Give each patrol a list and half an hour to see how many items they can locate within the boundaries of your play area. Remind Scouts of the importance of making minimum impact. They write notes on the items they observe in each category but do not collect specimens.
When the hunt is over, patrols gather and compare findings. If their report includes particularly interesting observations, take the whole troop for a walk to see them.
Patrol Instructions
As a patrol, find as many of these natural items as you can within the designated area.
- Two things with chlorophyll in them
- Coniferous trees
- Things that fly
- Parasites
- A natural object that is red
- Plants with berries
- Something you might use if you were fishing
- Something that swims
- Evidence of death
- Insects
- A natural object that is blue
- Things that are part of the food chain
- Evidence of disease
- Mammals
- An example of the interdependence of natural things