Tune: John Brown’s Body
John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire,
John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire,
John Brown’s Ford has a puncture in it’s tire,
So he patched it up with chewing gum.
‘Ford’ – make a ‘brrrrmmmm’ sound as you pretend to shift into gear.
‘Puncture’– make a ‘ptsssss’ sound as you pretend that you are puncturing a tire with your finger
‘Tire’ – make a circle in front of you using both arms
‘Patched’ – smack your hands
‘Gum’ – pretend to have a wad of gum in your mouth and you reach up and pinch it between
your thumb and finger and stretch it out in front of you
References / Source:
GSLC Pow Wow 2007