Active, outdoors/indoors
Equipment: Per team: apron; towel, broom, dustpan, bucket filled with water, 2 dishes, garbage can.
Formation: relay
Divide the group into two or more teams, and line them up in straight lines at one end of the playing area. Give the broom and the apron to the first player on each team; at the other end of the playing area, place the dustpan, the bucket, the dishes, and the towel. The garbage can is put between the buckets.
On 'Go', the first player puts on the apron and sweeps the floor to where the dustpan lies. He scoops the dirt into the dustpan and dumps it into the garbage can. The player then washes and dries the two dishes and races to the start carrying the apron and broom.
The house is clean when all players have swept the floor and dried the dishes.