Songs, Sparklers And Cheers/02-05


(Form a line or circle, putting
arms around each other, when
you sing:hump”, bend your
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
So go Alice go ---
(bang hips together), bump,
bump, bump
Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
(Continue counting down until
you get to---)
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has ho humps,
`Cause Alice is a horse.


(Tune – Bingo)
There was a pyramid in the sand, and in it was a Mummy.
Chorus------M-U-M-M-Y, M-U-M-M-Y, M-U-M-M-Y,
A very scary Mummy.
2 Wrapped all up in bandages, lying in the sand there-----
3 Suddenly it stood and yawned lying in the sand there---
4 T’was a nomad napping there lying in the shade there --
5 But we didn’t get to see we had run from there --





#1 I hear your Dad lost his job.
#2 Yes, he was a mummy
#1 How did he like that?
#2 Not much.
#1 Too hard on his nerves?
#2 No, he just got too wrapped
up in his work.


#2 Not much.
#1 Do you serve bread here?
#1 Too hard on his nerves?
#2 We serve anyone; sit right
#2 No, he just got too wrapped
up in his work.
#1 Why can't you starve in
the desert?
#2 Because of all the "sand-
which" is there.


Cub 1 – What goes 999 thump? 999 thump? 999 thump?
Cub 2—I don’t know, what?
Cub 1 – A centipede with a wooden leg.



1. PHARAOH, MUMMY—Tell them that when you raise your right hand they are to say,
“Pharaoh”, when you raise left they say “Mummy”.
2. MUMMY, PHARAOH—Say, mummy, mummy, mummy. Say pharaoh, pharaoh, pharaoh,
Have the audience repeat after each phrase.
3. BAWL BABY—“I want my Mummy!”
4. WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN—Just walk like an Egyptian and say, “King Tut!”
5. DIGGING—Be shoveling sand, dirt, etc. stop and say, “Can you dig it?”
6. CAMEL—Say, “Watch it, they spit .” Then pretend to cover your face with your arms.
7. THE PHARAOH RAMSES—“Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
8. OASIS IN THE DESERT—“Cool, cool, cool!”

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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