My Aunt came back from old Algiers;
She brought to me a pair of shears.
. . . from old Japan . . . a hand-made fan.
. . . from Holland too . . . a wooden shoe. [stomp foot]
. . . from Kalamazoo . . . some gum to chew.
. . . from the Belgian fair . . . a rocking chair.
. . . when she was able . . . a ping pong table. [turn head from side to side]
. . . from the Hebrides . . . some itchy fleas. [squirm]
. . . from the Argentine . . . a sewing machine.
. . . from Timbuktu . . . some nuts like you!
At the end of each stanza, add a suitable motion for the audience to do (standing). As the motions accumulate the audience has an increasingly difficult time doing them all the same time, hence the appropriateness of the last stanza.