The Twelve Days of Christmas

Characters: Bob, 12 Cub Scout friends (if den has less than 12 boys, have them do several parts)

Props:  Items called for in skit on a table (use your imagination to create wilder items) 

Setting:  Bob is standing by table with props.  As each boy enters, he hands him the appropriate item. 

Cub #1: On the first day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- a knob for my TV.  Thanks Bob. 

Bob:  You're welcome!

(Each cub takes items and exits.  Then next cub enters from opposite side of stage)

Cub #2:
On the second day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- two napkins.  Thanks Bob. 

Bob: You bet!

Cub #3: On the third day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- three French fries.  Thanks Bob!

No problem!

Cub #4: On the fourth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- 4 comic books.  Thanks Bob!

Bob: Glad to do it!

Cub #5:
On the fifth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- five rusty nails.  Thanks Bob!

Don't mention it!

Cub #6: On the sixth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- six greasy rags.  Thanks Bob!


Cub #7:
On the seventh day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- seven soggy sweatshirts.  Thanks Bob!

Yeah, you're right!

Cub #8: On the eighth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- eight mugs for milk shakes.  Thanks Bob!

Bob: Give me five! (does high five with Cub #8)

Cub #9:
On the ninth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- 9 dirty dustpans.  Thanks Bob!

Cool dude!

Cub #10: On the tenth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- ten leaping lizards.  Thanks Bob!

Bob: Check you later!

Cub #11:
On the eleventh day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- 11 pies for pitching.  Thanks

Bob: ( A pie  plate full of whipped cream can actually be thrown at Bob here - if you like!)

Bob: (wiping off cream) That's what friends are for!

Cub #12: On the twelfth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- twelve dump trucks dumping.  Thanks Bob!

Bye, pal! (last cub exits, table is cleared of all props) Now, let's see.  That was (singing) 12 dump trucks dumping, 11 pies for pitching, 10 leaping lizards, 9 dirty dustpans, 8 mugs for milk shakes, 7 soggy sweatshirts, 6 greasy rags, 5 RUSTY NAILS, 4 comic books, 3 French fries, 2 napkins and a knob to adjust my TV.  (looks at audience and wipes brow)

Whew! I finally did it.  I finally got my closet cleaned out!



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