(Tune: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)
People in a family should do a lot together,
In the house, or out-of-doors,
No matter what the weather,
Do not try to put it off,
It’s either now or never
People in a family should do a lot together.
Mom and dad should take the time,
you will be glad you did,
To be a parent and a friend,
Do something with your kid.
One day they are tiny,
And the next day they are grown,
And before you know it,
You’ll be living all alone.
Go to a museum, see a show, or ride a bike,
Try your hand at fishing,
Or try camping or a hike,
Swimming in a swimming pool,
Or skiing on the snow,
Lots of things that you can do
and places you can go.
References / Source:
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean