. But the cat came back, ...
Cecil was a caterpillar, Cecil was my friend The last time I saw Cecil he was *this* big fingers about an inch apart I said "Ooh, Cecil! What have you done?" And Cecil Said "I've eaten all the cabbages in the garden" Cecil was a caterpillar, Cecil was my friend ...
Charlie On The MTA
Let me tell ya of a story 'bout a man named Charlie, on a tragic and faithful day. He put ten cents in his pocket, kissed his wife and family, went to ride on the M.T.A Chorus: But did he ever return? No, he never returned, and his fate is ...
Charlie Was A Pigeon
Charlie was a pigeon, a pigeon, a pigeon. Charlie was a pigeon, a pigeon that flew. He flew in the morning, he flew in the night, And when he got home he was covered in....... (Repeat ad nauseum!) ...
Charlie Winter
Yesterday at Treasure Valley Mr. (4 syl.) died. Now they've got Scout Charlie Winter on a charge of leadercide. Some scouts say he didn't do it, while others say he did. But they all agree that Charlie was a problem kind of kid. Oh, you can't chop your leaders up ...
King George, he had a date, He stayed out very late, He was the King. Queen Mary paced the floor; King George came home at four, She met him at the door God save the King. ...
Cheer Boys Cheer
One dark night when we were all in bed, Old Mrs. O'Leary left a light on in the shed The cow kicked it over, then winked her eye and said "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight." Chorus Cheer, Boys, Cheer, the school is burning down Cheer, ...
It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round. It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round. It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round. It's cheese that makes the mice go round. It's mice, it's ...
It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go round It's cheese that makes the mice go round It's mice, it's mice, it's mice ...
Chester did you hear about Harry? (strike chest, touch ears, pat head) He chest got back from the army. (pat your back, pat forearm, pat chest) He knows he needs not face defeat, (touch nose, both knees, hand on each side of face, touch both feet) Hip, Hip, Hooray - ...
Chestnut Tree
Under the spreading chestnut tree, where I held you on my knee. We'll be happy as can be; under the spreading chestnut tree.The first time through, sing the words as written. The second time, omit the word "tree" and instead imitate tree branches with upward and outward ...
Chestnut Tree
Under the spreading chestnut tree, where I held you on my knee We'll be happy as can be; under the spreading chestnut tree The first time through, sing the words as written. The second time, omit the word "tree" and instead imitate tree branches with upward and outward hand motions. ...
Chew Your Food
Chew, chew, chew your food, Gaily through the meal, The more you laugh, the less you eat, The better you will feel. ...
Chicago Fire Song
Late last night When we were all in bed, Mrs. O'Leary Hung a lantern in the shed. And when the cow kicked it over, She winked her eye and said "There'll be a hot time In the ol' town tonight!" Fire, Fire, Fire Sing three times, each time softer except ...
Chicago Fire Song The
Ten nights ago when we were all in bed, Old lady Leary lit a lantern in the shed, And when the cow kicked it over, she winked her eye and said: "There'll be a hot time, in the old town, tonight!" Part 1: Fire! Fire! Fire! Part 2: Pour on ...
Chicken dance
Chicken Dance (great to do while cubs beat a rhythm) Chorus Everybody..... Do the chicken dance! I said everybody..... Do the chicken dance! Dance around like you’ve got ants in you pants. And do the chicken dance! Verses: (any 1 person say loudly) A really old man From down the ...
Chicken Lips And Lizard Hips
Chorus: Chicken lips and lizard hips and alligator eyes Monkey legs and buzzard eggs and salamander thighs Rabbit ears and camel rears and tasty toe-nail pies Stir them all together, it's Mama's Soup Surprise. Oh, when I was a little kid I never liked to eat, Mama'd put things on ...
Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips
Chorus: Chicken lips and lizard hips and alligator eyes Monkey legs and buzzard eggs and salamander thighs Rabbit ears and camel rears and tasty toe-nail pies Stir them all together, it's Mama's Soup Surprise. Oh, when I was a little kid I never liked to eat, Mama'd put things on ...
Chicken Song
Leader: We had a chicken That couldn't lay eggs All: We had a chicken That couldn't lay eggs. Leader: Until that rooster Came in our yard. All: Until that rooster Came in our yard. Leader: And caught our chicken Right off its guard. And caught our chicken Right off its ...
Chicken Song The
I had a little chicken, and it would not lay an egg So I rubbed some hot water up and down its leg, yes I rubbed some hot water up and down its leg, and that darn chicken laid a boiled egg A boiled egg, a boiled egg, that darn ...
Oh there was a little chigger, And he wasn't much bigger Than the head of a tiny pin, But the bump he raises Just itches like the blazes, And that's where the scratch comes in. But the bump he raises Just itches like the blazes, And that's where the scratch ...
Chigger The
Oh, there was a little chigger And he wasn't much bigger Than the head of a tiny pin. But the bump he raises Just itches like the blazes, And that's where the scratch comes in. But the bump he raises Just itches like the blazes, And that's where the scratch ...
Children Go Where I Send Thee
This song is progressive, that is, it gets longer as you near the end. It also involves an echo on the second line of each verse. The leader sings the bold type and the audience the italics while everyone sings the rest. To save time and typing I'll show the ...
Chinese Fan
My ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea All laden with presents for you and for me They brought me a fan, just imagine my bliss When I fan myself going like this, like this, like this, like this Verse 1 - Fan with right hand Verse 2 ...
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chorus: Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more You can bake 'em in the oven or buy 'em at the store But whatever you do, have 'em ready at my door And I'll love ya till I die. They're made out of sugar and butter and flour You put 'em ...
Christmas Round
Sing this through a few times before trying the round. It helps to have two other loud singers to lead the other sections. Each section starts at the # mark. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!# Please put a penny in the old man's hat. # If you ...
Christmas Song
Tune: RudolphHere's to the Cubs in our den. As they follow, help and give. All of the boys in our den, Know just how a Cub should live. Now that it's time for Christmas, We've been very helpful boys, We've gathered lots of old things, Fixed them up like brand ...
Christmas Time
School is out, we won't pout Cubs shout, "hip hooray!" Something Special's coming soon And it's Christmas day Wrap the gift, trim the tree Mind your Mum and Dad You'll get presents if you do Boy, won't you be glad! ...
Circle Game
Yesterday a child came out to wander Caught a dragonfly inside a jar Fearful when the skies are full of thunder And tearful at the falling of a star. Chorus: And the seasons, they go round and round And the painted ponies go up and down. We're captives on the ...
Circus Fun Song
(Tune: Clementine) At the circus, there are lions, And they roar so very loud; They send shivers sharp as slivers, Through the anxious crowd. Chorus: Oh, the circus, yes the circus. Lots of fun for young and old; Peanuts, popcorn, cotton candy, Till your stomach no more can hold. At ...
In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, Lived a miner, forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine.ChorusOh my darling, Oh my darling, Oh my darling Clementine, You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine.Light she was, and like a fairy, and her shoes were number ...
In a cavern, in a canyon, Excavating for a mine, Dwelt a miner forty-niner, And his daughter Clementine. Chorus Oh, my darling, Oh, my darling, Oh, my darling Clementine! You are lost and gone forever, Dreadful sorry, Clementine! Light she was and like a fairy, And her shoes were number ...
Chorus: Just keep your eyes looking at the sky, And there'll never be a height that you can't reach Climb to the clouds, Lift your voices up loud And tell the world the joy of being free... when you climb. Oh, the road is rough, and the way is often ...
Cocacola Grace
The sun will always shine The birds will always sing As long as there is God There's always the real thing Do do do do dut do do do, amen Do do do do dut God is the real thing! ...
Cock Robin
Who killed Cock Robin? I said the sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. CHORUS:- All the birds of the air fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard of the death of poor Cock Robin, When they heard of the death of poor Cock Robin. Who saw ...
Cockles And Mussels
In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone, As she pushed her wheelbarrow, Through streets broad and narrow, Crying cockles and mussels alive, alive, Oh! Chorus: Alive, alive, Oh! Alive, alive, Oh! Crying cockles and mussels alive, alive, Oh! ...
Codfish Shanty
Melbourne girls, they have no combs Heave away, heave away They comb their hair with cod-fish bones And we're bound for Australia Chorus Heave away, my bully bully boys, heave away, heave away Heave away, why don't you make a noise And we're bound for Australia Melbourne boys, they have ...
Coke-a-cola, Coke-a-cola Makes you burp, makes you burp Have another bottle, have another bottle Burp burp burp, burp burp burp ...
Colors Of Day
Colors of day dawn into the mind The sun has come up, the night is behind Go down in the city, into the street And let's give the message to the people we meet So light up the fire and let the flames burn Open the door let Jesus return ...
Columbia The Gem Of The Ocean
O Columbia, the gem of the ocean The home of the brave and the free The shrine of each patriot's devotion, A world offers homage to thee. Thy mandates make heroes assemble, When Liberty's form stands in view; Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white, and ...
Columbus Song
Chorus: "Sail on," he said, "Sail on and on, There's nothing you should dread. We'll find the new world soon, I'm sure. Just think of what's ahead." In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed from Spain, With three ships and eighty men, Across the bounding main. (chorus) Columbus was a ...
Come On And Sing With Me
Come on and sing with me, hey dee noon oh Come on and sing with me, hey dee noon oh Come on and sing with me, hey dee noon oh Come on and sing with me, hey dee noon oh Sing everybody sing, hey dee noon oh... Other Verses: Come ...
Come Sing With Us In Friendships Name
Come sing with us in friendship's name, Come fan with us the golden flame, The flame of friendship that lights the world Wheree'er our flag is unfurled. Sing high, sing low, for Guides are we And we love to sing in your company. The flame of friendship that lights the ...
Come With Me
Kum by yah, My Lord, Kum by yah. Kum by yah, My Lord, Kum by yah. Kum by yah, My Lord, Kum by yah. O Lord, Kum by yah. Someone's crying, Lord, Kum by yah. Someone's crying, Lord, Kum by yah. Someone's crying, Lord, Kum by yah. O Lord, Kum ...
Come Come Ye Saints
Come, come ye Saints, no toil or labor fear; but with joy wend your way. Though hard to you this journey may appear, grace shall be as your day. 'Tis better far for us to strive, our useless cares from us drive; Do this and joy your ...
Come Come Ye Saints
Come, come ye Saints, no toil or labor fear; but with joy wend your way Though hard to you this journey may appear, grace shall be as your day 'Tis better far for us to strive, our useless cares from us drive Do this and joy your hearts will swell. ...
Coming Of The Frogs
Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of the frogs They are sneaking through the swamps they are lurking under logs You can hear their mournful croaking through the early morning fog The frogs keep hopping on Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, croak, croak Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, croak, croak Ribbit, ...
Comin Through The Rye
If a body meets a body, comin' through the rye If a body kiss a body, need a body cry Every lassie has her laddie, none they say have I Yet all the lads they smile at me When comin' through the rye If a body meet a body, comin' ...
Commercial Mixup
[Tune: Farmer in the Dell]Last night I watched TV, I saw my favorite show. I heard this strange commercial, and I can't believe it's so.Feed your dog Chiffon. Comet cures the cold. Use S-O-S pads on your face to keep from looking old.Mop your floors with Crest. ...
Commercial Mixup
Last night I watched TV, I saw my favorite show. I heard this strange commercial, And I can't believe it's so. Feed your dog Chiffon. Comet cures the cold. Use S-O-S pads on your face To keep from looking old. Mop your floors with Crest. Use Crisco on your tile. ...
Competition Song
(Tune: When The Saints Go Marching In) Oh, when the Pack begins to sing; Oh, when the Pack begins to sing; Sometimes, I just can't tell who's the loudest; When the Pack begins to sing! (Each Den in turn:) Oh, when Den ___ begins to sing: Oh, when Den ___ ...
Mayonnaise mayonnaise sure is white Wish I stayed in bed tonight! Ketchup ketchup sure is red Gee I wish I stayed in bed! Mustard mustard sure is yellow Gee I wish I knew a fellow! ...
Coneheads in A Spaceship In The Sky
In a spaceship, in the sky Spacey little conehead guy Saw an astronaut floating by Knocking at my door Help me, help me, help me! he said Or the laser beam will shoot me dead! Come little astronaut, come with me Happy we will be. Actions: In a spaceship: place ...
Consider Yourself At Home
Consider yourself at home Consider yourself one of the family We've taken to you so strong It's clear, we're going to get along Consider yourself well in Consider yourself part of the furniture There isn't alot to spare Who cares, whatever we've got we'll share If it should chance to ...
Cookie Cookie
Cookie, Cookie, Listen while we sing to you. Cookie, Cookie, You're a part of camp life too. Anyone can make a bed and anyone can sew, But it takes our cookies to make camp go. So Cookie, Cookie, Listen while we sing to you. Alternatively: Cookie, Cookie, Listen while we ...
Oh, we're off to Copenhagen, in the morning, in the morning, Oh, we're off to Copenhagen in the morning, Ya. Ya. We'll climb up the steeple to see all the people We're off to Copenhagen in the morning, ya. ya. Um, squeak, squeak, Um Squeak, squeak, etc., ...
What did we do when we needed some corn We plowed and we sowed 'till the early morn What did we do when we needed some corn We plowed and we sowed 'till the early morn Chorus: Because our hands are strong, Our hearts are young, Our dreams are the ...
Corporation Muck Cart The
The corporation muck cart Was loaded to the brim The driver fell in backwards and found he could not swim He sank right to the bottom just like a little stone And as he sank he gurgled there's no place like home ...
Court Of King Karaktakus
The court of King Karaktakus is just passing by, The court of King Karaktakus is just passing by, The court of King Karaktakus is just passing by, The court of King Karaktakus is just passing by, The harem of the court of King Karaktakus is just passing by (x4) The ...
Cow Kicked Nellie The
The cow kicked Nellie in the bellie in the barn And the Doctor said it would do no harm So we all kicked Nellie in the bellie in the barn Second verse same as the first A little bit louder a little bit worse ...
Cowboys Dream
(Tune: My Bonnie) Last night as I lay on the prairie, And looked at the stars in the sky, And I wondered if ever a cowboy Could drift to that sweet by and by.Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little doggies, roll on, roll on. Roll on, roll on, Roll ...
Cowboys Grace
Been out on the range All dusty and tired Been ridin' and ropin' all day Around the chuck wagon We bow down our heads And sing out the cowboys' grace Allelujah, Amen Amen Allelujah, Amen Amen ...
chorus: Boom Boom Ain't it great to be crazy. Boom boom ain't it great to be just like we are: Jolly and foolish all day long. Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy. Down in the south where banana trees grow A grasshopper stepped on an elephant's toe. Elephant ...
Crazy Weather
Don't know why pigs are falling from the sky. Crazy weather. Didn't know that pigs had feathers. I didn't know they could fly. Don't know why the cyclone blew through the pig sty. Farming weather. Since those darn pigs flew together, They're landing left and right. Don't know why I've ...
Cremation Of Sam Mcgee The
Ah those old northern lights, they have seen clear sights But the clearest sights that they did ever see It was on a moonlit mars of that old Lake Lavard On the night that I cremated Sam McGee Now my pal Sam McGee was from ol' Tennersee In the land ...
Crocodile Song
Oh, she sailed away On a fine and sunny day On the back of a crocodile. You see, said she, He's as tame as tame can be, I'll ride him down the Nile. The crock winked his eye As the lady waved goodbye, Wearing a great big smile. But at ...
Crocodile The
She sailed away on a lovely summer's day, On the back of a crocodile. 'You see,' said she, 'he's as tame as tame can be, I'll ride him down the Nile.' The croc. winked his eye, and the lady waved 'goodbye, Wearing a happy smile. At the end of the ...
Cruel War The
The cruel war is raging, and Johnny has to fight I want to be with him, from morning till night I want to be with him, it grieves my heart so Won't you let me go with you? No my love no I'll go to your captain, get down on ...
Cruising Down The River
Cruising down the river on a Sunday afternoon With one you love, the sun above Waiting for the moon The old accordion playing a sentimental tune Cruising down the river on a Sunday afternoon The birds above all sing of love A gentle, sweet refrain The winds around all make ...
Cub Cucaracha
(Tune: La Cucaracha) La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, We are happy, young seniors; La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, Guitar music we adore. La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, The bullfight we love to see, La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, We siesta after three. La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, Senioritas we admire, La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, Our ...
Cub Leaders Song
Little Cub Scouts in the city, Little Cub Scouts in suburbia, Little Cub Scouts in the country. Cub Scouts all the same. There are short ones and short ones And short ones and short ones. And they all dress in ticky-tacky And they all look just the same. And the ...
Cub Picnic
One day I chanced to take out for a picnic, My Wolf Cub Pack! My Wolf Cub Pack! We'd sandwiches and ginger ale a-plenty, To fill the slack of my Cub Pack! We went into the bush and started supper, Where I lost track of my Cub Pack. And that ...
Cub Scout Fair
(Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home) The Cub Scout Fair has come to town, Hurrah, hurrah, With Cub Scouts here to laugh and clown, Hurrah, hurrah. Each Den will do a special trick And lots of games, just take your pick Oh, we’ll all be glad ‘cause The Cub Scout ...
Cubbing, Cubbing, that is the game for me Real true Cubbing, life that is good and free, With outings and hiking pleasure, To fill our hours of leisure For lots of fun, when work is done, In our Cubbing, there's lots to see. ...
Cubbing Is Our Game
Cubbing is our game, we love it, And we play it day by day For it brings us joy and pleasure, As we sing along the way; As Cub pals we'll live together, Ever strive to give good will Our Cub leaders we will ...
Cuckoo 1
From out the battered elm tree, The Owl's cry we hear. And in the distant forest, The Cuckoo answers clear. Cuckoo, Cuckoo Too wit, too wit, to woo. Cuckoo, Cuckoo Too wit, too wit, to woo. ...
Cuckoo 2
'Twas on a summer's evening, I walked the forest through When suddenly I heard it, a sweet and low cuckoo Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo cuckoo Cu ckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo cuckoo Mister Moon, Mister Moon, you're out too soon The sun is still in the sky. Go back to bed ...
Cuckoo Round
From out the knotted elm tree The owl cries out whooo's there And from the distant forest The cuckoo answers clear. Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo. ...
Cuddly Koalas
Cuddly koalas, cuddly koalas (cradle & swing arms) Possums too, possums too (possum eyes - circle with finger & thumb brought up to eyes) Wallabies and wombats, wallabies and wombats (little bounce/jump/bend knees with hands in front, rather like begging action) Kangaroos, kangaroos (bigger ...
D-D-D-Daddy, D-D-D-Daddy You're the only D-D-D-Dad that I adore, When the c-c-c-call comes from the woodshed, I'll be going out the p-p-p-parlor door. S-S-S-Sonny, S-S-Sonny You're the only b-b-b-boy that I adore When the t-t-t-time comes to go to the woodshed I will meet you at the p-p-p-parlor door. ...
Daisy Clean Up Song
Leader: Daisy Scouts, Daisy Scouts. Let's tidy up the room. Daisy Scouts, Daisy Scouts. Time to go home soon. Girls: Daisy Scouts, Daisy Scouts, We're picking up our things. Daisy Scouts, Daisy Scouts, Hear our voices sing. ...
Daisy Daisy
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do I'm half crazy, oh for the love of you It won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage But you'll look sweet, upon the seat Of a bicycle made for two Henry, Henry, here is your answer true I'm not crazy ...
Daisy Gathering Song
Take my hand and form a chain, Down a magic Daisy lane. Smile a friendly smile and say, May I help someone today? ...
Daisy Girl Scout Song 1
I'm a Daisy, Daisy Girl Scout And I'll tell you something too, I'm a loyal lil' Girl Scout, And my color is true blue. ...
Daisy Girl Scout Song 2
We are Daisy Girl Scouts, Having lots of fun! We run and jump and skip out in the sun. We're named for Daisy Low, The founder, you see, Of all the Girl Scouts, Wherever we may be. And anyone can tell you that we ...
Daisy Happy Face Song
 I've something in my little hand that you just cannot see... It's very very special and it's now a part of me. The Daisy Girl Scouts showed me how to put it into place... And when I clap my little hands you'll see my ...
Daisy Scout Song
Daisy Scouts are bright and gay, See us work, and see us play. We can dance, and we can sing. We can do most anything. We have fun, and help each day. Daisy Scouts are here to stay. ...
Daisy Troop 792 Song
I'm a Daisy, You're a Daisy, She's a Daisy too, And if you want to be a Daisy, This is what you do... You come to a meeting, You have a lot of fun, You do arts and crafts and you clean up when you're done. We learn a lot ...
Damper Song
Oh you push the damper in And you pull the damper out And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same Just the same Just the same And the smoke goes up the the chimney just the same Boom Boom. Song is repeated several times each time replacing a ...
Danny Boy
Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen and down the mountain side; The summer's gone and all the roses falling 'Tis you 'tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow And all the valley's hushed ...
Dans Mon Pays Despagne
Dans mon pays d'Espagne, ole! Il y a Soleil come ca... (trace a big circle in front of you) Dan mon pays d'Espagne, ole! Il y a Montagnes come ca... (trace a series of peaks in front of you) Il y a Soleil come ca... (trace a big circle in ...
Darktown Strutters Ball
I'll be down to get you in a taxi honey Better be ready 'bout half-past eight Now Dearie, don't be late I want to be there when the band starts playin' Remember when we get there, honey The two steps I'm gonna have them all Goin' to dance out both ...
Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron
'Twas on a Monday morning When I beheld my darling; She looked so neat and charming In ev'ry high degree; She looked so neat and nimble, O A-washing of her linen,O, Dashing away with the smoothing iron, Dashing away with the smoothing iron, She stole my heart away. 'Twas on ...
Day By Day
Day by day, Day by day, Oh dear lord three things I pray, To see you more clearly, Love you more dearly, Follow you more nearly, Day by day. ...
Day Is Done taps
Day is done, gone the sun, From the lake, from the hills, from the sky; All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Fading light, dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright. From afar, drawing nigh, falls the night. Thanks and praise, for our days, 'Neath ...
Day Old Doughnuts
Day - o Day - ay - ay - o Day old bakery's the one for me Come Mr Baker man Bake me some donuts Day old bakery's the one for me Year old twinkies still look fresh Day old bakery's the one for me Stay away from cream filled ...
Day Thou Gavest The
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended; The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. ...
Daylight Taps 1
Thanks and praise for our days 'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, 'neath the sky. As we go, this we know. God is nigh. ...
Daylight Taps 2
Thanks and praise For our days 'Neath the sun 'Neath the stars 'Neath the sky As we go This we know God is nigh Please note: this version of "Taps" is to be sung in place of the regular version when closing events that are over before nightfall, for example, ...
Days Of Girl Scouting
Days of Girl Scouting will fly away, die away Days of true friendship will be memories We have loved, we have learned Let us now teach in turn That the flame we have kindled forever shall burn. All of our footsteps will fade away, fade away Others will follow the ...
Dead Dog Rover
I'm looking over my dead dog Rover That I over-ran with the mower. First leg is missing, the second is gone. Third leg is scattered all over the lawn. No need explaining the one remaining Is lying on my neighbor's roof. I'm looking over my dead dog Rover That I ...
Dear Old Daddys Whiskers
We have a dear old Daddy whose hair is silver grey. He has a set of whiskers - they're always in the way. Chorus: Oh, they're always in the way, the cow eats them for hay. Mother eats them in her sleep; She thinks she's eating shredded wheat. They're always ...
Death Of Cock Robin The
All the birds of the air fell a sighin' and sobbin' When they heard of the death of poor cock robin When they heard of the death of poor cock robin Who killed cock robin? "I", said the sparrow, "with my bow and arrow" "I killed cock robin" Who saw ...
Deck East Lodge
Deck East Lodge with boughs of holly Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra 'Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra Though we're dressed in swim apparel Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra In July we sing this carol. Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra Fast away the summer passes. Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra Hail the campers, in their masses. Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra Follow me in merry measure, Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra For this ...
Deep And Wide
Deep and wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide. [Repeat.]Sing the words as written the first time through. Then, instead of saying the word "deep", make a gesture (one hand above the other) to show depth. The next time, also show "wide" by ...
Deep And Wide
Deep and wide, deep and wide There's a fountain flowing deep and wide Deep and wide, deep and wide There's a fountain flowing deep and wide ...
Deep In The Heart Of Texas
The stars at night are big and bright Deep in the heart of Texas The prairie sky is wide and high Deep in the heart of Texas The sage in bloom is like perfume Deep in the heart of Texas Reminds me of the one I love Deep in the ...
Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again
Now the Lord decided to make a man, Dem bones are gonna rise again, So he made Adam according to plan, Dem bones are gonna rise again, Took a rib from Adam's side, Dem bones are gonna rise again, Made Miss Eve for to be his bride, Dem bones are ...
Dese Bones gonna Rise Again
The Lord he though he'd make a man, Dese bones gonna rise again. Took a little bit of water and a little bit of sand, Dese bones gonna rise again.ChorusI know it, brother, [Repeat twice more.] Dese bones gonna rise again! He thought he'd make a woman ...
Dese Bones Gonna Rise Again
The Lord he though he'd make a man Dese bones gonna rise again Took a little bit of water and a little bit of sand Dese bones gonna rise again I know it, brother I know it, brother I know it, brother Dese bones gonna rise again! He thought he'd ...
Detour, there's a muddy road ahead Detour, paid no mind to what it said Detour, oh these bitter things I find Should have read that detour sign Headed down life's crooked road, lots of things I nevered knowed And cause of me not knowin' I now pine Trouble got in ...
Did You Ever See A Daisy
Did you ever see a Daisy, a Daisy, a Daisy? Did you ever see a Daisy, a Daisy Girl Scout? Go this way and that way, and that way and this way. Did you ever see a Daisy, a Daisy Girl Scout? ...
Someone's in de kitchen wid Dinah, Someone's in de kitchen Ah know, Someone's in de kitchen wid Dinah, Playin' on de ole banjo. Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Playin' on de ole banjo. ...
Ding Dong the Year is done
Tune: Ding dong the Witch is Dead Ding Dong the year is done! Look what we have won, won, won! Ding Dong the Year, the year is done. The Wolfs earned yellow beads; the Bears earned red ‘n activities, The Webelos earned their activities badges. Ding Dong look what we ...
Dino Jokes
REX: Hey, Tyrone! TYRONE: Hey, Rex! REX: Hey Tyrone! What do you call fossils that won’t come out of the ground? TYRONE: Lazybones! Hey Rex! I heard an amazing story about you. A volcano erupted under you sending you rolling down the mountain and you crashed into a big tree ...
Dinosaur Bones
(Tune: Row, Row, Row, Your Boat) Dig. dig. dig for bones, Great big dinosaur bones! Shift the soil and move the dirt, And look for those big bones. Go, go, go to the lab, Clean those bones real sound, Put them together and see what you've got Which dinosaur you ...
Tune: "Oh Christmas Tree" Oh Dinosaurs, Oh Dinosaurs How I wish I could hear you roar. Did you eat meat or plants galore? I really would like to know. Why you left this planet so long ago Oh Dinosaurs, Oh dinosaurs Being extinct means you are no more! ...
Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
(Tune: Wheels on the Bus) Dinosaurs once ruled the Earth, Ruled the Earth, Ruled the Earth, Dinosaurs once ruled the Earth, Many years ago. Other Verses: Stegosaurus swished it’s tail… Brontosaurus was very big… The Brachiosaurus lived in the water… Apatosaurus stomped so hard… The Trachodon had 2000 teeth… Triceratops ...
Dirty Lil
Dirty Lil, Dirty Lil Lives on top of Garbage Hill Never washes, never will (hawk, spit) Dirty Lil ...
Divers Song
Diving, diving, into the deep blue sea, There's many a fish we've scared away. On that you will agree. Diving, diving, into the ocean blue, With flippers and mask and oxygen gas We'll have an adventure true! ...
I wish I was in the land of cotton, Old times there are not forgotten; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. In Dixieland where I was born in, Early on one frosty morning'; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland.ChorusThen I wish I was in Dixie, ...
I wish I was in the land of cotton, Old times there are not forgotten; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. In Dixieland where I was born in, Early on one frosty morning'; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. Chorus Then I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! ...
Do A Good Turn Daily
Do a good turn daily Scatter gladness gaily Every morning plan to do a kindly deed, Brighten each tomorrow Lift a load of sorrow From the old and weak and poor That's the Girl Guide creed. ...
Do Lord
ChorusDo Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me, Oh Lord [Repeat twice more.] Look away beyond the blue.I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun [Repeat twice more.] Look away beyond the blue. ...
Do Lord
Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me, Oh Lord Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me, Oh Lord Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me, Oh Lord Look away beyond the blue I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun I've ...
Do You Hear The Campers Sing
Do you hear the campers sing? Lost in the middle of a hike It is the music of a scout troop Who have found no one to like Had they made their bearings straight They would be in this camp right now They have a map in hand to use ...
Do You Know A Cub
Do you know a Cub, with his jersey green, Do you know la Cub with his face so clean. Do you know a cub, always bright and gay, With his smile and his chirp in the morning. CHORUS: For the sound of the Howl makes him quite glad. He joins ...
Do Your Best
(Tune: Are You Sleeping) When you do your best When you do your best You'll feel great You'll feel great Make and do for others Make and do for others Spread good cheer Spread good cheer ...
Do Your Ears Hang Low
[Tune: Turkey in the Straw, refrain]Do your ears hang low, do they waggle to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them is a bow? Can you throw them o're your shoulder like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?Do your ...
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Do your ears hang low, Do they wiggle to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot, Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them o're your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low? Do your ears stick out, Can you wiggle them ...
Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Fa, along, long, way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Doe Do, ...
Dog Breath
Chorus: Oh, I wanna have dog breath (pant, pant) I wanna learn to growl (grrr) Scratch fleas and ticks, chase after sticks, I want the moon to make me howl! (HOWL) Oh, I wanna be a dog I wanna lay on the floor Chase cats, get fed, get pats on ...
Doin What Comes Naturally
Folks are dumb where I come from, they aint had any learnin' Still they're happy as can be, Doin what comes natur'lly. [x 2] Sister Sal who's musical has never had a lesson, Still she's learned to sing off key, Doin what comes natur'lly. [x 2] You don't have to ...
Dollar Dollar
The Song: Dollar, dollar how you wander From the one hand to the other Is it fair, is it fair To leave poor (name of girl in center of circle) standing there? The Game: Have everyone stand in a circle, close together. One person stands in the middle of the ...
Donkey Riding
Were you ever in Quebec, Stowing timber on the deck Where there's a king with a golden crown Riding on a donkey. CHORUS: Hey, ho! Away we go! Donkey riding, donkey riding, Hey, ho! Away we go! Riding on a donkey. Were you ever off the Horn, Where it's always ...
Dont Dilly Dally On The Way
My old man said 'Follow the van And don't dilly dally on the way' Off went the van with my home packed in it I followed on with my old cock linnet I dillied and dallied, dallied and dillied Lost my way and don't know where to roam Well you ...
Dont Disturb The Ladybug
Don't disturb the ladybug Sleepin' by the spider's web And if you see a butterfly Don't try to catch it in your net It's taken such a long long time To make this very special place Open up your soul and mind To all, it has to say. Chorus: ...
Dont Let Akela See Me
My jersey is out at the elbow, The skin is all off of my knee, My badges are frizzled and frazzled, Oh, don't let Akela see me. Chorus: Why did, why did, oh why did they wish you on me, on me ? Why did, why did, oh why did ...
Dont Throw Your Trash
Don't throw your trash in my backyard, my backyard, my backyard Don't throw your trash in my backyard, my backyard's full. Fish and chips and vinegar, vinegar, vinegar, Fish and chips and vinegar, salt, pepper, pepper, salt. One bottle of pop, two bottles of pop, three bottles of pop Four ...
Doo Wa Ditty Ditty
Thank you Lord for the food that we recieve Singing doo wa ditty ditty dum ditty doo Thanks to Thee for bread 'n butter and the meat Singing doo wa ditty ditty dum ditty doo Looks good (echo: looks good) Tastes Fine (echo: taste fine) Looks good, tastes fine And ...
Doodley Doo
Please sing to me that sweet melody Called doodley doo, doodley doo. I like the rest, but the part I like best Goes doodley doo, doodley doo. It's the simplest thing there isn't much to it I like it so, wherever I go, It's doodley doodley doo.Come ...
Doodley Doo
Please sing to me that sweet melody Called doodley doo, doodley doo I like the rest but the part I like best Goes doodley doo, doodley doo It's the simplest thing there isn't much to it I like it so, wherever I go It's doodley doodley doo Come on and ...
Doughnut Shop
Oh I walked around the corner and I walked around the block And I walked right into a doughnut shop I picked up a doughnut and I shook off the grease And I handed the lady a five cent piece. We-e-e-ll she looked at the nickel and she looked at ...
Down At The Station
Down at the station, early in the morning See the little puffing billies standing in a row Up comes a man and he turns a little handle Puff, puff, choo, choo, away they go ...
Down By The Bay
Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow Back to my home, I dare not go For if I do, my mother will say Did you ever see a bee, with a sunburnt knee Down by the bay? SUBSTITUTES A goose drinking apple juice A goat riding in a boat ...
Down By The Launch Pad
(Tune: Down By the Station) Down by the Launch pad, Early in the morning. See the Saturn booster Waiting in its place. Hear the engines rumbling, On our way to Saturn, Boom, boom! Blast off, into space. ...
Down By The Old Mill Stream
Down by the old (not the new, but the old) Mill stream (not the river, but the stream) Where I first (not the last, but the first) Met you (not me, but you) With your eyes (not ears, but eyes) So blue (not green, but blue) It was there (not ...
Down in the Valley
Down in the valley, the valley so low, Hang your head over, hear the winds blow. Hear the winds blow, dear, hear the winds blow. Hang your head over, hear the winds blow.Down in the valley, walking between, Telling our story, here's what it means. Here's what ...
Down In The Valley
Down in the valley, the valley so low Hang your head over, hear the winds blow Hear the winds blow, dear, hear the winds blow Hang your head over, hear the winds blow Down in the valley, walking between Telling our story, here's what it means Here's what it means, ...
Down In The Valley Where Nobody Goes
Down in the valley where nobody goes, There's a gredt big crocodile washing his clothes, With a scrubba scrub here, and a scrubba scrub there, That's the way he washes his clothes. With an i tie oogie boogie woogie, With an i tie oogie boogie woogie, With an i tie ...
Down The River
The river is up, and the channel is deep, The wind is steady and strong. O won't we have a jolly good time As we go sailing along. Chorus: Down the river, O down the river, O down the river we go-o-o Down the river, O down the river O ...
May all your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun May you always have stars in your eyes May you not stop running not until your race is run And may you always have blue skies A dream is something you can make to keep within your heart To build ...
Drunken Sailor
What do ya do with a drunken sailor? What do ya do with a drunken sailor? What do ya do with a drunken sailor Er-lie in the morning? Hoo-ray and up she rises, Hoo-ray and up she rises, Hoo-ray and up she rises, Er-lie in the morning. Give him the ...
Drunken Sailor The
What shall we do with the drunken sailor (3x) Early in the morning Refrain: Hooray! And up she rises (3x) Early in the morning Put him in the longboat 'til he's sober Pull out the plug and wet him all over Put him in the scuppers with a hose pipe ...
Dubi Du
Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du du Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du dubi du Dubi du bi du du Dubi du dubi du ...
Dum Dum Da Da
Dum, dum, da, da, Da-dum, dum, da, da, Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum, da-dum, dum, dum Dum, dum, da, da, Da-dum, dum, da, da, Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum. First time through: pat both knees twice, then right hand to left shoulder twice; pat knees twice, then left ...
Dummy Line
ChorusOn the dummy line, on the dummy line; Rain or shine, I'll pay my fine; Rain or shine, I'll pay my fine; Ride, ride, riding on the dummy line.I got on the train and didn't have the fare, The conductor said, "Whatcha doin' there?" He grabbed me ...
There was a strange old butcher. His name was Dunderbeck. He was very fond of sausage-meat, and sauerkraut and speck. He had the finest butcher shop, the finest ever seen, Until one day he invented his wonderful sausage machine.ChorusOn Mr. Dunderbeck! How could you be so mean? ...
There was a strange old butcher, His name was Dunderbeck He was very fond of sausage-meat, and sauerkraut and speck He had the finest butcher shop, the finest ever seen Until one day he invented his wonderful sausage machine On Mr. Dunderbeck! How could you be so mean? I told ...
Dutch Twins
I'm a down-hearted Dutch boy With grief and with shame And das is the reason I don't know my name Refrain: Ya Hoy Ya Ya Hoy Ya Ya Hoy Ya Ya Ya Ya hoy ya ya Hoy ya ya Hoy ya ya ya You may think this funny You may ...
Each Campfire Lights Anew
Each campfire lights anew, the flame of friendship true. The joy we've had in knowing you, will last our whole life through.And as the embers die away, we wish that we might always stay. But since we cannot have our way, we'll come again some other day. ...
Each Campfire Lights Anew
Each campfire lights anew The flame of freindship true The joy of having know you Will last my whole life through. And as the embers die away We wish that we could ever stay But since we cannot have our way We'll come again some other day. And as we ...
Eagle The
Have you all seen the eagle Flying so high He circles 'round the universe On wings of pure light O-oeechechio O-o-eio O-oeechechio O-o-eio May we all be like eagles Flying so high We'll circle 'round the universe On wings of pure light O-oeechechio O-o-eio O-oeechechio O-o-eio O-o ...
Early One Morning
Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I heard a maiden sing in the valley below. CHORUS:- O don't deceive me, O never leave me! How could you use a poor maiden so. Remember the vows that you made to your Mary, Remember the bower where you vowed ...
East Side West Side
East side, west side, all around the town The tots sang, "Ring around rosie," "London Bridge is falling down" Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rouke Tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York ...
East Side West Side
East side, west side, all around the town, The tots sang, "Ring around rosie," "London Bridge is falling down." Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rouke, Tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York. ...
Easter Parade
In your Easter bonnet, With all the frills upon it, You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade. I'll be all in clover: And when they look you over, I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter Parade. On the avenue, Fifth Avenue; The photographers will snap us, And ...
Eats Song
[Tune: "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here"]Soup, soup, we all want soup, Tip your bowl and drain it, let your front teeth strain it. Hark, hark, that funny sound, listen that slurping round.Meat, meat, bring on the meat, Fresh and juicy cow meat, ham and picked pig ...
Eats Song
Soup, soup, we all want soup Tip your bowl, and drain it, Let your whiskers strain it, Hark, hark the funny noise. Listen to the gurgling boys. Meat, meat, bring on the meat, Fresh and juicy cow meat Ham and pickled pig's feet, Lamb chops and pork chops too, Any ...
Eddy Kootcha Katcha
Chorus: Eddy Kootcha Katcha Koma, Tosta Noma Tosta Nama, Sammy Gammy Wacky Brown Fell into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well. Suzy Brown a milkin in the barn Saw him fall, and went inside to tell her mom that Chorus Mrs. Brown, a makin' ...
Edelweiss, Edelweiss. Every morning you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, You look happy to greet me.Blossoms of snow, may you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Edelweiss, Edelweiss. Bless my homeland forever! ...
Edelweiss, Edelweiss, every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever Actions: Sitting cross-legged in a circle, each person places their left hand face ...
Edelweiss Grace
Bless our friends, bless our food. Come, oh Lord, and sit with us. May our world grow with peace. Bring your love to surround us. Friendship and love, May they bloom and grow. Bloom and grow forever. Bless our friends, Bless our homes, Bless our friendships forever ...
Eensey Weensey Spider
The eensey weensey spider went up the waterspout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the eensey weensey spider went up the spout again. Actions: 1st line: touch the tips of your right thumb and left pinky ...
Eggs Ala King
12 hard-boiled eggs 2 pkg white sauce mix 2 can mushrooms 1 green pepper, chopped 1/4 cups pimentos, chopped 1 can green chilies, chopped Peel eggs and cut into 1/4s. Make white sauce according to package directions. Add eggs and rest of ingredients. Stir and serve over toast or in ...
Elephant The
Look over there, Cycling round and round It's enormous; it's an Elephant, Ever so dainty and elegant, With one tail here and one tail there (Repeat dropping out the words and using just actions) ...
England Swings
Chorus England Swings like a pendulum do, Bobbies on bicycles, 2 by 2 Westminster Abby, the tower of Big Ben The rosy red cheeks of the little children. Now if you huff 'n puff, and you finally save enough money, (Ya ought) to take your family on a trip across ...
Epoh E Tai Tai
O Epoh E Tai Tai Ey Ah, O Epoh E Tai Tai Ey AhO Epoh E Tai Tai Epoh E Tuki Tuki Epoh E Tuki Tuki Ey Ah. ...
Erie Canal The
I've got a mule, her name is Sal, Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal. She's a good ol' worker and a good ol' pal, Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal. We've hauled some barges in our day, Filled with lumber, coal, and hay, And now we know ev'ry inch of ...
Erik The Viking
A Norse is a Norse of course, of course, But who's ever heard of a snoring Norse, Unless, of course, that snoring Norse is That viking, Erik the Red. Go right to the source and ask a Norse If he ever rode on a viking horse. A member of the ...
When the shadows softly gather As we close our eyes in sleep We would thank thee holy Father For thy keep Keep our loved ones free from sorrow Be thou ever close beside Help us play the game tomorrow As thy Guides ...
Ever Been Fishin
Have you ever been fishin' On a bright and sunny day? Have you ever seen a fish? Swim in and out the bay With his hands in his pockets And his pockets in his pants? Have you ever seen a fish? Do the huchi-cuchi dance. Well, I have been a-fishin' ...
Everton Camp Song
Everton, Everton Every Cub that's here can boast, You're the camp we like the most. Everton, Everton Through thick and thin You'll see us grin For Everton. ...
Everybody Loves Saturday Night
Everybody loves Saturday night Everyone loves Saturday night Everybody, everybody, Everybody, everybody, Everybody loves Saturday night Tout la monde aime Samedi soir (French) Jederman liebt Samstag abend (German) ...
Thank you God for all you do Alleluia Thank you God for all you do Every single day. ...
Everyone Knows It
Everyone knows it, but how can you show it That love is a wonderful thing. Try to believe it, and then you will live it And see what the future will bring. Chorus: A-a-a-a-a-a-ah. Everyone knows it, but how can you show it That love is a wonderful thing. Laughter ...
Everywhere We Go
Everywhere we go Everywhere we go People want to know People want to know Who we are Who we are Where we come from Where we come from We're from London We're from London We're the 10th St.Marylebone We're the 10th St.Marylebone And if they can't hear us And if ...
Fare Thee Well
Fare thee well, luck go with thee; When I'm far, Remember me. ...
Farewell to Nova Scotia
Chorus: So Farewell to Nova Scotia Your seabound coast Let your mountains dark and dreary be For when I am far away On the briny ocean tossed Will you ever heave a sigh or a wish for me The sun was setting in the west The birds were singing on ...
Farmer in the Dell
Farmers in the Dell Activity .activity { text-align: left; max-width: 600px; /* Adjust the width as needed */ margin: 0 auto; /* Center horizontally */ } The farmer in the dell The farmer in the dell Hi-ho the dairy-o The farmer in the dell The farmer takes a wife The ...
Fast Food
This is an action song the actions will be given at the end The tune to this is a ram sam sam Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut McDonald ...
Fast Food
Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut McDonald McDonalds Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut A Burger King a Burger King Long John Silvers and a Burger King A Burger King a ...
Father Abraham
Father Abraham had seven sons sir. Seven sons sir had Father Abraham. And they never laughed, and they never cried, All the did was go like this: with a left (arm moving) . . . .. . . With a left (arm) and a right (arm).Finally: . ...
Father Abraham 1
Father Abraham had seven daughters, Seven daughters had Father Abraham. And they could not walk And they could not talk And they could not even sing. Notta one... shake right hand. Notta two... shake both hands. Notta three... shake both hands and one foot. Notta four... shake both hands and ...
Father Abraham 2
Father Abraham,Had many sons,And many sons had Father Abraham.I am one of them, so are you,So let us praise the Lord.After each time repeat the chorus, say the next actionAction 1: Right Foot (everyone starts stomping their right foot as they re-sing the chorus)Action 2: Right Foot - Left Foot ...
Fire Down Below
Fire in the Galley, fire down below, It's fetch a bucket of water boys, There's fire down below. CHORUS:- Fire, fire, fire down below, It's fetch a bucket of water boys, There's fire down below. Fire in the fore-top, fire in the main, It's fetch a bucket of water boys, ...
Firestone Theme Song
You take a land with hills and whispering pines, Rocky coasts and folks who are mighty, mighty fine Blend them in with boys of Scouting's Aim, And we'll follow on to greater fame. Firestone, land of golden dreams Hiking trails and crystal mountain streams Pledged to Scouting Spirit bold and ...
Fires Burning
Fire's burning, fire's burning Draw nearer, draw nearer In the gloming, in the gloming Come sing and be merry Here is what I think is the original song, "Campfire's Burning", which is often sung in the UK! Camp fire's burning, camp fire's burning Draw nearer, draw nearer, In the glowing, ...
First Aiders Song The
On the first day of camping, the Leader sent to me A boy who had skinned his knee On the second day of camping, the Leader sent to me Two banged heads, and a boy who had skinned his knee three nose-bleeds... four mozzie bites... five nettle-stings... six boys with ...
First Thing We Pray For The
The first thing we pray for We pray for our rest, For the Lord knows and we all know that a good rest is best And if we have one rest, may we also have ten, May we have a little holiday, Hallelujah, Amen The next thing we pray for, ...
Fish and Chips and Vinegar
Fish and chips with vinegar vinegar, vinegar Fish and chips with vinegar pepper pepper pepper pop Don't throw your junk in my backyard my back yard, my back yard Don't throw your junk in my backyard by back yard's full ...
Five Feet High and Risin
How high's the water Mamma? Two feet high and risin' How high's the water Pappa? She said it's two feet high and risin' Well we can make it to the road in a home made boat 'Cause that's the only thing we got left that'll float It's already over all ...
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Five green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating the most delicious bugs Yum-yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Now there are four green speckled frogs. Four green and speckled frogs... ...
Five Hundred Miles
If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. A hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. CHORUS Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm ...
Five in the Bed
There were five in the bed and the little one said, (make #5 with your hands) "Roll over! Roll over!" (roll motion with hands) So they all rolled over and one fell out (roll motion) And bumped his head and shouted out, (knock on head, cup hands around mouth) "Please ...
Five Irregular Men
CHORUS: * There were five, five constipated men in the Bible, in the Bible. There were five, five constipated men In the holy books of Moses. Oh, the first, first constipated man Was Cain, he was not able. Oh, the first, first constipated man Was Cain, he was not able. ...
Fivehundred Miles
If you miss the train I'm on you will know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. A hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.Not a shirt on ...
Flea Flea-fly Flea-fly flo Vista Cum-ala-la, Cum-ala-la, Cum-ala-la, vista Oh no, no, not the vista Einie-meanie, alla-meany, ooh-ah-la-walla-meanie, escou-meanie, zala-meanie-ooh-al-la-wah Be hidaley oten doh, loo lop de doten daddle ...
Flea Fly
[Rhythm: Same as "Froggie"]Flea. Flea, fly. Flea, fly, mosquito. Swat 'em! Calamine, calamine, calamine lotion. Oh, no more calamine lotion. Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy, got one on my backy, backy. Ohy, ohy, owwy, owwy, wish he'd go away. Quick get the bug spray, I think he went ...
Flea Fly Mosquito
Flea Flea, fly Flea, fly, mosquito Swat 'em! Calamine, calamine, calamine lotion Oh, no more calamine lotion. Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy, got one on my backy, backy Ohy, ohy, owwy, owwy, wish he'd go away Quick get the bug spray, I think he went that-a-way-shhhhhh! (Make can-spraying motions) ...
Flinstones Grace
God is--great--and God is--good And let us thank Him for our food. God is--great--and God is--good And let us thank Him for our food. Amen. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-men. Amen. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-men. God is--great--and God is--good And let us thank Him for our... We'll thank Him for our... We'll thank Him for our food! ...
Flower of Scotland
Oh Flower of Scotland When will we see your like again That fought and died for Your wee bit hill and glen. Chorus. That stood against him Proud Edward's army And sent him homeward Tae think again. The hills are bare now And Autumn leaves lie thick and still O'er ...
Food Song
Soup, soup, we all want soup, Tip your bowl and drain it, Let your whiskers strain it, Hark, hark, that funny noise, listening to the gurgling, boys. Meat, meat, we must have meat, fresh and juicy cow meat, Ham and pickled pigs feet, Veal, lamb and pork chops too, any ...
Food Terrible Food
Food terrible food, burnt sausage and mustard We're not in the mood for cold porridge and custard Fried eggs with their edges black What next is the question We're all gonna suffer from indigestion Food terrible food, those soggy old cornflakes That lumpy fruit duff, that's all that our cook ...
Food Glorious Food
Is it worth waiting for, if we live till eighty-four All we ever get is gruel. Every day we say a prayer/gruel Will they change the bill of fare? Still we get the same old There's not a crust, not a crumb can we find, can we beg Can we ...
Footsteps on Distant Trails
Footsteps on distant trail Campward are wandering Birch fire and bubbling stew Rich odors sending Here is your heart's desire Best when your feet shall tire, Open air and pale and food and fire Joy never ending Campfires are buring low No longer leaping Guides sing their evening song Shadows ...
For Goodness
Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal Let us all thank God for goodness, Let us all thank God for goodness, Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal. Other Phrases: We will honor God ...
For Health and Strength
For health and strength And daily food We praise Thy name O Lord ...
For Me and My Gal
The bells are ringing, for me and my gal The birds are singing, for me and my gal Everybody's been knowing To a wedding there going And for weeks they've been sewing Every Susie and Sal They're congregating for me and my gal The parsons waiting for me and my ...
For the Beauty of the Earth
For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love from which our birth, Over and around us lies; Lord of all, to Thee we raise This hymn of grateful praise. For the wonder of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill ...
Forty Acres
He was headed into Boston in a big diesel truck It was his first shift about and he was havin' lots of luck He was headed the wrong direction down a one way street in town And this is what he said when the police chased him down Give me ...
Forty Years on an Iceberg
Forty years on an iceberg (make #10 four times with hands) Over the ocean wide (wave motion) Nothing to wear but pajamas, (slide hands up body from toes to head) Nothing to do but slide (slide hands down body from head to toes) The wind was cold and icy, (shiver, ...
Found a Peanut
[Tune: Clementine]Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a peanut just now. Just now I found a peanut, found a peanut just now.Continue in the same manner with:2. It was rotten, . . .3. Ate it anyway, . . .4. Got sick, . . .5. Called the ...
Found a Peanut
Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a peanut over there, Thought I'd eat it, thought I'd eat it, thought I'd eat it, didn't care. Rather tasty, rather tasty, rather tasty but now, Got a pain, got a pain, got a pain, don't know how. Fetch a doctor, fetch a ...
Four Leaf Clover
I'm looking over a four leaf clover That I overlooked before One leaf is sunshine, the second is rain Third is the roses that grow in the lane No need explaining the one remaining It's somebody I adore I'm looking over a four leaf clover That I overlooked before ...
Four Walls
Out where the bright lights are glowing You're drawn like a moth to the flame You laugh while the wine's overflowing While I sit and whisper your name Four walls to hear me Four walls to see Four walls to hear me Closing in on me Sometimes I ask why ...
Fox The
Oh, the fox went out on a chilly night, prayed for the moon to give him light He had many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o He had many a mile ...

Fractured Bonnie
The codfish lie dead in the ocean. The bluefish lie dead in the sea. They all died from water pollution, Caused by the oil companies. Don't swim, don't swim, Remember the bluefish and cod, and cod. It's not ...

In a castle, on a mountain Near the dark and murky Rhine, Dwelt a doctor, the concoctor Of the monster, Frankenstein. Oh my monster oh my monster, Oh my monster, Frankenstein, You were built to last forever, Dreadful ...

Freight Train
Freight train, freight train, going so fast Freight train, freight train, going so fast Please don't tell what train I'm on So they won't know where I've gone Freight train, freight train, comin' round the bend Freight train, ...

Frere Jacques Brother John
Frere Jacques (Brother John) Are you sleeping, are you sleeping Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong. French: Frere Jacques, frere Jacques, Dormez-vous, dormez-vous? Sonnent les mantines, ...

Fried Ham
Fried ham, fried ham, cheese and baloney; After the macaroni, we'll have onions, and pickles, and olives, and pretzels; Then we'll have some more fried ham, fried ham.Next verse, same as the first, . . . style:Some suggested styles: OPERA, ORIENTAL, . . . SCOUT, SOUTHERN DRAWL ...
Fried Ham 1
Fried ham, fried ham, cheese, and baloney After the macaroni, we'll have onions, pickles, and peppers Then we'll have some more fried ham, fried ham. Some suggested styles: Opera With fingers in sides of the mouth ...

Fried Ham 2
Fried ham, fried ham, cheese and baloney After the macaroni, we'll have onions, and pickles, and peppers Then we'll have some more fried ham, fried ham. Some suggested styles: Opera With fingers in sides of mouth ...

ChorusSo I thank You, I thank you God for all of my friends. I thank You, I thank You God for all of my friends with me tonight.When you're all alone and you're feeling so low, There is a friend there to tell the things you know. ...
Friends 1
Friends are nothing 'til they play. Together, they must play the whole day. They must play the night away. They must play, together they must play. Other verses: Friends are nothing 'til they cry... Friends are nothing 'til ...

Friends 2
So I thank You, I thank you God for all of my friends I thank You, I thank You God for all of my friends with me tonight When you're all alone and you're feeling so low There ...

Frog Kissin
Do you remember the fairy tale, how the wicked witch's spell Turned the handsome prince to a toad Through the power of her potion, she handed him the notion That he was lower than the dirt in the ...

Frog Round
1. bananas (low voice) 2. knee deep (medium) 3. tea and coffee (high) 4. Hear the lively song Of the frogs in yonder pond Crik, crik, crikkety crik Brrrr....uh ...

Frog Song 1
Hear the lively song, of the frog in yonder pond. Krik, krik, krik, krik, krik, krik, Burr-ump ...
Frog Song 2
I have something in my pocket that I found behind a log My leader said to put it back, it's a great big slippery frog! It's squishy and it's slimy and it wiggles in my hand I also ...

Frog Song 3
Na-noo went the little green frog one day, Na-noo went the little green frog! Na-noo went the little green frog one day, So we all went na-noo-na! Now we know frogs go: la-dee-da-dee-da, la-dee-da-dee-da, la-dee-da-dee-da! Now we know ...

Dog Dog Cat Dog Cat Mouse Froggie!!! Itsy Bitsy Teenie weenie Little-bitty Froggie! Jump Jump Little Froggie Gather up all the little wormies and spiders Wormies and spiders, scrum-didili-icious Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit Croak ...

Froggie Went Acourting
Froggie went a-courtin' and he did ride, A-huh Froggie went a-courtin' and he did ride, A-huh Frogie went a-courtin' and he did ride Sword and pistol by his side A-huh, a-huh, a-huh Well, he rode down to Molly ...

Dog. Dog, cat. Dog, cat, mouse. Froggie! Itsy bitsy, teeny weeny little bitty froggie. Jump, jump, jump, little froggie. Spiders and flies are scrum-deli-icious. Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit, Croak.Actions: Set up a clap/lap-slapping rhythm, and repeat each line after the leader. On the first ...
From the First Hello
From the first hello To the last good-bye, Its been awfully nice to know you. So forgive the parting sigh, As we watch you go With your head held high. It's been fun and neat A pleasure to meet. A special treat to say I. From the first hello To ...

Fruit Salad
Apples, peaches, pears and plums! Apples, peaches, pears and plums! Banana-na-na-na-na-na! Banana-na-na-na-na-na! Grapes, grapes, doo-ah doo-ah! Grapes, grapes, doo-ah doo-ah! Papaya, papaya, p-p-papaya! Papaya, papaya, p-p-papaya! Watermelon, watermelon, (spit out seed, spit out seed) Watermelon, watermelon, (spit out ...

We're here for fun right from the start, So drop your dignity, Just laugh and sing with all your heart, and show your loyalty. May all your troubles be forgot. Let this night be the best. Join in ...

Funky Chicken
(Leader) Let me see you funky chicken! (All) WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY? (Leader) Let me see you funky chicken! (All) WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY? I said.... Chorus: (everyone) Ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, One more time, ...

Gaelic Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face. The rain fall soft upon you fields. And until we meet again some day. May ...

Galaxy Song The
Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown, And things seem hard or tough, And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, And you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough, Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving ...

Galoomp went the little green frog one day, Galoomp went the little green frog, Galoomp went the little green frog one day, And his eyes went gloomp, gloomp, gloomp But: We all know frogs go Lah dee dah ...

Gary Owen
Chorus: Gary Owen, Gary Owen, Gary Owen In the valley of Montana all alone There are better days to be In the seventh cavalry When we charge again For dear old Gary Owen. I can here those sioux ...

Gay Old Desperado The
The gay old desparado from the wild and woolly west, He rode into Chicago just to give the west a rest. He wore a big sombrero and two pistols at his side and everywhere he went he gave ...

George Washington Bridge
George Washington Bridge George Washington Washington Bridge George Washington Bridge George Washington Washington Bridge ...

Every morning at half past eight I go "naaaah" to Georgie. And every morning at half past eight He goes "naaaah" to me. No need to knock, no need to ring For as I rub my eyes, I ...

German Doctor The
I'm a good doctor, come from German-land! Yock-von schpeilen! Meta-me a viola! (everyone) Vio vio viola, vio vio viola, vio vio viola, vio viola, HEY! I'm a good doctor, come from German-land! Yock-von schpeilen! Meta-me a piano! (everyone) ...

Get Acquainted
It's a good time to get acquainted, It's a good time to know, Who is sitting close beside you, And to smile and say hello! Good-bye chilly feeling, Farewell glassy stare, If we all join hands and pull ...

Get Along Little Dogies
As I was walking one morning for pleasure, I saw a cowpuncher come riding along; His hat was thrown back and his spurs were all jingling, And as he approached, he was singing this song: Yippee ti yi yay, get along little doggies, Tis your misfortune and none of my ...
Get Up And Go
Refrain: How do I know my youth is all spent? My get up and go has got up and went. Â In spite of it all I'm able to grin When I think of the places my get ...

Ghost Chickens In The Sky
A chicken Farmer went out one dark and windy day And by the coop he rested as he went along his way When all at once a rotten egg hit him in the eye It was the sight ...

Ghost Of Anne Bolelyn The
Now in the Tower of London, large as life (large as life) The ghost of Anne Boleyn walks. I declare (I declare) Now, Anne Boleyn was once King Henry's wife (Henry's wife) Until he had the axman bob ...

Ghosts Tale
Have you ever thought as a hearse goes by That one of these days you are going to die? CHORUS:- Oooo Oooo Ooo Ooo Where shall we be in a hundred years  from now? They nail you up ...

There's a time to laugh and a time to cry A time to forgive and a time to forget Dreams we sometimes dream never die We carry them on till they become someone else's dream A friend of ...

Gift Giving
Tune: I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing I'd like to give the world a gift, that all men will be free. And though I'm just a growing boy, There's things that I can see. To see that Scouting is a way, To start to understand. That caring, helping, ...
Gilligans Island Theme Song
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. It started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure. Five ...

Ging Gang Goo
Ging gang gooli gooli gooli watcha, ging gang goo, ging ganggoo. [Repeat.]Heyla, heyla sheyla, heyla sheyla heyla ho. [Repeat.] Shali walli, shali walli, shali walli, shali walli,Oompha, Oompah . . . Sing as a round, with one group continuing with the "Oompah" and another singing the song ...
Ging Gang Goolie
Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli watcha Ging gang goo, ging gang goo, Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli watcha Ging gang goo, ging gang goo Heyla, heyla sheyla Heyla sheyla, heyla, ho-o-o Heyla, heyla sheyla Heyla sheyla, ...

Ging Gang Goolie On A Pushbike
Ging gang goolie goolie goolie on a pushbike, Ging gang goo, ging gang goo, Ging gang goolie goolie goolie on a pushbike, Ging gang goo, ging gang goo, Peddle you've got to peddle you've got to peddle up ...

Girl GuideGirl Scout History Cadence
There was a man named Baden-Powell Started us out toward our goal. He spread scouting far and wide And his wife worked with Girl Guides. Lady Olave was the first Chief Guide She spread the news the worldwide ...

Girl Guides
We are Girl Guides. It is true We love life, and so can you Fun and learning, service too Don't have time to feel real blue Chorus: Sound off, 1-2, Sound off, 3-4 Bring it on down 1-2-3-4, ...

Girl Guides Are We
O Canada, Thine own Girl Guides are we, May we all strive to bravely live for thee With trusty, loyal, usefullness, obedient, courteous, kind, With thrift and cheerful friendliness, And pure in word and mind O Canada, O ...

Girl Scout Camp
The rest is more or less the same, but the chorus is I don't wanna go to Girl Scout Camp, Gee Ma I wanna go But they won't let me go, Gee Ma I wanna go home. And ...

Girl Scout Cookies 1
Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookies Shortbreads are the best, Healthy & Nutritious and we like all the rest, HEY! Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints are great, too We love the new and old ones ...

Girl Scout Cookies 2
Girl Scout cookies, Girl Scout cookies Yum, yum, yum, Yum, yum, yum, Eat 'em by the dozen, Eat 'em by the dozen, They're all gone, They're all gone! ...

Girl Scout Cookies 3
Oh we come from Buffalo & Erie Girl Scout cookies for to sell. We see every Sue & Sally Our good message for to tell. Girl Scout Cookies! Boy, they are so neat! So many kinds, So good to taste Hard to know which one to eat. ...
Girl Scout Friends
Girl Scouts, come out and hike with me, Identify some trees, flowers, and bumblebees, We'll see some chipmunks, maybe an eagle soar, And we'll be Girl Scout friends, forevermore. Girl Scouts, come out and camp with me, Up ...

Girl Scout Hearts
I don't know but I've been told (repeat) Girl Scout hearts are made of gold (repeat) (leader) Sound off, (girls) One two, (leader) Sound off (girls) Three four (all) Sound off one two, three four. ...
Girl Scout Oktoberfest Cadence
Girl Scouts of the USA We are here to shout and say Happy happy Octoberfest Come on in and be our guest Chorus: Sound off, 1-2, Sound off, 3-4 Bring it on down 1-2-3-4, 1,2,3-4! We are Girl Scouts, it is true We love life and so can you Fun ...
Girl Scouts Together
Girl Scouts together, That is our song. Winding the old trails, rocky and long. Learning out motto, living our creed. Girl Scouts together in ev'ry good deed. Girl Scouts together, Happy are we. Friendly to neighbors, far o'er the sea; Faithful to country, loyal to home, Known as true Girl ...
Give Me Oil In My Lamp
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, give me in my lamp, I pray; Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, keep me burning till the break of day. Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the King of kings! Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna ...
Give My Regards To Broadway
Give my regards to Broadway, Remember me to Herald Square, Tell all the folk on 42nd Street That I will soon be there, Whisper of how I'm yearning To mingle with the old-time throng, Give my regards to old Broadway And tell them I'll be there ere long ...
Glory Glory How Peculiar
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic]As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down. [Repeat three times.]ChorusGlory, glory, how peculiar. [Repeat two times.] [Repeat stanza.]As one sly snake slipped up the slide, other sly snake slipped down. As one blue bat blew in the ...
Glory Glory How Peculiar
As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down Glory, glory, ...
Go Bananas
Version One: This song is sung when, for example, during a meal at camp a group of kids gets together and shouts "Bananas!" The councilors all stand up and yell... Did Somebody say bananas? Bananas of the world unite! Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas Shake bananas, shake, shake bananas Go ...
Go Well And Safely
Go well and safely, Go well and safely, Go well and safely, The Lord be ever with you. (Stay, keep, camp, work, sleep, wake.......) ...
Go Tell It On The Mountain
When I was a seeker, I sought both night and day. I asked the Lord to help me And He shows me the way Chorus: Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'ry where. Go, tell it on the mountain, Our heav'nly Lord is born. He made ...
God Bless America
God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with the light from above. From the mountains to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, my home sweet home. ...
God Bless My Underwear
[Tune: God Bless America]God bless my underwear, my only pair. Stand beside them, and guide them, Through the rips, through the holes, through the tears. From the washer, to the dryer, to the clothesline in the air. God bless my underwear, my only pair. ...
God Has Created A New Day
God has created a new day Silver and green and gold. Live that the sunset may find us Worthy his gift to hold. ...
God Is Great
God is great, God is good Now we're gonna thank him for our food We're gonna thank him morning, noon and night We're gonna thank him cause he's out of sight Amen (chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi chi chi) Amen (repeat and fade out.) ...
God Is Great God Is Good
[Tune: Michael Row the Boat])God is great, God is good, Alleluia Let us thank him for our food, Alleluia. By His hand we all are fed, Alleluia Thank you Lord, for daily bread, Alleluia. ...
God Is Great God Is Good
God is great, God is good, Alleluia Let us thank him for our food, Alleluia By His hand we all are fed, Alleluia Thank you, Lord, for daily bread, Alleluia ...
God Made The Mountains
God made the mountains, God made the rolling hills, God made the flowers, God made the daffodils, God made the field of wheat, For all the bread we eat, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (repeat and fade out.) ...
God Our Father
God Our Father God Our Father Once again Once again We would ask thy blessing We would ask thy blessing Amen, Amen ...
Gods Love Is Like A Circle
God's love is like a circle, A circle big and round. And when you see a circle No ending can be found. That's how it is with God's love, Goes on eternally, Forever and forever more I know that God loves me. ...
Going Back To Gilwell
In my dreams, I'm going back to Gilwell, To the joys and happiness, I found, On those grand weekends, With my dear old friends And see the training grounds, Oh, the grass is greener back at Gilwell, And I breathe again the Scouting Air, And im memory I see B-P, ...
Goin On a Lion Hunt
[Audience echoes each line and sets up clap/lap-slapping rhythm.]Goin' on a lion hunt. Goin to catch a big one. I'm not afraid. Look, what's up ahead? Mud! Can't go over it. Can't go under it. Can't go around it. Gotta go through it. [Make sloshing sounds and ...
Goin On A Lion Hunt
Goin' on a lion hunt! I'm not scared! Look at all the beautiful flowers. Oh-oh! Tall, tall grass ahead! Can't go over it! Can't go under it! Can't go around it! Gotta go through it! (everyone does actions as if parting long grass) Goin' on a lion hunt! I'm not ...
Good Night Irene
ChorusIrene, good night, Irene; Irene, good night; Good night, Irene, good night, Irene, I'll see you in my dreams.Sometimes I live in the country, Sometimes I live in town, Sometimes I take a great notion, To roam this world around.Stop rambling, stop your gambling, Stop staying out ...
Goodnight Song
Evening sunset paints the sky, Smoke from campfire drifts on high; Songs and stories we like best, Just before we go to rest. Goodnight to every . . . Scout, say goodnight, To those away and these here in our sight. The fun we've had we will ...
Goodwill Caroling Party
The whole idea is to give goodwill and holiday spirit to each of your Scouts' families by having the boys sing carols at each boy's house. At each house have the parent provide different refreshments. For instance, the first house could provide hot cocoa. The next house could provide cookies. ...
Gory Gory
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic]He jumped out of the aeroplane without a parachute [Repeat twice more.] But he ain't going to jump no more. Chorus Gory, gory, what a heck of a way to die. [Repeat twice more.] Well, he ain't going to jump no more.He ...
Grandfathers Clock
My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf, So it stood ninety years on the floor. It was taller by half than the old man himself, Though it weighed not a pennyweight more. It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born, ...
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts
(Tune: The Old Gray Mare) Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, dirty little pigeon's feet All mixed up with a pile of poison possum pus and me without my spoon And me without my spoon and me without spoon Great green gobs of greasy grimy ...
Great Green Gobs
(Tune: Old Gray Mare, except the line in caps which is the melody to "Good Evening Friends") Great green gobs Of greasy, grimy, gopher guts, Mutilated monkey meat, Dirty, little birdie feet! Great green gobs Of greasy, grimy gopher guts, And me without my spoon! BUT I ...
Green Grow the Rushes
This is a very old folk song. I present here the Scout version and a published version -- you will understand the difference. This song is structured like the 12 Days of Christmas, in that it builds as the verses progress, until at the end, the singers respond with all ...
Green Grow the Rushes
I'll sing you one-ho, green grow the rushes-ho. What is your one-ho? One is one, and all alone, and ever more shall be it so!I'll sing you two-ho, green grow the rushes-ho. What is your two-ho? Two, two, lily white boys, cloth-ed all in green-ho One is ...
Greenland Fisheries
'Twas in eighteen hundred and fifty three, On June the thirteenth day, That our gallant ship her anchor weighed, And for Greenland bore away, brave boys, And for Greenland bore away.The lookout in the crosstrees stood With a spyglass in his hand. "There's a whale, there's a ...
Hail Hail The Gangs All Here
Hail, hail, the gang's all here, Never mind the weather, here we are together; Hail, hail, the gang's all here, Sure we're glad that you're here, too! Hail, hail, the gang's all here, We're a bunch of live ones, not a single dead one; Hail, hail, the ...
Ham and Eggs
Ham and eggs, ham and eggs, I like mine fried nice and brown, I like mine fried upside down. Ham and eggs, ham and eggs, Flip 'em, flop 'em, flop 'em, flip 'em; ham and eggs!Variation: Divide group in two and alternatively sing phases between the punctuation. ...
Hanukkah Fun
Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb Hanukkah is here at last, Here at last here at last. Hanukkah is here at last. Oh, what fun we'll have. We spin the dreidel merrily, Merrily, merrily. We spin the dreidel merrily, Oh, what fun we'll have. The candles burn so happily, Happily, ...
Hanukkah Fun Song
Tune: Merrily We Roll Along Hanukkah is here at last, Here at last, here at last. Hanukkah is here at last, There's fun for everyone. We spin the dreidel merrily, Merrily, merrily, We spin the dreidel merrily, Come and join the fun. There's fun ...
He Jumped Without A Parachute
This is a British version of a song known in the US as Never tie a love knot in a parachuters chuteTune Battle Hymn of the Republic - John Browns BodyFirst VersionHe jumped without a parachute from twenty thousand feet He jumped without a parachute from twenty ...
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Eye and ears, and a mouth and a nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Touch the appropriate body part each time it's mentioned. Second time: don't ...
Health and Strength
For health and strength and daily bread We praise thy name, Oh Lord. ...
Heart of My Heart
Heart of my heart, how I love that melody, Heart of my heart, brings back a memory, When we were kids on the corner of the street, We were rough and ready guys, but oh! How we could harmonize, Heart of my heart, meant friends were dearer ...
Heidi Hey echo hiking song
Heidi-hey Heidi-ho! Iddly-Widdly Woddley Wo, Lift your heads up to the sky Girl Scouts are passing by. Heidi-hey Heidi-ho! Iddly-Widdly Woddley Wo, Better, better than the rest, Troop 4217 is the best. Heidi-hey Heidi-ho! Iddly-Widdly Woddley Wo, If you heard what I just said Get on your ...
(Tunes: Coca Cola's I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing or Auld Lang Syne) I love to hear the word Hello, Wherever I may go. It's full of friendship And good cheer And warms the heart up so. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello. When ...
Helping Santa Clause
Tune: Up On The Housetop Down 'in the basement Cub Scouts pause, They are helping Santa Claus. Toys, games and puzzles, and goodies, too. Make children happy, yes they do. Ho, ho, ho, who wouldn't go? Ho, ho, ho, who wouldn't go? Out helping Santa, click, click, click. Try a ...
Here is Our Pinata
(Tune: Sing a song of sixpence) Here is our piñata What a sight to see, Filled with treats and goodies Just for you and me. When it's time to break it, We'll circle all around Then we'll scramble for the treats That fall down to the ground. ...
Hey Lollee
This song is meant to be made up by the singers as you go along. But if you decide to play it this way, you might want to sing a chorus between each verse to let the next person think up some lines. Lollee, lollee, Hey Lollee, ...
Hey Look Us Over
(Tune: Hey, Look Me Over)Hey look us over, lend us an ear, Watch us advance in Scouting every year. First, we are Bobcats, then we're Tiger Cubs Soon we're Wolves and we'll go on from there (singing) Hey look us over, lend us an ear, Bear Cubs are next and ...
Hes Got the Whole World
He's got the whole world in his hands; [Repeat three more times.]He's got the wind and the rain in his hands; [Repeat two more times.] He's got the whole world in his hands.3. He's got the sun and the moon . . .4. He's got the little ...
Hes Got the Whole World in His Hands
He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. 2. He's got the wind and the rain in His hands. 3. He's got the tiny little baby ...
Tune- Caisson Song Over hill over dale, We will hit the green wood trail, As the Cub Scouts go hiking along. (Chorus) And it’s Hi, Hi, Hee! The BSA, for me, Shout out our name and shout it strong, Where ere we go, we will always know, that the Cub ...
Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea, There's a hole in the bottom of the sea, There's a hole, there's a hole There's a hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. Etc. as above. There's a ...
Home In Our Pack
(Tune: Home On The Range)Oh, here is our home Where the Webelos roam, And the Tigers and Bobcats all play. The Bears on the prowl Make the Wolves give a howl, And our leaders all work for no pay. Home, home in our Pack We are earning the ranks that ...
Home on the Range
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day.ChorusHome, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a ...
Horse Fly
[Tune: The More We Get Together.]Did you ever see a horse fly, a horse fly, a horse fly? Did you ever see a horse fly, a horse fly, fly, fly?Did you ever see a board walk, a board walk, a board walk? Did you ever see a ...
Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight
Late last night when we were all in bed, Mrs. O'Leary left her lantern in the shed. Well, the cow kicked it over, and this is what they said: "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!"When you hear those bells go ding-a-ling, All join ...
Hymn of Scouting
Tune: The Church's One Foundation]Oh Father we would bring Thee a Scoutship strong and true, A life of loving service and struggle well won through, A Scoutship that our Founder would surely love to see, Of utter self-surrender and spotless purity.Oh knit us all together as loyal ...
I Dont Know Why
I don't know why, I love you like I do I don't know why I just do I don't know why you thrill me like you do I don't know why you just do You never seem to want my romancing The only time you hold me is when we're ...
I Dream Of Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair, Borne like a vapour on the summer air; I see her tripping where the bright streams play, Happy as the daisies that dance on her way. Many were the wild notes her merry voice would ...
I Have A Little Ford
I have a little ford Such a pretty little ford It's the prettiest little ford That you ever have seen. Now the ford is on the wheels And the wheels are on the ground And the engine in the ford Makes the wheels go round. Bump, Bump, Diddleee, Ah-Dah Beep, ...
I Have Lost My Underwear
I have lost my underwear, I don't care, I'll go bare. Bye, bye longjohns. They were so very good to me. Tickled me, Hee, hee, hee. Bye, bye longjohns. How I miss that little trap door behind me, If you see them you know where to find me. I have ...
I Hear Thunder
I hear thunder, I hear thunder, Hark! Don't you? Hark! Don't you? Pitter, patter, rain drops, Pitter, patter, rain drops, I'm wet through, so are you. ...
I Knew An Old Lady
I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly I don't know why she swallowed the fly Perhaps she'll die I knew an old lady who swallowed a spider That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her She swallowed a spider to catch the Fly I don't know why she ...
I Know A Place
I know a place, where no one ever goes There's peace and quiet, beauty and repose It's hidden in a valley, beside a mountain stream And lying there beside the stream I find that I can dream. Oh, what a place of beauty to the eye Snow peaked mountains towering ...
I Know Where Im Going
I know where I'm going, And I know who's going with me. I know who I love, And the dear knows who I'll marry. I have stockings of silk, And shoes of bright green leather. Combs to buckle my hair, And a ring for every finger. Feather beds are soft, ...
I Left My Gold
Tune: I left my heart in San Francisco I left my gold on some lost island. Under a tall and leafy palm. The tree shook loose two coconuts. The first one hit my foot. The second one hit my head. Thought I was dead. My gold waits there on that ...
I Like The Flowers
I like the flowers I like the daffodils I like the mountains I like the rolling hills I like the campfires When all the lights are low Boom di-a-dah, boom di-a-dah, Boom di-a-dah, boom di-a-dah... ...
I Like The Mountains
I like the moutains, I like the rolling hills I like the flowers, I like the daffodils I like the fireside, when the nights are low bum te da da, bum te da da.... ...
I Love Scouting
(Tune: Deep in the Heart of Texas) I love Scouting, I live Scouting I enjoy having fun. You should also be in Scouting Come and join us everyone. ...
I Love That Word Hello
(Tune: Auld Lang Syne)I love to hear that word “hello” Wherever I may go. It’s full of friendship and good cheer, And warms the heart up so. Hello, hello, hello, hello Hello, Hello, hello; Where e’er we meet Like friends let’s greet Each other with “hello.” ...
I love the Mountains
I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the flowers, I love the daffodils, I love the campfire, when all the lights are low; Boom-de-ada, boom-de-ada, boom-de-ada, boom-de-ada . . . ...
I Met a Bear
[Tune: Sipping Cider Through a Straw]The other day, I met a bear, Out in the woods, away out there. [Point.]He looked at me, I looked at him, He sized up me, I sized up him.He says to me, "Why don't you run?" "'Cause I can see, you ...
I Met A Bear
Tune: Sipping Cider Through a Straw The other day, I met a bear, Out in the woods, away out there. [Point.] He looked at me, I looked at him, He sized up me, I sized up him. He says to me, "Why don't you run?" "'Cause I can see, you ...
I Met A Polar Bear
Tune: Sipping Cider Through a Straw The other day, I saw a bear, A big while bear, I had to stare. He stared right back, and seemed to grin, His long white fangs, hung to his chin. He move toward me, upon four paws, And those four paws, held six-inch ...
I Met An Engine On A Hill
Tune: Yankee Doodle I met an engine on a hill, All hot and broken hearted, And this is what he said to me As up the hill he started: I think I can, I think I can, At any rate I'll try I think I can, I think I can, ...
I Might Not
I might not walk, I may not see I may not hear, the wind in the trees. I might not stand so tall, I may not quite recall The way it was when things, were easier for me. But I can laugh and I can feel. And I love the ...
I See The Moon
I see the moon, the moon sees me The moon sees the one that I want to see God bless the moon and God bless me And God bless the one that I want to see. I do believe that God above Created you for me to love He picked ...
I Want A Cub
I want a Cub, just like the Cub With both eyes opened wide; He is a joy and a reg'lar boy Who fills our hearts with pride; A real true happy Cub with Cubby grin, One who stuck to it, thro' thick and thin, I want a Cub just like ...
I Want To Be Happy
I want to be happy, But I won't be happy Till I make you happy, too. Life's really worth living When we are mirth giving -- Why can't I give some to you? When skies are gray And you say you are blue. I'll send the sun smiling through, I ...
I Want To Be Strong
Chorus: Oh I want to be strong, To be, strong as the land around me, I want a heart that's as wide as the sky I want a spirit like a moving mountain stream, I want to look people, straight in the eye. Walking along beneath a canopy of clouds. ...
I Want To Linger
I want to linger a little longer. A little longer with you. It's such a perfect night. It doesn't seem quite right. That this should be Our last with you. Come next September We will remember Our camping days And friendships true. And as the years go by, We'll think ...
I Whistle A Happy Tune
Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect And whistle a happy tune, so no one will suspect I'm afraid While shivering in my shoes, I strike a careless pose And whistle a happy tune, and no one ever knows I'm afraid The result of this deception is very ...
I Wish I Was
Tune: If You're Happy]Oh, I wish I was a little stripe-ed skunk. Oh, I wish I was a little stripe-ed skunk. I would sit up in the tree-sies, and perfume all the breezies. Oh, I wish I was a little stripe-ed skunk.Mosquito-Oh, I'd itchy and I'd bitey, ...
I Zicka Zimba
I zicka zimba, zimba, zimba I zicka zimba, zimba, hey I zicka zimba, zimba, zimba I zicka zimba, zimba, hey Hold him down, you Zulu Warrior Hold him down, you Zulu chief Chief chief chief... ...
If I Were Not a Scout
[Tune: This is the Music Concert]Now I'm a [Boy/Girl] Scout, as you can plainly see. But if I weren't a [Boy/Girl] Scout, . . .1. A bird watcher I'd be Hark a lark, flying through the park, SPLAT!2. A plumber I would be Plunge it, flush it, ...
If Its Raining
If it's raining and you know it clap your hands (twice). [Repeat.] If it's raining and you know it then your clothes will surely show it. If it's raining and you know it clap your hands (twice).If the mud is only knee deep, stamp your feet (twice). ...
If Youre Daffy
Same format as "If You're Happy" but substitute: clap your fingers; knock your knees. ...
If Youre Happy
If you're happy and you know it [clap your hands (twice).] [Repeat.] If you're happy and you know it then you really ought to show it. If you're happy and you know it [clap your hands (twice).]2. Stamp your feet. 3. Give the sign [Scout sign]. 4. ...
Ilky Moor
1. Where hast tha' been since I saw thee, I saw thee? On Ilky moor baht hat. Where hast tha' been since I saw . . . Where hast tha' been since I saw . . . Where hast tha' been since I saw thee, since I ...
In the Evening by the Moonlight
In the evening, by the moonlight, you could hear those campers singing, In the evening, by the moonlight, you could hear those echoes singing. How the campers would enjoy it! They would sit all night and listen; As we sang in the evening, by the moonlight (Rawdy-do-dah!)Second ...
In the Good Old Summertime
In the good old summer time, in the good old summer time, Strolling through the shady lanes with your baby mine; You hold her hand and she holds yours, and that's a very good sign, That she's your tootsey wootsey in the good old summertime. ...
It Aint Gonna Rain No More
Oh! the night was dark and dreary, The air was full of sleet, The old man stood out in the storm, His shoes were full of feet. Chorus Oh, it ain't gonna rain no more, no more, It ain't gonna rain no more, How in the heck ...
It was Friday Night When We Set Sail The Mermaid
It was Friday night when we set sail, And we were not far from the land. When the captain spied a lovely mermaid With a comb and a brush in her hand, her hand, her hand, With a comb and a brush in her hand.ChorusOh! the ocean ...
Its a Scouting World
It's a world of laughter, a world of tears. It's a world of hopes and a world of fears. There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware It's a Scouting world. Chorus It's a Scouting world for all. [repeat 2 more times.] It's a ...
Its a Small World
It's a world of laughter, a world of tears; It's a world of hopes and a world of fears. There's so much that we share That it's time we were aware. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all, It's a small world ...
Its An Insect World
It's a world of centipedes, a world of moths, It's a world of katydids, a world of wasps There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware, It's an insect world.ChorusIt's an insect covered world, [repeat twice]. It's an insect world.It's a world of beetles, ...
Id Do Anything
I'd do anything for you, dear, anything For you mean everything to me I know that I'd go anywhere for your smile, anywhere For your smile everywhere I'd see Let the clouds of grey come along Surely they won't stay very long If you'll say --- You're mine alone I'd ...
Id Like to Teach the World to sing
I’d like to build the world a home And furnish it with love, Grow apple trees and honey bees, And snow white turtle doves. I’d like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony, I’d like to hold it in my arms, And keep it company. I’d like to ...
Id Rather Have Fingers Than Toes
Tune: Grand Old Duke of York I'd rather have fingers than toes, I'd rather have eyes than a nose, And as for my hair, Well, I'm glad that it's there, I'll be sorry someday when it goes. ...
Ill Sing You Jam O
I'll sing you jam O Green grow the rushes O What is your jam O Jam is jam and all the same And ever more shall be so I'll sing you beans O Green grow the rushes O What is your jam O Pork and beans in a little round ...
Im A Ford
I'm an ugly piece of tin. Nobody knows where I might have been. I've got four wheels and a running board. I'm a Ford, a Ford, a Ford. Bump, bump, rattle, rattle ...
Im A Girl Guide
Tune: Frere Jacques I'm a Girl Guide. I'm a Girl Guide. Who are you? Who are you? Can't you tell by looking? Can't you tell by looking? I'm one too. I'm one too. ...
Im A Girl Scout 1
Tune: Frere Jacques I'm a Girl Scout. I'm a Girl Scout. Who are you? Who are you? Can't you tell by looking? Can't you tell by looking? I'm one too. I'm one too. ...
Im A Girl Scout 2
Chorus: I'm a Girl Scout My hair is seaweed (stroke hair) And my ears are made of leather (make ears with open hands) And they flop in rainy weather (flop hands) I'm a hemlock (bring fists down from muscle man pose) I'm tough as a "pine-nock" (muscle man pose) I'm ...
Im a Little Hunk of Tin
I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. Got four wheels and a running board, I'm a four-door, I'm a Ford. Honk-honk, rattle-rattle, don't crash, beep-beep [repeat twice ] Honk-honk, honk-honk, honk-honk.Actions: honk-pull ears; rattle-shake head; crash-cover face with hands; beep-push on nose ...
Im Being Swallowed By A Boa Constrictor
I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor, [Repeat twice] And I don't like it one little bit! Oh no! He swallowed my toe. Oh gee! He's up to my knee. Oh my! He's up to my thigh. Oh fiddle! He's up to my middle. Oh heck! He's ...
Im Fire Safety Sam
(Tune: Popeye the Sailor Man) I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff) I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff) Please test smoke detectors 'Cause they're home protectors. I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff) Substitute lines 3 and 4 with the following words for new verses... It's important to say.. With matches, don't ...
Im Happy When Im Hiking
I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back. I'm happy when I'm hiking, on(off) the beaten track. Out in the open country, that's the place for me, With a true Scout friend, to the journey's end, Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day. Tramp, tramp, ...
Ive Got That Cub Scout Spirit
I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Up in my head, Up in my head I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Up in my head to stayRepeat verse above and sing in turn: Deep in my heart Down in my feet All over ...
Ive Got Sixpence
I've got sixpence, jolly, jolly sixpence, I've got sixpence, to last me all my life. I've got twopence to spend, and twopence to lend, And twopence to send home to my wife. Poor wife!ChorusNo cares have I to grieve me, no pretty little girls to deceive me. ...
Ive Got That Scouting Spirit
I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head, up in my head, up in my head. I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head, up in my head to stay.2. I've got that Scouting spirit deep in my heart.3. I've got that Scouting spirit down ...
Ive Got The Cub Scout Spirit
[Point to each part of the body as you sing. Replace “up in my head” with other words in the last four verses] I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Up in my head Up in my head I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my ...
John Browns Baby
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic]John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest.[Repeat twice more.] So they rubbed it with camphorated oil.The second time through, replace the word, "chest" by patting the chest. Next time, substitute a cough for the word, "cold." Then, substitute baby-rocking arm ...
John Browns Ford
Tune: John Brown’s Body John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire, John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire, John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire, So he patched it up with chewing gum. Motions: ‘Ford’ – make a ‘brrrrmmmm’ sound as you pretend to ...
Johnny Appleseed
The Lord is good to me And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need The sun and rain and the appleseed. The Lord is good to me.And every seed that grows Will grow into a tree, And one day soon there'll be ...
Joy To The Cubs
Tune: Joy To The World Joy to the world, our Cubs are here. Let all the pack rejoice. Their badges they have earned today. Award them now without delay Let all the pack now cheer Let all the pack now cheer. For those Cub Scouts who advanced today. ...
Junior Birdmen
[Tune: On Brave Old Army Team]Up in the air, Junior Birdmen; up in the air, upside down, Up in the air, Junior Birdmen; with your noses to the ground.And when you hear the grand announcement: that your wings are made of tin. Well, then you know, Junior ...
Just a Boy and a Girl
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe with the moon shining all around. And he paddled and he paddled so slow and easy that you couldn't even hear a sound. And they talked and they talked 'til the moon grew dim, He said, "You ...
K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy, You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore. When the m-m-moon shines over the cow-shed, I'll be waiting at your k-k-k-kitchen door. ...
KKKaty silly verses
[Tune: K-K-Katy]C-c-c-chigger, horrible chigger, You're the only b-b-b-bug that I abhor. When the m-m-moon shines over the campsite, I will scratch my b-b-b-bites until they're sore.C-c-c-chicken, a la-la king-en, You're so g-g-g-good I want some more. When b-banquet is all over, I'll be waiting at the b-b-b-bathroom ...
Kee Chee
A wuni kuni ka yah wuni, [Repeat.] Ahyi yi iki ay kae ayna, [Repeat.] Ah ooo, ah ooo, ah dee mee KEE CHEE.Actions:1. Hands on own knees; hands on knees of person to the left; hands on own knees; hands on knees of person to the right.2. ...
Keemo Kyemo
There was an old frog and he lived in a spring, Sing-song kitty catch-ee kye-nne-oh. He was so hoarse he couldn't sing, Sing-song kitty catch-ee kye-nne-oh. Chorus: Keemo kyemo dellway Hiho Rumpetee rump Periwinkle soap Linkhorn nip cat Hit 'em with a brickbat, Sing-song kitty catch-ee kye-nne-oh. Cheese in the ...
Keep On Scouting
Let me keep on Scouting Through the years to come Let me know the pleasures And the joy and fun, Ever aiding others better men to be, That, we know "Good Scouting" Brings to you and me. ...
Keep On The Sunny Side
Chorus: Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, Keep on the sunny side of life, YEE-HAW! You will feel no pain as we drive you all insane, so Keep on the sunny side of life! (between choruses, do a series of knock-knock jokes, like the following:) Leader: ...
Keep The Campfire Burning
Keep the campfire burning, Day to night is turning Soon our fancies with the stars in dreams shall roam; Let the light be glowing, Warmth land sleep bestowing 'Till at last the dawn comes up for the long trail home. ...
The keeper did a hunting go And under his cloak he carried a bow All for to shoot of a merry little doe Among the leaves so green O. CHORUS:- (2 parts) 1. Jacky Boy 2. Master 1. Sing ye well 2. Very Well 1. Hey Down 2. Ho down ...
Kille Kille Watch Watch
Um-pah! Um-pah! Um-pah! Um-pah! (One half of the group, repeat the first line imitating tom-tom accompaniment throughout.) Kille, kille, kille, kille, Watch, watch, watch, watch, Kay-you-kin-cum-ka-wah Kille, kille, kille, kille, Watch, watch, watch, watch, Kay-you-kin-cum-ka-wah Hay-ha-hay-chalma, Hay chalma-polly-wamma; Hay-ha-hay-chalma Hay-chalma-polly-wah! Enough! ...
Kings Nivy
I don't want to March with the infantry, Ride with the cavalry, Shoot with the artillery. I don't want to Fly over Germany. I'm in the King's nivy I'm in the King's nivy I'm in the King's nivy Oh.......... Replace words with motions "March"....stomp feet "Ride".....sit up and down "Shoot".....Fire ...
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Merry merry king of the bush is he, Laugh, Kookaburra, Laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Eating all the gum-drops he can see, Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra, Leave ...
Kum Ba Yah Come By Here
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah! [Repeat twice more.] Oh Lord, kum ba yah!Someone's sleeping, Lord . . . Someone's crying, Lord . . . Someone's singing, Lord . . . Someone's laughing, Lord . . . Someone's praying, Lord . . . Someone's Scouting, ...
Kum Ba Yah Come with Me
Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah. Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah. Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah. Oh Lord, Kum ba yah. 2. someone's crying, Lord 3. someone's singing, Lord 4. someone's praying, Lord ...
Kum Ba Yah With The Scout Law
A scout is Trustworthy, Lord Kum ba yah, A scout is Loyal, Lord Kum ba yah. A Scout is Helpful, Lord Kum ba yah Oh, Lord, Kum ba yah A Scout is Friendly, Lord Kum ba yah, A scout is Courteous, Lord Kum ba yah. A Scout is Kind, Lord ...
Kumala Vista
fy fie fy fie fy fie fo fie. fy fie fo fie cumala cumala cumala vista oh no no no no na ta vista imini simini ouaoua ni imini souamini ouaoua ni big bables ou and bables ou tamingka ...
La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba Para bailar La Bamba Se necesita una poca de garcia Una poca de garcia, y otra cosita Y arriba, y arriba, y arriba ire Por ti sere, por ti sere Bamba Bamba Bamba Bamba Bamba Bamba. ...
La Chanson Des Brownies
Nous les Brownies, avons un but Rendre ser-vice, jou-er le jeu. ...
La Loi Guide
La Loi Guide m'invite d'etre honnete, Digne de confiance; D'utiliser mes ressources avec sagesse; Me respecter, respecter les autres; Connairtre et utiliser mes talents; Proteger l'environnement; Etre forte et courageuse, Partager dans la joie L'amitie de mes soeurs Guides. ...
Land Of Oden
In the land of Oden, there lies a mountain, Ten thousand miles, in the air From edge to edge This mountain measures, Ten thousand miles square A little bird comes a winging Once every thousand years or so Sharpens its beak on the mountain And then he swiftly flies away ...
Land of the Silver Birch
Land of the silver birch, home of the beaver, Where still the mighty moose wanders at will.ChorusBlue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more. Boom de de boom boom, boom de de boom boom. Boom de de boom boom, boom-m-m-m-m.Down in the forest, deep in ...
Lassa Walks In Circles
Lassa walks in circles and that's the way it goes, Lassa walks in circles and that's the way it goes, Right hand to your partner, Left hand to your neighbour, Arms around the 3rd one and that's the way it goes, Dancing with Lappadu Dancing with Lappadu, Lappadu, Lappadu Dancing ...
Leading Songs
Did you know you could become a song leader? Well follow these tips and see how much fun you can have. You see, people,have a fundamental rhythm urge. Watch them respond by tapping a toe, humming to himself or herself, or even gently swaying the body to a lively tune ...
Lets go for a ride
Tune: Ten Little Indians Come everyone lets go for a ride Start your engines we don’t need a guide. Just hop in the car of your choice A Mustang, school bus, or a Rolls Royce. Gremlin, Vespa, Cadillac Corvette, Rabbit, horse and tack. Minivan, Cavalier, ATV Limousine, Neon, SUV. A ...
Lions and Tigers and Bears
[Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home] When lions are roaming on the plain, hurrah, hurrah. [Repeat.] When lions are roaming on the plain, we fall on our knees and pray for rain. Chorus>And we all go running up to the hills to get out of their way, ...
Little Bunny FruFru
Little bunny Fru-fru, hoppin' though the forest, Scoopin' up the field mice and battin' them on the head. Along came the good fairy, and she said: "Little bunny Fru-fru, I don't want to see you Scoopin' up the field mice and battin' them on the head. I'll ...
Little Rabbit
In a cabin in the woods, little old man by the window stood. Saw a rabbit hopping by, frightened as can be. "Help me, help me, help me." He said, "Before the hunter shoots me dead." Come little rabbit, come inside; safely at my side. ...
Long Ago
Tune: Three Blind Mice Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Roam the land. Long ago! You were here when the land was new. You ate all your veggies, meat and grew. You were the king and all the others knew. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs. ...
Lord Baden Powell
(Tune: Father Abraham) Lord Baden-Powell has many friends Many friends has Lord Baden-Powell I am one of them, and so are you As we go marching on - - (shout out) “With a RIGHT” ARM (beginning swinging arm) Repeat verse above and add in turn: • “With a LEFT” ARM ...
Lydia Pinkham
ChorusSo Let us drink-a, drink-a, drink, To Lydia Pinkham, Pinkham, Pink. The savior of the human race. She invented a vegetable compound Twas efficacious in every case.Here's a story, a little bit gory, A little bit happy, a little bit sad. Of Lydia Pinkham and her vegetable ...
Magdalena Tagalena
ChorusOh, Magdalena tagalena, wocha-tocha, wocha-tocha, Wocha-tocha-mocha was her name.She had two hairs on the top of her head, One was alive and the other one was dead.She had two eyes in the middle of her head, One was green and the other one was red.She had a ...
Menu Song
Today is Monday, today is Monday. Monday-Roast beef! Is everybody happy? Well, I should say.Today is Tuesday, today is Tuesday. Tuesday-String beans! Monday-Roast beef! Is everybody happy? Well, I should say.Continue in the same way, adding a new day each time and sing back down to Monday ...
Michael Row the Boat
Michael, row the boat ashore, Alleluia Michael, row the boat ashore, Alleluia.Sister, help to trim the sail, Sister, help to trim the sail,Brother, lend a helping hand, Brother, lend a helping hand,Jordan's river is chilly and cold, Chills the body but not the soul,Jordan's river is deep ...
Morning Has Broken
Morning has broken, like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird. Praise for the singing, praise for the morning, Praise for them springing fresh from the word.Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven, Like the first dew fall on the first grass. Praise ...
Morningtown Ride
Train whistle blowing, makes a sleepy noise, Underneath their blankets go all the girls and boys, Heading from the station, out along the bay, All bound for Morningtown, many miles away.[Child's name]'s at the engine, [Another child's name] rings the bell, [Other child's name] swings the lantern ...
[Tune: Auld Lang Syne]On mules we find two legs behind, and two we find before; We stand behind before we find, what the two behind be for. When we're behind the two behind, we find what these be for; So stand before the two behind, and behind ...
Music Concert
In this song, the sound of each instrument is added to the previous one after each verse.This is the music concert from the fatherland. [Audience repeat.]And I play the viola . . . .Vio-vio-vio-la, vio-vio-vio-la, vio-vio-vio-la, vio-vio-vio-la.And I play the piano . . . . Plink, plink, ...
My Aunt Came Back
My Aunt came back from old Algiers; She brought to me a pair of shears.. . . from old Japan . . . a hand-made fan. . . . from Holland too . . . a wooden shoe. [stomp foot] . . . from Kalamazoo . . ...
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me. Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me; [Repeat.]Action: As you sing each word beginning with the ...
My Bonniesilly verses
My Bonnie's complexion was makeup, her face, it was beauteous to see; Until she got caught in a rainstorm, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank, the height of its contents to see; I lighted a match to assist her, Oh, ...
My Dog Rover
(Tune: I"m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover) Verse 1 I'm looking over my dead dog Rover That I overran with the mower. One leg is missing, another is gone, One leg is scattered all over the lawn. No need explaining, the one remaining, Is stuck in the ...
My Dream Came True
[Tune: I've Been Working on the Railroad]I was dreaming of a campfire, burning clear and bright. Sparkling stars were all above me, upon a summer's night. I was dreaming that my best friends all were dreaming too. When I woke and looked around me, I saw my ...
My Fathers House
Oh, won't you come with me, to my Father's house. To my Father's house, to my Father's house. Oh, won't you come with me, to my Father's house, There is peace, peace, peace.There's sweet communion there, in my Father's house. . . . There'll be no parting ...
My Friend
(Tune: Jimmy Crack Corn)I am playing with my friend. Fun like this should never end. We’re bouncing balls and climbing trees And running races in the breeze. Chorus: Toe the mark and then shout, “Go!” Our four feet are never slow. Down the walk we run with glee ...
My Grass Eating Friend
Tune: Home on the Range Oh give me a home, where the dinosaurs roam, Where they eat grass and leaves every day. You don't have to complain, if your yard needs a trim, Or the bushes are in such disarray. Home, home of my friend, My large and hungry grass ...
My Hat It Has Three Corners
My hat it has three corners, Three corners has my hat, And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat.The first time, sing all the words. The second time, touch the top of the head instead of saying the word, "hat." The third time, ...
My Stomach Has Had It
[Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean]My breakfast lies over the ocean, My dinner lies over the sea, My stomach is in a commotion, Don't mention my supper to me.ChorusBring back, bring back, Oh bring Back my bucket to me, to me . . . I really ...
My Tall Silk Hat
(Tune: Funiculi, Funicula) One day, as I was riding on the subway, My tall silk hat, my tall silk hat. I laid it on the seat beside me, My tall silk hat, my tall silk hat. A big, a-fat-a-lady sat upon it, My tall silk hat, my ...
My Uncle
(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean) My uncle fell into a pothole In a glacier while climbing an Alp. He's still there after 50 long winters, And all you can see is his scalp. Chorus Bring back, bring back, O bring back my uncle to me, ...
National Embalming School
[Tune: (mostly) O, Tannenbaum]>We live for you, we die for you, National Embalming School. We do our best to give you rest, National Embalming School. And when you die, we'll dig a hole, and bury you so deep and cold. We live for you, we die for ...
Now the Day is Over
Now the day is over, night is drawing nigh, Shadows of the evening steal across the sky.Now the darkness gathers, stars begin to peep, Birds and beasts and flowers soon will be asleep.Grant to all the weary, calm and sweet repose, With the kindest blessing, may our ...
Oh Mister Magician
Tune: On Top of Old Smokey Oh, Mister Magician Come do us some tricks. Take some of your foam balls And turn them to sticks. Take eggs from an ear Break them into your hat. Wave your magic wand Turn them into a bat. ...
Oh Susanna
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee, I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see. It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry The sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna, don't you cry.ChorusOh! Susanna, Oh ...
Oh Saint Nicholas
(Tune: Old McDonald Had A Farm)Old St. Nicholas had a tree(form tree with arms) Ho, ho ho ho ho! And on that tree, he had some horns(blow horns) Ho ho ho ho ho With a toot toot here and a toot toot there Here a toot There a toot Every ...
Oh Where Oh Where Did the Dinosaurs Go
Tune: Where, oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone? Oh, where, oh where, did the Dinosaurs go? Oh, where, oh where, can they be? They were just too big just to disappear It sure is puzzling to me! ...
Old Folks at Home
Way down upon the Swanee River, far, far away, That's where my heart is turning ever, there's were the old folks stay. All up and down the whole creation, sadly I roam, Still longing for the old plantation, and for the old folks at home.ChorusAll the world ...
Older Than Dinosaurs
SETTING: 8 boys are needed. SCENE: Have them enter on stage and gather around just talking. Cub # 1: Have you met the new leader? Cub # 2: No, but 1 hear he's real nice. Cub # 3: I heard he knows all about knots and lashings. Cub # 4: ...
On My Honour
Chorus On my honour I will try. There's a duty to be done and I say aye. There's a reason here for a reason above. My honour is to try and my duty is love. People don't need to know my name. If I do any harm, ...
On The Loose
RefrainOn the loose to climb a mountain, On the loose where I am free. On the loose to live my life the way I think my life should be. For I've only got a moment, and a whole world left to see. I'll be looking for tomorrow ...
On Top of Old Smoky
On top of old Smoky, all covered with snow, I lost my true lover from courting too slow.Now, courting is pleasure and parting is grief, And a false-hearted lover is worse than a thief.For a thief will just rob you and take what you have, But a ...
Once a Girl Scout went to Camp
(Tune: Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes) Once a Girl Scout went to camp, went to camp Went to camp without her lamp, without her lamp And there she saw a spider in her bed, in her bed This is what the Girl Scout said , Girl ...
One Finger One Thumb
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving [repeat twice] And we'll all be happy again!One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands keep moving [repeat 2 more times.] And we'll all be happy again!With each new verse, add the following in succession: 3. One arm; 4. ...
One Fish Ball
A man was walking up and down, To find a place where he could dine in town; A man was walking up and down, To find a place where he could dine.He found himself a fancy place, And entered in with simple grace. [Repeat.]He took his purse ...
Oom Plucky Plucky
She sat on a hillside and strummed her guitar, strummed her guitar, strummed her guitar. She sat on a hillside and strummed her guitar, strummed her gui-ta-a-a-ar.ChorusOom, plucky, plucky, oom, plucky, plucky, oom, pluck, pluck, pluck, ZING! Oom, plucky, plucky, oom, plucky, plucky, oom, pluck, pluck, pluck, ...
Order of the Planets
(Tune of Down By The Station) My very eager mother Just served us nine pizzas To help us remember The order of the planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto are their names. ...
Our Paddles Keen and Bright
Our paddles keen and bright, flashing like silver, Swift as the wild goose flies, dip, dip, and swing.Dip, dip, and swing them back, flashing like silver, Swift as the wild goose flies, dip, dip, and swing.Sing two or three times through, with voices becoming louder and then ...
Our Scouts Will Shine Tonight
Our Scouts will shine tonight, our Scouts will shine, Our Scouts will shine tonight, all down the line; They're all dressed up tonight, don't they look fine! When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, our Scouts will shine! ...
Over the River
Over the river and through the woods To Grandmother's house, we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh Through white and drifted snow. Over the river and through the woods, Oh, how the wind does blow. It stings the toes and bites the nose As over the ...
Pack Up Your Troubles
Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, and smile, smile, smile; While you've a match or two to light your fire, Smile Scouts that's the style. What's the use of worrying, it never was worth while; so- Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, and ...
Pass It On
It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up to its glowing, That's how it is with Scouting, Once you've experienced it; You spread your joy to everyone, You want to pass it on. What a wondrous time ...
Pass the Shoe
You must pass the shoe from me to you, to you, You must pass the shoe, and do just like I do.For this song game you can substitute a cup, rock, or any suitable object for a person's actual shoe. Form an ring; as you sing, give ...
Patsy Atsy Ori Ay
18 hundred and 51, work on the railroad was begun, Work on the railroad was begun, workin' on the railroad.ChorusPatsy atsy ori ay, [repeat twice] Workin' on the railroad.1800 & 52, looking around for something to do, . . . . 1800 & 53, railroad company hired ...
Peace Is
Peace is the bread we break; Love is a river rolling. Life is the chance we take When we make this world our home. Gonna make this world our home. ...
Peanut Butter and Jelly
First ya find the peanuts and ya dig 'em; Ya dig 'em, ya dig 'em, dig 'em, dig 'em. Then you take the peanuts and ya smash 'em, . . . . Then you take the butter and ya spread it, . . . .ChorusPeanut, peanut butter; ...
People in a Family Song
(Tune: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) Chorus: People in a family should do a lot together, In the house, or out-of-doors, No matter what the weather, Do not try to put it off, It’s either now or never People in a family should do a lot together. Mom and dad should take the time, ...
Pick Up That Trash
(Tune: Home on the Range) On give me a street That looks very neat, Where no paper and trash fly about. For when I do see All that mess and debris, It makes me just want to shout out...CHORUS Pick, pick up that trash. Don’t you care how our streets ...
Picking up Litter
Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad I’ve been picking up the litter All the livelong day. I’ve been picking up the litter Just to have a place to play. Can’t you see the litter basket Sitting on the sidewalk there? Every little bit will help us If you just ...
Pirate Ship
(Tune: Sing a song of Sixpence) Sing a song of pirates, A pocket full of gold, Sailing on a big ship, In the days of old If in a battle, The ship was sunk, On the bottom it would lay You can find their treasure, If you search there some ...
Point With Pride
(Tune: Yankee Doodle)America is beautiful, With views beyond compare; So let’s always stash our trash, And show her that we care.Come on guys, let’s do our part, And clean our countryside; And everywhere that we will go, We can point with pride! ...
Polly Wolly Doodle
Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, Sing Polly-Wolly-Doodle all day, My Sally am a spunky gal, Sing Polly-Wolly-Doodle all day.ChorusFare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well my fairy fay, For I'm going to Louisiana, for to see my Susyanna, Sing Polly-Wolly-Doodle ...
Quartermasters Store
There are rats, rats, as big as alley cats, At the store, at the store. There are rats, rats, as big as alley cats, At the Quartermaster's store.ChorusMy eyes are dim, I can not see. I have not brought my specks with me. [Repeat.]Mice . . . ...
Randall the red cheeked Cub Scout
Tune: Rudolph The Red-Nosed ReindeerRandall, the red-cheeked Cub Scout Had a very cold, cold nose And if you ever noticed You could even say it flows All of the other Cubbies Used to laugh and point it out That Randall, the red-cheeked Cub Scout Had a very runny snout Then ...
[Tune: Alouette]Ravioli, I like ravioli; ravioli, it's so good for me. Leader: Do I have it in my hair? Yes you have it in your hair. Leader: In my hair? OHHH... Ravioli, I like ravioli; ravioli, it's so good for me.Continue: Chin, tie, shirt, skirt(pants), shoes, floor. ...
Red River Valley
From this valley they say you are going, We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, For they say you are taking the sunshine Which has brightened our pathways a while.ChorusCome and sit by my side if you love me; Do not hasten to bid me ...
Reindeer Poky
Tune: The Hokey Poky You put your antlers in. You put your antlers out. You put your antlers in and you shake them all about. You do the Reindeer Poky and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!Additional verses - You put your hooves in... You put your ...
Rise and Shine
ChorusSo, rise and shine, and give out your glory, glory; Rise and shine, and give out your glory, glory; Rise and shine, and [slap or clap] give out your glory, glory; Children of the Lord.The Lord said to Noah,"There's gonna be a floody, floody;" [repeat again.] Get ...
Rock-a-my-soul in the bosum of Abraham, [repeat twice]. Oh, rock-a-my-soul. (Oh, Lordy.) Too high, you can't get over it, Too low, you can't get under it, Too wide, you can't get around it, Got to go in through the door. ...
Rockets into Space
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Up, up, up they go Rockets into space. Faster, faster, faster, faster, How can we keep pace? Up, up, up they go Rockets to the moon. Farther, farther, farther, farther, Mars now, Venus soon. ...
Rockin Rabbit Song
(Tune: Rockin’ Robin) I hop in the bunny patch All day long Hippin’ and a hoppin’ And a singin’ a song. All the little bunnies On Cottontail Street Do the Rockin’ Rabbit, Really can’t be beat. Rockin’ Rabbit. Rock, rock, rock. Rockin’ Rabbit. Rock, rock, rock. ROCKIN’ RABBIT! All the ...
Rotten Reeboks
Tune: Clementine I’ve tried bug balm, lemon air scent Even spray that smells like pine, Rotten Reeboks, dirty sweat socks, Must be something that can cut it Generating toxic fumes, Something strong like turpentine. I’ve seen flies dead-struck in mid-air Fatal ventures into his ...
Sally The Camel
Sally the camel has five humps. Sally the camel has five humps. Sally the camel has five humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has four humps. Sally the camel has four humps. Sally the camel has four humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has three humps. ...
Sandwich Song
(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic) I walk into a restaurant And this is what I cry: "I want a chicken sandwich, Cup of coffee, piece of pie." Oh, you will surely hear me Sing this song until I die! "I want a chicken sandwich, Cup of ...
Sarah the Whale
(Tune: Dixie) In Frisco town there lived a whale They fed her peanuts by the pail, And washtubs and bathtubs And sailboats and schooners. Her name is Sarah and she's a peach, But don't put food within her reach Or babies, or nursemaids Or chocolate ice cream ...
Scout Prayer
Softly falls the light of day As our campfire fades away, Silently each girl should ask: "Have I done my daily task? Have I kept my honor bright? Can I guiltless sleep tonight?Have I done and have I dared Everything to be prepared?" "I have kept my ...
Scout Travelers
[Tune: Home on the Range]Oh, give us a train or a boat or a plane, That will carry . . . Scouts away; To Paris or Rome, let us wander and roam, And discover new things each day.Relax on a trail, float over the waves all day, ...
Shell Be Coming Round the Mountain
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes. (Toot Toot!) She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes. (Toot Toot!) She'll be coming 'round the mountain, She'll be coming 'round the mountain, She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes. (Toot Toot!) 2. She'll ...
Shine On Harvest Moon Medley
Shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky; I ain't had no lovin since January, February, June or July. Snow time ain't no time to sit around and croon. So, shine on, shine on harvest moon for me and my gal.The bells are ringing, for ...
Shortnin Bread
Three little children lyin' in bed, Two of them sick and the other most dead. Called for the doctor, the doctor said, "Feed them children some shortnin' bread.ChorusMammy's little baby loves shortnin', shortnin', Mammy's little baby loves shortnin' bread. [Repeat both lines.]When them children lying in the ...
Show Me the Way to Go Home
Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Oh, I had a little drink about an hour ago, and it went right to my head. Wherever I may roam, on land or sea or foam. You will always hear ...
Side By Side
Oh we ain't got a barrel of money, maybe we're ragged and funny, But we'll travel along, singing a song, side by side. Don't know what's coming tomorrow, maybe it's trouble and sorrow, But we'll travel the road, sharing our load, side by side. Through all kinds ...
Siesta or Fiesta
(Tune: Home on the Range) Down Mexico way, they have parties to gay; Which they call a great big fiesta, And during each day, they take time from their play, To take a relaxing siesta. Chorus: South, south of the border, A relaxed kind of people we find. They don’t ...
Simple Gifts
'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free, 'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right, We will live in the valley of love and delight. When true simplicity is ...
Singing for Our Lives
We are gentle angry people And we are singing, singing for our lives. We are gentle angry people And we are singing, singing for our lives.We are young and old together . . . We are a multicolored people . . . ...
Singing in the Rain
We're singing in the rain, just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, we're happy again.Thumbs up! [Group echoes.] Toot-ta-ta-da, toot-ta-ta-da, toot-DA-DA. [Group echoes.]Add each of the following, in turn:Elbows in Knees bent Toes together Buns back Chest out Chin down Tongue out ...
Sipping Cider Through A Straw
The prettiest girl [Echo.], I ever saw, [Echo.] Was sipping cider through a straw. [Repeat previous two lines.]I asked her if, [Echo.] she'd show me how, [Echo.] To sip that cider through a straw. [Repeat previous two lines.]Then cheek to cheek, and jaw to jaw, We sipped ...
Skip to My Lou
Lost my partner what'll I do? [Repeat twice more.] Skip to my Lou, my darling.ChorusSkip, skip, skip to my Lou. [Repeat twice more.] Skip to my Lou, my darling.2. I'll get another, a nicer one too-3. If I lose that one, I'll take two-4. Flies in the ...
Skips Got a Head Like a Ping Pong Ball
(tune Lone Ranger Theme - William Tell Overture)Skips got a head like a ping pong ball Skips got a head like a ping pong ball Skips got a head like a ping pong ball Like a piiiiiiiiiiing pong ball ping pong (seven times) ball ping pong (6 ...
Sloop John B
We came on the sloop John B., my grandfather and me, Round Nassau town we did roam, Drinking all night, got into a fight, Well, I feel so break-up, I want to go home.ChorusSo, hoist up the John B.'s sails, see how the main sails set, Send ...
Tune: Where Has My Little Dog Gone Oh why, oh why, hasn't Santa come yet? Oh, why ‑ does anyone know? If he'd trade his sleigh for a modern jet, He wouldn't be so slow! ...
Soap and Towel
[Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"]Soap, soap, soap and towel; towel and water please. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, wash your dirty knees. ...
Something In My Pocket Song
(Tune: Brownie Smile Song) I have something in my pocket, That I found behind a log. My leader said to let it loose, But I want to keep my frog. It's cool and green and slimey, And it squiggles in my hand, I also have a wooly worm, and a ...
Song of My Shoes
Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic My shoes have seen the glory of the growing of a Scout. My shoes they been in water steppin’ in and steppin’ out. My shoes have hiked through forest to the top of the mount My shoes are wearing out! Groovy, Radical, and Awesome ...
Song of the States
Oh what did Dela ware, friends, Oh what did Dela ware? I ask you again, as a personal friend, what did Dela ware?She wore her New Jersey, friends, she wore her New Jersey. I tell you again, as a personal friend, she wore her New Jersey.2.Oh, how ...
Songs Cheers Sparklers 0209b
SONG:" PUSH YOUR BOAT" (Tune – Row, Row, Your Boat) Push, push, push, your boat, Gently up the hill, Mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly, Jump and have a thrill.  ...
Songs Cheers Sparklers 0209e
 APPLAUSES/CHEERS 1. Cowboy-- Pretend to strum a guitar and sing, “Happy Trails to Youâ€. 2. Teepee-- The first tepees were a little bit “tippy†in the wind, say, “Teepee, teepee, teepee, timmmmmmberrrrâ€. (Act II) 3. Bow and ...

Songs Cheers Sparlers0201
SONG SERVICE SONG I HEARD THE CUBS Tune – Winter Wonder Land, Tune - I heard the Bells In December, we can think of service, I heard the call of cubs on day, And plan of all the people we can help, Their old familiar laughter play The Cub Master ...

Songs of My Shoes
Tune: Battle Hymn of the RepublicMy shoes have seen the glory of the growing of a Scout. My shoes the been in water steppin’ in and steppin’ out. My shoes have hiked through forest to the top of the mount My shoes are wearing out! Groovy, Radical, and Awesome (repeat ...
Songs Cheers And Sparklers 0208 B
SONG – HIKING (Tune – Caisson Song) Over hill over dale, We will hit the green wood trail, As the Cub Scouts go hiking along. (Chorus) And it’s Hi, Hi, Hee! The BSA for me, Shout out our name and shout it strong, Where ...
Songs Sparklers Cheers 20406
SONG HOW PECULIARTune: Battle Hymn of the Republic 1. When one Triceratops tricked the trio,the other Triceratops trumpeted the trick. 2. When one Iguanadon ignited the igloo theother Iguanadon extinguished the flame.3. When one Brachiosaurus braved the brawlthe other Brachiosaurus bravoed the brave.4. When one Allosaurus alarmed the Alaskanthe other ...

Songs Sparklers Cheers Fiesta
SONG: “I DON’T CARE IF I GO CRAZY” Tune: “Reuben, Reuben” I don’t care if I go crazy, 1,2,3,4,5,6, switch! Crazy go I if care don’t I, 6,5,4,3,2,1 switch! (sing three times, increasing speed each time)SONG: “LA CUCARACHA” 1. Down in sunny old Me-hee-ko, All the kids in Spanish speek-o, ...

Songs Sparklers Cheers0406
SONG: ICE AGE Tune: School Days Ice Age, Ice Age Good old frozen ice age. Freezing, no thawing makes ice real thick. Then all at once, all the dinosaurs stick. They are all gone but now we’re here. We have no need at all to fear. So ...
Songs Sparklers And Cheers0205
SONG: ALICE THE CAMEL (Form a line or circle, putting arms around each other, when you sing:hump”, bend your knees). Alice the camel has five humps, Alice the camel has five humps, Alice the camel has five humps, So go Alice go --- (bang hips together), bump, bump, bump Alice ...
The Telephone Song Leader: Hey, [Names a boy in the audience to be Boy #1]. Boy #1 responds: I hear you calling my name. Leader: Hey, [Names the same boy again – Boy #1]. Boy #1 responds: I heard you call it again. Leader: There’s someone on the telephone. Boy ...
MORE CHEERS ROOSTER: Put hands in armpits and crow like a rooster. DAYS OF ’47 CELEBRATION DAYS: Clap hand and slap lap like galloping horses. FLOATING DOWN THE JORDAN RIVER: Each row sways a different way and everyone sings “Sailing, sailing over the bounding ...

SONG THREE HAPPY CLOWNSÂ Tune: Three Blind Mice Three happy clowns, three happy clowns, See how they smile, see how they smile, They run and play all around the ring, And teach all the people to laugh ...

SONG: "BANQUET TIME" (Tune – On Top of Old Smoky) Our Blue and Gold banquets, The best in the town, We celebrate scouting, While gulping food down, Cub Scouting’s a pleasure, And eating is too! Do pass the fried chicken, Yea, the Gold, and Blue       BLUE & GOLD SONG (Tune – Jingle Bells)  While dashing out to find, Things for Blue and Gold,  We made some nifty napkin rings,  And placemats to ...
SONG: “I LOVE THE MOUNTAINS”(This is a great song to sing as a “round”) I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the flowers, I love the daffodils, I love the fireside when the lights are low, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-aye. Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-aye. SONG: “THERE’S ...

SONG: TAKE ME OUT TO THE PACK MEETINGTune: Take Me Out to the Ball Game.Take me out to the Pack Meeting Take me out to the field Let’s have some fun and some good old cheers, Lets sing a song that will ring in our ears. And it’s root, root, ...

SONG: COFFEE BEAN Tune: Little Brown Jug My dog coffee, likes to roam The other day he left his home, He came back all nice and clean, Where, oh, where had coffee bean? Coffee Bean, Coffee Bean, Where, oh, where has coffee bean? Coffee ...
SONG THE ASTRONAUT’S PLEATune: “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”I went for a ride in a spaceship, The moon and the planets to see. I went for a ride in a space ship, Now listen what happened to me.Chorus Bring back, bring back, O bring back my spaceship to me, ...

SONG: FOUND A PEANUT Tune: “Clementine” 1. Found a peanut, found a peanut, Found a peanut just now. Just now I found a peanut, Found a peanut just now. 2. It was rotten, it was rotten, It was rotten just now. Just now it was rotten, It was rotten ...

SONG: “IT’S A BUGG-GY WORLD” Tune: “It’s a Small World” If you’re long and thin and you lay green eggs, And you have four eyes and a hundred legs Then I guess we’re agreed you’re a small centipede In a bug-gy world. Chorus It’s a bug-gy world after all It’s ...

The Life of a Dog is for Me  Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean When I'm just a dreamin' and schemin' I think of things I'd like to be And the thing that I've finally decided, the life of a dog is for ...
C' C' C' Campfire Song Sung to tune "K' K' K' Katie" C' C' C' Campfire, beautiful campfire, You're the part of our outing I love best! C' C' C' Campfire, C' C' C' Campfire, You give us warmth and keep my interest! M' M' M' Marshmallow, M' M' M' ...

Big Nose Billy Blue's Famous Booger Stew Song Out west I met an outlaw, name of Big Nose Billy Blue. He was big & mean & nasty & known to've killed a man or two. When asked to stay for vittles I said, "I'd love to Billy Blue. " He ...

When The Saints Go Marching Oh when the saints go marching in, Oh when the saints go marching in, Oh Lord, I want to be in that number, Oh when the saints go marching in. Oh, when the sun refuses to shine, Oh when ...

Trusty Tommy Song (Tune: Yankee Doodle) Trusty Tommy was a Scout, LOYAL to his mother, HELPFUL to the folks about, and FRIENDLY to his brother. COURTEOUS to the girls he knew, KIND to his rabbit, OBEDIENT to his father too, and CHEERFUL in his ...

SKIT – The Fly Here's a neat run-on skit. While the Cubmaster is welcoming the kids (after the Promise), a Cub Scout jumps up and pretends to catch a fly. After a few leaps, he says, “Aha! I caught you,” and pretends to pull off the wings. He places the ...

Space Cub Scouts
(Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low) Do your ears point high? Mr. Spock's your kind of guy. On the Starship Enterprise, Out in space we're gonna fly. Where no man has gone before. Through the universe and more. Do you ears point high? Are your ears quite long? Then you ...
Spotted Bedbugs
Tune: “Onward Christian Soldiers) Onward spotted bed bugs, Marching up the sheets, tickle, tickle, tickle On poor Grandma’s feet. Grandma gets excited, Grandpa gets the gun. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom See those bed bugs run. Onward spotted bed bugs, marching off the sheets, Carrying off the wounded, And ...
Streets of London
Have you seen the old man in the closed down market, kicking up the papers with his worn out shoes? In his eyes you see no pride hand held loosely by his side yesterday papers telling yesterday's news.Refrain So how can you tell me you're lonely and ...
Sunday School
ChorusYoung folks, old folks, everybody come, Join our happy Sunday School, and have a lot of fun, Please check your chewing gum and raisins at the door, And you'll hear some Bible stories that you've never heard before.Shadrak, Meshak, and Abednigo Wouldn't obey the king, so they ...
Tune: Supercalifragilistic Chorus: SuperCalifornianExpertSurferOfTheOcean, Even though most all of them won’t use a suntan lotion When they hit the waves too hard They sure do cause commotion. SuperCalifornianEspertSurferOfTheOcean, Hum, diddle, diddle, diddle Hum, diddle, I (up half-tone) Hum, diddle, diddle, diddle Hum, diddle, IBecause I was afraid to surf When ...
(Tune: Supercalifragilsticexpialidocious)Superwavehawaiiansurfer, expert of the ocean. Even though the most of them Do not use suntan lotion. When they hit the waves too hard They always cause a motion. Superwavehawaiiansurfer, expert of the ocean. Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddlelie, Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddlelie.Because I was afraid to ...
Sweet Betsy From Pike
Did you ever hear tell of sweet Betsy from Pike, Who crossed the wide prairie with old Uncle Ike, With two yoke of cattle and one spotted hog, A tall Shanghai rooster and a large yellow dog.ChorusSingin' toora-li, loora-li, loora-li, ay [Repeat.]One evening quite early they camped ...
Sweet Violets
ChorusSweet violets, sweeter than the roses, Covered all over from head to toe, Covered all over with sweet violets.There once was a farmer who took a young miss In back of the barn where he gave her a Lecture on horses and chickens and eggs, And told ...
Swimming Tune: Sailing, Sailing Swimming, swimming in my swimming-pool When days are hot when days are cold, in my swimming pool Breast stroke, side stroke, fancy diving too. Don’t you wish you never had anything else to do, but . . . Actions: Swimming, swimming swimming action In my swimming ...
Swing Low Sweet Chariot
ChorusSwing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home; Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home.I looked over Jordan, and what did I see, Comin' for to carry me home; A band of angels coming after me, Comin' for to carry me home.If ...
Swiss Scrambled Eggs
4 tbs margarine 1/2 cups water 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese 12 eggs, beaten Tobasco to taste 2 tbs onion flakes 4 tbs dry milk 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce salt and pepper to tasteMelt margarine in large skillet. Add onion flakes. Combine water, dry milk, Worcestershire sauce, and cheese, and add to eggs. Pour into skillet and cook ...
(Tune: Reuben and Rachel) I don't care if I go crazy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Switch. Crazy go I, if care don't I 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Switch. ...
Take me Out to The Forest
Tune: Take Me Out To The Ball game Take me out to the forest. Let me hike in the wild. Show me a skunk and a few bear tracks. I won’t care if I never come back. But it’s look, look, look at your compass. If it rains, then you’re ...
Sing with reverence. Day is done Gone the sun From the Lakes From the hills From the sky All is well Safely rest God is nigh.Fading light Dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, Gleaming bright, From afar, Drawing nigh, Falls the night. Thanks and ...
Taps Fast
Day is done, day is done, day is done Gone the sun, gone the sun, gone the sun From the lake, from the hill, from the sky All is well, all is well, all is well Safely rest, safely rest, safely rest God is nigh, God is ...
Tell Me Why
Tell me why the stars do shine, Tell me why the ivy twines, Tell me why the ocean's blue, And I will tell you just why I love you.Because God made the stars to shine, Because God made the ivy twine, Because God made the ocean blue, Because God ...
Tell Me Whysilly verses
Tell me why the bugs do bite, Tell me why the campfire won't light, Tell me why the tent fell down, Tell me why we slept on the ground.Because they're hungry, the bugs do bite, Because the wood's wet, the campfire won't light, Because we're sloppy, the ...
Thank You For The Food We Eat
[Tune: Michael Row The Boat Ashore]Thank you for the food we eat, Hallelujah. Thank you for the friends we meet, Hallelujah. Thank you for the birds that sing, Hallelujah. Thank you Lord for everything, Hallelujah. ...
Thats Why Were In Cub Scouting
(Tune: Deep in the Heart of Texas)The fun things in life, Our family’s delight! (clap hands four times) That’s why we’re in Cub Scouting. We do our best, To pass the test: (clap hands four times) That’s why we’re in Cub Scouting. Just me and my son, Work, plan and ...
The Animal Fair
We went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there, The big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair. The monkey, he got drunk, and fell on the elephants trunk, The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees, And ...
The Ash Grove
The ash grove, how graceful, how plainly 'tis speaking The harp thro' it playing has language for me Whenever the light through its branches is breaking A host of kind faces is gazing on me The friends of my childhood again are before me Each step wakes a mem'ry ...
The Astronauts Plea
(Tune: My Bonnie) I went for a ride in a spaceship. The moon and the planets to see. I went for a ride in a spaceship. Now listen what happened to me. Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O bring back my spaceship to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, ...
The Astronauts Plea
Tune - My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean (Chorus) Bring back, bring back, Oh, bring back my space ship to me, to me, Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my space ship to me. I went for a ride in a space ship, The moon and the planets to ...
The Band Played On
Casey would waltz with the strawberry blond, and the band played on. He'd glide 'cross the floor with the girl he adored, and band played on. His brain was so loaded it nearly exploded; The poor girl would shake with alarm. He married the girl with the strawberry curl, ...
The Bone
SETTING: 8 boys are needed. SCENE: Have all but Cub #8 on stage talking. Cub #8 will walk in at the end. CUB #l: Hey, did you hear? CUB #2: No, what? CUB #1: (Cub #8's name) found a dinosaur bone in his back yard. CUB #3: How do you ...
The Calliope
Divide the group into four or five parts. Start the groups off one at a time, bringing in the next as the one before gets going.1st part sings: Um-pah-pah 2nd part sings: Um-sss-sss 3rd part sings: Um-peep-peep 4th part sings: Um-tweedle-tweedleThe rest of the group sings the ...
The Calliope Song
Divide the pack meeting into four or five groups. Begin with the first group and bring each of the others in one at a time. 1st group sings: Um-pah-pah 2nd group sings: Um—sss—sss 3rd group sings: Urn-peep--peep 4th group sings: Urn-tweedle-tweedle Last group sings: either the melody of “Daisy, Daisy” ...
The Cat Came Back
Old farmer Johnson had troubles of his own. He had a yellow cat that wouldn't leave him alone. He tried and he tried to give that cat away; Gave him to a man going very far away.ChorusBut the cat came back, the very next day Oh the ...
The Chigger
(Tune: Polly Wolly Doodle) Oh, there was a little chigger And he wasn't much bigger Than the head of a tiny pin. But the bump he raises Just itches like the blazes, And that's where the scratch comes in. But the bump he raises Just itches like ...
The Circus Comes To Town Song
(Tune: When Johnny comes Marching Home) The Cub Scout circus comes to town Hurrah, hurrah. The elephants, monkeys and the clowns Hurrah, hurrah. The big brass band, it plays around The circus acts with lots of sound, And we’ll all be there, -When the circus comes to town. The circus ...
The Corporation Muck Cart
(Tune; There's no place like home) The corporation muck cart was loaded to the brim, The driver fell in backwards and found he could not swim, He sank right to the bottom just like a little stone, And as he sank he gurgled there's no place like ...
The Cowboys Lament The Streets of Laredo
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo, As I walked out in Laredo one day, I spied a young cowboy all wrapped in white linen, All wrapped in white linen and cold as the clay."I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy." These words he ...
The Daring Spaceman
(Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home) I am a daring Astronaut, Hurrah, hurrah, I'm getting ready to blast off, Hurrah, Hurrah The rocket takes me high in space, My capsule is a most comfortable place, To a space adventure I'm on my way. I'm orbiting around the moon, Hurrah, Hurrah, ...
The Death of Cock Robin
ChorusAll the birds of the air fell a sighin' and sobbin', When they heard of the death of poor cock robin, When they heard of the death of poor cock robin.1. Who killed cock robin? "I", said the sparrow, "with my bow and arrow." "I killed cock ...
The Den Trapeze
(Tune: The Man on the Flying Trapeze) We flew to our task with the greatest of ease, Our circus would have a sturdy trapeze. With hammer and nails and our Den Mother’s Care, We thought we’d be able to fly through the air. We’d finish the job for our circus ...
The Dinosaur Parade
Tune: "The Washington Post" March It's time for the big parade of dinosaurs They march to the left and to the right They stomp on the ground with all their might It's awesome, this big parade of dinosaurs. They march all around with wonderful sounds, It's such a delight and ...
The Dinosaur Race
Tune: William Tell Overture All the dinosaurs come from far and near, And they gather 'round for a great big cheer, 'Cause the day has come for the dinosaur race, Now they all line up and take their place. And they're off and quickly gaining speed As Allosaurus takes the ...
The Dinosaurs of the Jurassic
Tune: The 12 Days of Christmas On my first day in the Jurassic, my Cubmaster gave to me, a small allosaurus dinosaur. On my second day in the Jurassic, my Cubmaster gave to me, two camarasaurus and a small allosaurus dinosaur. 3rd day - 3 Diplodocus 4th day - 4 ...
The Family of the Sun
(Tune of: Farmer in the Dell) Courtesy of NASA Museum Refrain: The family of the Sun, The family of the Sun. Here are nine planets in The family of the Sun. Verses: 1. Mercury is hot, And Mercury is small. Mercury has no atmosphere. Its just a rocky ball. (Refrain) ...
The Fox
Oh the fox went out on a chilly night, prayed for the moon to give him light. He had many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o. He had many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o.So he ran ...
The Ghost of Anne Bolelyn
Now in the Tower of London, large as life, (large as life) The ghost of Anne Bolelyn walks, I declare. (I declare) Now, Anne Bolelyn was once King Henry's wife, (Henry's wife) Until he had the axeman bob her hair. (bob her hair) It happened many long ...
The Great Meat Pie
The great meat pie was a tidy size, And it took a week to make it, A day to carry it to the shop, And just a week to bake it. And if you'd seen it, I'll be bound, Your wonder you'd scarce govern. They were forced ...
The Gypsy Rover
The Gypsy rover went over the hill, Down to the valley so shady; He whistled and he sang till the green woods rang, For he won the heart of a lady.ChorusHa di do, ah dido da day, ah di do, ah di day-ee; He whistled and he sang till ...
The Homemade Band
Cub Scouts sing the following song to the tune of “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain” while doing what the line says. From second verse on, keep adding the sounds. So for the third verse, after the gonger gongs, then the clapper claps and the chimer chimes. Suggestion for the ...
The Hungry Dinosaur
Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Once in a time so long ago, a dinosaur wanted some gumbo. He couldn't find prawns and he couldn't find rice So his best friend gave him this advice. Eat the plants that grow by the shore, and you'll grow to be a big dinosaur. ...
The Little Green Frog
Um-ah [with the tongue], went the little green frog one day. Um-ah, went the little green frog. Um-ah, went the little green frog one day. And the frog he went um-ah, um-ah, ah.ka-yunk, went the little green frog one day. ka-yunk, went the little green frog. ka-yunk, ...
The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together, together, The more we get together, the happier we'll be. For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends; The more we get together, the happier we'll be.Oh, how's for getting friendly, quite friendly, quitefriendly, Oh, how's for getting friendly, ...
The Noble Captain Kirk
Tune: The Grand Old Duke of York The Noble Captain Kirk He had 500 men. He beamed them up to the Enterprise, And he beamed them down again. And when they’re up, they’re up. And when they’re down, they’re down. And when they’re only halfway up, They’re nowhere to be ...
The Planets
(Tune of Are You Sleeping) Mercury, Mercury, Is the smallest, Is the smallest And it's very close To the sun And very hot, and very hot. Venus is, Venus is, Our nearest neighbor, our nearest neighbor Venus is covered With many clouds And is very bright, and is very bright. ...
The Riddle Song
I gave my love a cherry that has no stone, I gave my love a chicken that has no bone, I gave my love a ring that has no end, I gave my love a baby that's no cry-en.How can there be a cherry that has no stone, How ...
The Rooster
We had some hens, no eggs would they lay, We had some hens, no eggs would they lay. My spouse said, "Honey, this isn't funny. We're loosing money." No eggs would they lay. One day a rooster came into our yard, I caught those hens right off ...
The Rose
Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a flower and you its only seed.It's the ...
The Saints Go Marching In
Oh, when the Saints go marching in, Oh, when the Saints go marching in, Lord, I want to be in that number, When the Saints go marching in.2. And when the revelation comes.3. And when the new world is revealed.4. And when the sun refuse to shine.5. And when ...
The Scout Who Never Returned
[Tune: Charlie On The MTA]Let me tell you of a story of a Scout named . . . , On that tragic and fateful day; Put his/her Scout knife in his/her pocket; Kissed his/her dog and family; When to hike in the woods far away.Well, did he/she ...
The Scouts Winter Song
Tune: If you're happy and you know itIf you have a cold and you know it blow your nose If you have a cold and you know it blow your nose If you really have a cold, then grab just one of those If you really have a cold blow ...
The Ship Titanic
Oh, they built the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue, And they thought they had a ship that the water would never leak through, But the Lord's almighty hand knew that ship would never stand. It was sad when the great ship went down.ChorusOh, it was ...
The Solar System
(Tune of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush) Let's take a trip to the solar system, the solar system, the solar system. Let's take a trip to the solar system To see what we can see. At the center is the fiery sun, the fiery sun, the fiery sun. ...
The StarSpangled Banner
Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting ...
The Story of Taps
Taps was devised during the Civil War. In 1862, the Union Army of the Potomac, under Major General George McClellan, was transported to the Virginia Peninsula to launch a campaign against the Confederate capital at Richmond. The Army met stiff resistance at the outskirts of Richmond. After ...
The Thing
As I was walking down the beach one bright and sunny day. I saw a great big wooden box a-floatin' in the bay. I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise, I discovered a -, -,-right before my eyes! Oh, I discovered ...
The Tree Toad
(Tune: Auld Lang Syne) A tree toad loved a fair she toad That lived up in a tree; She was a fair three-toed tree toad But a two-toed toad was he. The two-toed tree toad tried to win The she toad's friendly nod; For the two-toed tree ...
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Characters: Bob, 12 Cub Scout friends (if den has less than 12 boys, have them do several parts) Props: Items called for in skit on a table (use your imagination to create wilder items) Setting: Bob is standing by table with props. As each ...
The Unicorn Song
A long time ago when the earth was green There was more kinds of animals than you'd ever seen They'd run around free while the earth was being born But the loveliest of them all was the unicorn There was green alligators And long necked geese Some ...
The Weekend
[Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic]I have seen the sky in darkness, I have seen it in the sun, I have felt the rain upon me, I've enjoyed the snowy fun. When the weather isn't cloudy or the wind it doesn't blow. It isn't only raining, it's ...
The Winter Pokey
tune: The Hokey Pokey You put your right mitten in; you take your right mitten out You put your right mitten in, and you shake it all about. You do the winter pokey (shiver) and you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about! Continue adding verses: left mitten, right ...
(Tune: She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain) If you’re living in the country on a farm, You’ll enjoy to the fullest nature’s charm. Trees and birds, and bees and flowers, Animals, skies, and grass and showers. You can be outside for hours on a farm. If you’re living in the ...
There Was An Old Woman
Verse 1 There was an old woman Who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed that fly. Perhaps she'll die. Verse 2 There was an old woman Who swallowed a spider, Who wriggled and jiggled and tickled Inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch ...
Theres One Wide River to Cross
Old Noah he build himself an Ark; There's one wide river to cross. He thatched it up with hickory bark, There's one wide river to cross.ChorusThere's one wide river, and that's the river of Jordan; There's one wide river, one wide river to cross.He built long, and ...
Thinking Safety
(Tune: Clementine) In the kitchen, Dad was cooking, Frying chicken in some oil. Said he’d go out to do the shopping, Just as dinner tried to boil! Thinking Safety, I remembered, Told him, “Dad! Turn off the heat!” Using caution is more important Than preparing supper meat. At the table ...
This Land is Your Land
As I went walking, that ribbon of highway I saw above me that endless skyway I saw below that golden valley. This land was made for you and me. This land is your land, this land is my land. From California to the New York Island From ...
This Land is Your Land
ChorusThis land in your land, this land is my land, From California, to the New York Island, From the redwood forests to the Gulf Stream waters, This land was made for you and me.As I was walking, that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway, I ...
This Little Scouting Light
This little Scouting light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. [Repeat twice more.] Let it shine all the time, let it shine.All around the neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine. . . .Hide it under a bushel-NO!- I'm gonna let it shine. . . .Don't you ...
This Old Man
This old man, he plays one, He plays knick-knack on my thumb. With a knick-knack, paddy-wack, give a dog a bone. This old man goes rolling home.Two-on my shoe. [Tap shoe.] Three-on my knee. [Tap on knee.] Four-on the floor. [Touch the floor.] Five-on my hive. [Move ...
Three Fishermen
There were three jolly fishermen. [Repeat.] Fisher, fisher, men, men, men. [Repeat.] There were three jolly fishermen.The first one's name was Abraham. [Repeat.] Abra, abra, ham, ham, ham. [Repeat.] The first one's name was Abraham.The second one was I-isaac. [Repeat.] I-i, i-i, zac, zac, zac. [Repeat.] The ...
Three Little Angels
Three little angels All dressed in white Tried to get to Heaven On the end of a kite. But the kite broke and Down they all fell. Instead of going to Heaven They all went to...Two little angels... One little angel... Three little devils All dressed in ...
Three Wood Pigeons
Three wood pigeons, three wood pigeons, Three wood pigeons sitting in a tree.LEADER: Look! One has flown away! GROUP: Aww! WailingTwo wood pigeons, two wood pigeons, etc. LEADER: Look! Another has flown! GROUP: Oh-h-h! Louder wailingOne wood pigeon, one wood pigeon, etc. LEADER: Oh-oh! There goes the ...
Tie Me Kangaroo Down
The first verse is almost spoken or narratedThere's an old Australian stockman - lying, dying...And he gets himself up onto one elbowAnd turns to his mates who are all gathered aroundAnd he says....I'm going, Blue; this you gotta do,I'm not gonna pull through, Blue, so this you ...
Tom The Toad
(Tune: Oh, Christmas Tree) Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad Why did you jump into the road? Oh Tom the Toad, Oh Tom the Toad Why did you jump into the road? You were so big and green and fat But now you're small and ...
Tom the Toad and friends
[Tune: O, Tannenbaum]Oh, Tom the toad, oh Tom the toad, why are you lying in the road? [Repeat] You did not see the truck ahead, and now your looking oh so dead. Oh, Tom the toad, oh Tom the toad, so sad you're lying in the road?Oh, ...
Tommy the Cub Scout
(Tune: Frosty the Snowman) Tommy the Cub Scout Was a very happy boy, With a uniform of blue and gold And a den that gave him joy. Tommy the Cub Scout Earned his badges one by one He did his best and met the test A good citizen he’s become. ...
Tongo [repeat], Jim nee bye bye oh [repeat], Tongo [repeat], Om ba de kim bye oh [repeat], Ooh-a-lay [repeat], Mah-le-ka-ah lo way [repeat]. ...
Turkey in the Straw
Oh, as I was a goin' down the road, With a tired team and a heavy load, I cracked my whip and leader sprung, I says good-day to the wagon tongue.ChorusTurkey in the straw, turkey in the hay, [Repeat.] Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw, ...
Twelve Days of Summer Camp
On the first day of [summer] camp my family sent to me, A PFD in a pine tree.2. skinned knees3. Bic pens4. flashlights5. bathing suits6. bars of candy7. missing dollars8. counselors sleeping9. pairs of skivvies10.noisy chipmunks11.lost swimmers12.soggy towelsHint: Consider this a sample; tailor individual verses to suit ...
Two Little Fleas
(Tune: Auld Lang Syne) Two little fleas together sat They cried when one flea said; "I've had no place to lay my head, Since my old dog is dead. I've travelled far from place to place And farther will I roam. But the next old dog that ...
[Tune: "Over There"]Underwear, underwear, send a pair, send a pair, I can wear. For I left mine lying, on a line a drying, And now I need them they're not there.Underwear, underwear, get a pair, get a pair, anywhere. The bugle's blowing, I must be going, For ...
Upward Trail
We're on the upward trail, we're on the upward trail. Singing, singing, everybody singing, as we go. We're on the upward trail, we're on the upward trail. Singing, singing, everybody singing, Scouting bound. ...
Vive lAmour
Let every good Scout now join in a song, Vive la compagnie.Success to each other and pass it along. Vive la Compagnie.ChorusVive la, vive la, vive l'amour,Vive la, vive la, vive l'amour,Vive l'amour, vive l'amour,Vive la compagnie.Come all you good people and join in with me, Vive ...
Waltzing Matilda
Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong, Under the shade of a coolibah tree, And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me. Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda, You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me, And he ...
Waltzing Matilda An Older Version
Oh, There was once a swagman camped in a billabong Under the shade of a coolabah tree And he sang as he looked at his old billy boiling "Who'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me? Who'll come a Waltzing Matilda, my darling,Who'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me Waltzing Watilda ...
Way Over the Irish Sea
When I was one, I had just begun The day I went to sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me, "We'll go this way, that way, forward and back Way over the Irish Sea. A bottle of Coke to soothe my ...
Wayfarers Grace
For all the glory of the way, For Thy protection, night and day, For roof, tree, fire, and bed and board, For friends and home, we thank Thee, Lord. ...
We Are Climbing Jacobs Ladder
We are climbing Jacob's ladder; we are climbing Jacob's ladder; We are climbing Jacob's ladder; won't you climb with me.Every rung goes higher, higher; every rung goes higher, higher; Every rung goes higher, higher; won't you climb with me.If you love God, why not serve him; if ...
We Shall Overcome
We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome some day; Oh! Deep in my heart I do believe, we shall overcome some day.We'll walk hand in hand, . . . We are not afraid, . . . today . . . The truth shall make us free . ...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry Christmas, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year. Glad tidings we bring To you and your kin. Good tidings of Christmas And a Happy New Year. ...
Were Glad To See You Here
(Tune: Farmer in the Dell)We’re glad to see you here, It gives us joy and cheer. Sure, it’s true, we say to you, We’re glad to see you here. ...
Were Here For Fun
[Tune: Auld Lang Syne]We're here for fun right from the start, so drop your dignity; Just laugh and sing with all your heart, and show your loyalty. May all your troubles be forgot, let this night be the best; Join in the songs we sing tonight, be ...
When I Grow Too Old to Dream
When I grow too old to dream, I'll have you to remember. When I grow too old to dream, your love will live in my heart. So hug me, my friend, and so let us part, And when I grow too old to dream, that hug will live in ...
When You Wore A Tulip
When you wore a tulip, a bright yellow tulip, And I wore a big red rose; When you caressed me, it was then heaven blessed me, What a blessing no one knows. You made life cheery when you called me "dearie," 'Twas down where the blue grass grows. Your lips ...
When Youre Helping And You Know It
Tune: If You're Happy And You Know It When you're helping and you know it lend a hand When you're giving and you show it things are grand. If you're helping and you're giving Then you help make life worth living. Keep on helping, keep on giving, take a stand. ...
When Youre Smiling
When you're smiling, when you're smiling, The whole world smiles with you. When you're laughing, when you're laughing, The sun comes shining through. But when you're crying, you bring on the rain, So stop your sighing, be happy again, Keep on smiling, 'cause when you're smiling, The whole world ...
Who Am I
Tune: "I'm a Little Teapot" I'm a Brontosaurus that really neat! I eat plants, but I don't eat meat. Know as Thunder Lizard because when I walked The earth shooked, rattled and rocked! Chorus Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, that we have all know. Some are large, some very small. Fossils gave us ...
Wholl Come AScouting
[Tune: Waltzing Matilda]Once a mighty soldier, beloved by his fellow men,Under the shade of the flag of the free,Took some youth and trained them,Taught them to be brave and true,Who'll come a-Scouting, a-Scouting with me. Chorus Keep on a-working, never a-shirking,Carry out the rules as you know ...
Winter Snow Seattle Style
Tune: Edelweiss Winter snow, winter snow, Each December you tease me. Darkened skies, threatening clouds I expect snowflakes to greet me. Flurries of white may you fall on me Fall on me just one time. If they fall, they don't last I guess I'll go to Snoqualmie Pass. ...
With My Hand on Myself
With my hand on myself, vas is das here? [Touch top of head.] Das is mine topnotcher, ya mama dear. Topnotcher, topnotcher, ya mama dear. Dot's vot I learned in der school, boom-boom.To continue, substitute a word from the following list for in reverse as with the ...
World of Tomorrow
(Tune: My Bonnie) Last night as I lay on my pillow, And drifted off slowly to sleep, I thought of the world of tomorrow, These thoughts through my mind did creep. A computer will do all my homework, A robot will do all my chores. If I spend the whole ...
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'll go out and dig some worms; Long thin skinny ones; Big fat juicy ones, See how they wriggle and squirm.Bite their heads off, Suck their juice out, Throw their skins away, Nobody knows how much I thrive On worms three ...
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle went to town, a-riding on a pony; Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni.ChorusYankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy, Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy.Father and I went down to camp along with Captain Gooding And ...
You Are My Sunshine
ChorusYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you; Please don't take my sunshine away.The other night dear, when I was sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms.When I awoke dear, I ...
You Can Dig My Grave With a Silver Spade
You can dig my grave with a silver spade; [repeat 2 more times.] 'Cause I ain't gonna be here much longer.There's a long white robe up in heaven for me; [repeat 2 more times.] 'Cause I ain't gonna be here much longer.There's a starry crown up in heaven for ...
Youre a Grand Old Flag
You're a grand old flag, you're a high-flying flag, Forever in peace may you wave. You're the emblem of, the land I love, The home of the free and the brave. Every heart beats true for the red, white, and blue, Where there's never a boast or a brag. ...
Another Frog Song
[Tune: Brownie Smile Song]I have something in my pocket that I found behind a log, My leader said to put it back, it's a great big slippery frog! It's squishy and it's slimy and it wiggles in my hand. I also have a wooly worm and a ...
I Would Rather Be song BS Version
Characters form into a line across the stage area in order of appearance, character 1 on one end, and the last character on the other end of the line. Each person steps forward 1 big step as he does his character, and then steps back into line when done.Chorus I: ...
I Would Rather Be song CS Version
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 22:03:10 EST From: Robert Collins <Robert_Collins_at_Strm__Dallas1@STREAM.COM> Subject: I Would Rather Be ......Song: 'I Would Rather Be'Characters form into a line across the stage area in order of appearance, character 1 on one end, and the last character on the other end of the line. Each ...