Materials: Recording of several different musical sounds or
instruments. (Such as in Peter and the Wolf)
A tape recorder
This game is similar to the game where you shout out Port and Starboard. The players are told
what action they must perform when a certain sound is heard. Play this a few times with nobody
being out, then start taking out people who do the wrong action or who are the last ones to do the
Materials: Chairs for each boy
Tape recorder
Tape of music
Place in a circle, and remove one chair. Play music, and when the music
stops, everyone sits down. The boy without a chair is out. Remove chairs until only two boys, and
one chair remains.
Materials: A tape player
A tape with sounds that you
have recorded.
This is another game that is good at the start of a show if not all
the children have arrived. Borrow some sound effects records from your local library. They are
used by drama clubs and filmmakers. Record different sounds onto a tape, leaving short breaks
between each sound. Put in some easy ones, such as a dog barking and chickens clucking, but put
in some hard ones as well, such as submarine noises and music boxes. Tell the children that you
are going to play the sounds from the television and the cinema. The first person with their
hand up will get the prize if they can say what the sound is. Tell them not to put their hand up
until they are certain what the sound is. This game can be played by any age group. A variation
on this is to use the first few notes of popular songs.
Great Salt Lake Council