Dese Bones gonna Rise Again

The Lord he though he'd make a man,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Took a little bit of water and a little bit of sand,
Dese bones gonna rise again.


I know it, brother, [Repeat twice more.]
Dese bones gonna rise again!
He thought he'd make a woman too,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Didn't know 'xactly what to do.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

Took a rib from Adam's side,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Made Miss Eve for to be his bride.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

Put 'em in a garden rich and fair,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Told 'em they could eat whatever was there.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

But to one tree they must not go,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Must leave the apples there to grow.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

Serpent, he came 'round the trunk,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
At miss Eve, his eye he wunk.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

He said, "Those apples taste mighty fine.
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Just take one, the Lord won't mind."
Dese bones gonna rise again.

De Lord, he came a-wanderin round,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Spied dem peelings on de ground.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

You ate my apples, I believe?
Dese bones gonna rise again.
'T wasn't me Lord, I spect twas Eve.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

The Lord he rose up in his wrath,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Told 'em to beat it down the path.
Dese bones gonna rise again.

He put a angel at the door,
Dese bones gonna rise again.
Told them not to come no more.
Dese bones gonna rise again.



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