So heave 'em up my bully, bully boys
Haul away, haul away.
Heave 'em up and don't you make a noise.
We're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod girls don't use no combs
Haul away, haul away
They comb their hair with cod fish bones
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod kids don't use no sleds. Haul away, haul away
They slide down hills on codfish heads
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod cats ain't got no tails. Haul away, haul away
They lost 'em all in the northeast gales
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod girls ain't got no frills. Haul away, haul away
They're plain and simple as codfish gills
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod kids ain't got no coats. Haul away, haul away
They're used for sails on the working boats
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod folks don't live in shacks. Haul away, haul away
They spends all their time on the fishing smacks
And we're bound away for Australia
The repetitive verses should be sung by the group, half singing
the first refrain, half singing the second. All may sing the
chorus. It is interesting to note that this is one of the few
songs that use both heave (for raising the anchor) and haul
(for raising the sails).