Father Abraham,
Had many sons,
And many sons had Father Abraham.
I am one of them, so are you,
So let us praise the Lord.
After each time repeat the chorus, say the next action
Action 1: Right Foot (everyone starts stomping their right foot as they re-sing the chorus)
Action 2: Right Foot - Left Foot (everyone starts stomping their left foot along with their right foot so that they appear to be marching)
Action 3: Right Foot - Left Foot - Right Arm (starts swinging their right arm along with the previous actions)
Action 3: Right Foot - Left Foot - Right Arm - Left Arm (swings left arm)
Action 5: Right Foot - Left Foot - Right Arm - Left Arm - Nod Head (everyone starts nodding their head)
Action 6: Right Foot - Left Foot - Right Arm - Left Arm - Nod Head - Turn Around (Just once! then continue previous actions as you sing the chorus)
Action 7: Right Foot - Left Foot - Right Arm - Left Arm - Nod Head - turn Around - SIT DOWN