Switch #2

Nature game, outdoors.

Equipment: None.

Formation: scatter, in a wooded area with several varieties of trees.

Players are divided into three or four groups such as Sugar Maple, Beeches, Yellow birches, ironwoods. In an appropriate and defined area, players stand touching their trees - only one per tree. 'It' stands at the center spot and calls the name of a group.. 'Beeches' for example. At this signal, the designated group changes place with one another, running from one beech tree to another. 'It' tries to claim a tree of his own during the interchange. If 'It' is successful in claiming a tree, the player who is left without a tree becomes the new 'It'. If 'it' calls 'FOREST', everyone is required to change to another tree of his team's name.

To end the game, it is fun to have 'it be it' for four or five rounds of the game calling 'FOREST' every time. As 'it' beats a player to a tree, that player is eliminated. In this way, some trees may be altogether wiped out from the forest, as could happen in our natural environment.


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