InsaneScouter - Farmer in the Dell - Activities Songs

Farmer in the Dell

Farmers in the Dell Activity

The farmer in the dell
The farmer in the dell
Hi-ho the dairy-o
The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife
The farmer takes a wife
Hi-ho the dairy-o
The farmer takes a wife

Repeat with:

Wife takes a child
Child takes a dog
Dog takes a cat
Cat takes a rat
Rat take the cheese
Cheese stands alone

Actions: The group stands in a circle, holding hands. A girl designated as the Farmer stands in the middle of the circle. By the end of the first verse, she picks someone in the circle to be the Wife. By the end of the second verse, the Wife must pick someone to come and be the Child. This repeats to the end of the song. When the Cheese is chosen, everyone else returns to the circle except the Cheese, who stands alone in the middle while the verse is sung.


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