Three wood pigeons, three wood pigeons,
Three wood pigeons sitting in a tree.
LEADER: Look! One has flown away!
GROUP: Aww! Wailing
Two wood pigeons, two wood pigeons, etc.
LEADER: Look! Another has flown!
GROUP: Oh-h-h! Louder wailing
One wood pigeon, one wood pigeon, etc.
LEADER: Oh-oh! There goes the last one!
GROUP: Oh-h-h! Very loud wailing
No wood pigeons, no wood pigeons, etc.
LEADER: But, wait! One has returned!
GROUP: Ah-h! Joyfully
One wood pigeon, one wood pigeon, etc.
LEADER: Now, another has returned!
GROUP:Loud cheers
Two wood pigeons, two wood pigeons, etc.
LEADER: Hurray! The third one has returned!
GROUP: Tremendous cheers
Three wood pigeons, three wood pigeons, etc. Rapidly and enthusiastically
Actions: Choose three persons to represent the pigeons. On cue, these 'fly' off (or in) with comical antics.