Evening game, outdoors
Equipment: one whistle for each 'hunted' leader or staff member.
Formation: teams.
The group is divided into teams of 6-8 players. The leaders or staff members who are to be 'hunted' are given a two-minute head start into the playing area (a 5-acre wooded area is ideal).
Teams have to stay together during the entire game. Each team begins to 'hunt' the staff members, who are required to blow their whistles at one-minute intervals (or variations which you may want to work out). Leaders may remain mobile, or seek a hiding place.
Teams try to touch as many staff members as possible within the time limit of the game. Captured staff are immediately freed to run and whistle again.
The team that tags the most wins.
Variation: as a night game, using flashlights instead of whistles. The same rules apply.