InsaneScouter - Pirates (3 Coins at the Fountain) - Activities Games

Pirates (3 Coins at the Fountain)

  • Type: Six
  • Equipment: Seven stones, or other objects

The Cubs are divided into four equal groups, with one group sitting in each corner. The seven stones are put in the center, with a square drawn around them, and a small square in front of each team. Each Cub in the team is given a number, from 1 onwards. The Leader then calls out a number, say, number 2. The four number 2's run to the center pick up a stone and bring it to their own square. Only one stone may be picked up at a time, and it must be placed in the square, not thrown. They then return to the center and pick up another stone. Then they may also take from their opponent's squares. The continues until one group has three stones in their square. A point is scored, and the game commences again with a new number.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders