Trusty Tommy Song

(Tune: Yankee Doodle)
Trusty Tommy was a Scout,
LOYAL to his mother,
HELPFUL to the folks about,
and FRIENDLY to his brother.
COURTEOUS to the girls he knew,
KIND to his rabbit,
OBEDIENT to his father too,
and CHEERFUL in his habits.
THRIFTY saving for a need,
BRAVE, but not a faker.
CLEAN in thought and word and deed,
and REVERENT to his Maker.


  Family Vespers Song

(Tune: O Christmas Tree)
Quietly we join as one,
Thanking God for family fun.
May we now go on our way,
Thankful for another day.
May we always love and share,
Live in peace beyond compare.
As a family, may we find,
Friendships true with all mankind.


Big Thumb Cheer  

Hold out a hand at arm's
length, make a fist with
the thumb up. Variation:
Add, "GREAT JOB!!"


Strain Run-on

Scout 1: "Did you hear how my father
strained himself."
Scout 2: "No, how did he manage to do
Scout 3: "He ran through a screen


Mother Cheer

Mother, Mother, She's the one.
If Mother can't do it, it can't be done.

Indian Cheer  

Stomp feet three times,
beat chest three times, 5
Indian yells with hand
over mouth.




References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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