Goin' on a lion hunt!
I'm not scared!
Look at all the beautiful flowers.
Tall, tall grass ahead!
Can't go over it!
Can't go under it!
Can't go around it!
Gotta go through it!
(everyone does actions as if parting long grass)
Goin' on a lion hunt!
I'm not scared!
Look at all the beautiful flowers.
Icky, sticky, mud ahead!
Can't go over it!
Can't go under it!
Can't go around it!
Gotta go through it!
(actions as if you were trying to slog through mud)
Goin' on a lion hunt!
I'm not scared!
Look at all the beautiful flowers.
Deep, wide, river ahead!
Can't go over it!
Can't go under it!
Can't go around it!
Guess we gotta swim it!
(actions as if swimming)
Goin' on a lion hunt!
I'm not scared!
Look at all the beautiful flowers.
Tall, tall trees ahead!
Can't go over them!
Can't go under them!
Can't go around them!
Guess we gotta climb them!
(actions as if climbing up one side of a tree and down
the other)
Goin' on a lion hunt!
I'm not scared!
Look at all the beautiful flowers.
Deep, dark cave ahead!
Can't go over it!
Can't go under it!
Can't go around it!
Gotta go through it!
(next verse is done very, very quietly as if you were
scared of the cave)
Goin' on a lion hunt...
I'm not scared...
Look at all the beautiful flowers...
Big, fuzzy nose ahead...
Two green eyes ahead...
Long, long whiskers ahead...
Long, sharp teeth ahead...
It's a LION!
(slapping on knees goes very fast as if you were running...
go through all the obstacles in reverse order and as fast as you can, with
more slapping of hands-on knees in between each obstacle.)
Up the trees! Down the trees! Run!!!
Swim the river! Run!!
Through the mud! Run!!
Through the grass! Run!!
Thanks to Emmeline Stoddart for this version of the
We're all going on a lion hunt
I'm not scared
I've got a gun
And bullets too
Void ahead
Short grass - sh-sh-sh
Other Verses:
Long grass: shhhh-shhhhh-shhhhhh
Swamp: gloomp-gloomp-gloomp
Lost: make your hands "run" up a tree, have
to look around and then come back down
Supermarket: scuse me-scuse me-scuse me
Village: hello-hello-hello
Lion: ahhhhhhh!
Then go through all the actions but in the reverse