InsaneScouter - Sponsor FAQs

Sponsor FAQs

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Getting started is simple! Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Choose a Sponsorship Package: Review the available options and select the package that best fits your needs.
  2. Payment & Setup: Once you’ve chosen your package, we’ll send an invoice due within 14 days. Payments can be made via PayPal or most credit/debit cards. You can choose to pay manually or set up automatic renewal for hassle-free sponsorship.
  3. Send Us Your Ad: Have an ad ready? Great! Need help? We’re happy to assist. You can send updated ad images anytime (within reason), and we’ll swap them out for you.
  4. Get Seen by Scouting Leaders: Once your ad is live, it will start reaching thousands of passionate Scouting volunteers across our platforms.

Ready to get started? Reach out using the contact form, and let’s get your brand in front of the Scouting community!

Community Statistics:

  • Supporting Scouters for over 25 years
  • Over 5,800 pages of resources and 800+ blog posts
  • Combined 76,000+ visits and 138,000+ page views monthly
  • 643,625 ad impressions in the past year
  • 3,768 weekly newsletter subscribers and 3,250 Treasure Chest newsletter subscribers
  • 3,500 average monthly newsletter opens and 1,500 link clicks
  • 4,282 social followers, generating 400 average clicks monthly
  • 35,000 monthly Pinterest viewers

  • Supporting Scout leaders nationwide
  • 73,000+ monthly visits, 138,000+ page views
  • High engagement across a variety of Scouting resources
  • Sponsorship visibility across a large, active community
  • USSSP on Facebook: 11k followers

  • Helping Scouters for over 25 years
  • Over 5,800 pages of resources and 800+ blog posts
  • 3,600+ monthly visits, 6,914 unique page views
  • 3,768 weekly newsletter subscribers, 3,500 average monthly opens, and 1,500 link clicks
  • 4,282 social followers with 400 average clicks monthly
  • 35,000 average monthly Pinterest viewers

Supported Formats: jpg, png, webp, and animated gif

  • Horizontal Ad - 728 x 90 px
  • Sky Scraper Ad - 160 x 600 px
  • Square Ad - 300 x 250 px
  • Button Ad - 240 x 60 px
  • Mobile Horizontal Ad - 380 x 90 px

Here’s how ads appear on Wacky Scouter:

Desktop Ad Layout

Mobile Ad Layout

Take a look at past newsletters to see how sponsors are featured:

We love working with small businesses and organizations that align with Scouting, adventure, and youth development. If your product or service helps Scouts, volunteer leaders, or outdoorsy families, sponsorship could be a great fit!

  • Outdoor gear companies
  • Custom patches & shirts
  • Crafting suppliers
  • STEM & educational tools
  • Book authors (kids, youth, and teen books)
  • Family-friendly movies & entertainment
  • Video game companies (scout-friendly or educational)
  • Virtual schools & homeschooling resources
  • Private youth camps
  • Scout summer camps

Even if your business isn’t directly on this list, if you think Scouts, leaders, or adventure-loving families would benefit from what you offer, let’s talk! is owned and managed by the US Scouting Service Project, a registered 501(c)(3) charity. I serve on their Board of Directors and act as a webmaster. I proposed running ads on the site as a way to fund the vast amount of work needed, and they agreed.

Wacky Scouter was originally Insane Scouter, a site I started in 1996 while learning web development. Over the years, it has grown into a valuable resource for Scouting volunteers.

Your sponsorship directly supports both sites, ensuring our tools and resources remain free, up-to-date, and available to Scouting volunteers everywhere.

Yes! You can request changes to your banner ads, links, or other sponsorship elements.

At the moment, I don’t have a hard-set policy on how often you can make changes—just that it should be within reason. If you need an update, just reach out!

I use a tool called Invoice Ninja to manage billing. You will automatically receive an invoice via email until you notify me that you'd like to discontinue sponsorship.

  • Invoices are due within 14 days.
  • Payments can be made via PayPal or Stripe (both accept most credit/debit cards).
  • You will have access to the Invoice Ninja client area to review your payment details at any time.

Your sponsorship doesn’t just put ads in front of Scouting volunteers—it helps maintain, improve, and expand critical resources that Scouters rely on. Here’s a look at what we’re working toward:

Short-Term Goals
  • Implement reliable backups for both sites.
  • Fix technical issues across and
  • Conduct content updates to improve quality and relevance.
  • Bring back the monthly Treasure Chest newsletter filled with theme-related ideas.
  • Update the menu with modern technology for better navigation.
  • Launch, a searchable database of Scout BSA summer camps.
  • Convert from ASP Classic to PHP for better maintenance and hosting.
  • Perform security and SEO audits to enhance visibility and protection.
  • Develop a business directory that allows Scouters to find and support sponsor businesses using keyword, category, and location-based filters.
Long-Term Vision
  • Enhance and expand the custom backend powering WackyScouter (and eventually
  • Integrate content into the WackyScouter newsletters.
  • Build a filterable search interface for easier navigation of WackyScouter resources.
  • Develop OWL, an all-in-one tool for managing various aspects of running both sites.
  • Introduce detailed content tagging to improve searchability and discovery.
  • Update’s design to align with modern web standards.
  • Move to a CMS, allowing non-technical volunteers to easily add and update content.

With your support, we can keep these resources free, enhance site functionality, and make Scouting more accessible for volunteers and youth worldwide.


Materials found on InsaneScouter'.org is © 1998 - 2026, but may be reproduced and used for anything consistent with the Scouting and Guiding programs. Unless otherwise noted on the page. If you believe we are republishing your copyrighted material without permission, please Contact Us including the url to have it removed or your copyright information added. All opinions expressed on these pages are those of the original authors. All holdings are subject to this Disclaimer.

Please be advised that InsaneScouter is NOT affiliated with any Scouting or Guiding Organization including Boy Scouts of America.

Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders