Materials: Two buckets full of water
Form two lines. Pass the buckets over your head and between your legs until it
travels to the end of the line. Return the bucket to the front in the same
manner; however, make sure that the bucket is opposite of how it traveled. i.e.
if the boy passed it through his legs, it must go over his head.
Materials: Eggs, lots of them
Pair off. Begin standing close and toss the egg back
and forth. Each person must step back after one
complete throw. The team that is the farthest apart
and still has an unbroken egg wins. This game can
also be played with water balloons.
Materials: A slingshot made with surgical tubing,
A kiddy pool.
Water balloons
The game's object is to shoot the water balloons toward the swimming pool. Boys work the
slingshot, and two or more boys must catch the balloon with the swimming pool. Teams who
catch the most unbroken balloons wins. (Be careful. The balloons go at a high rate of speed and
can hurt boys if they get hit.)
Great Salt Lake Council