InsaneScouter - Capture the Flag - Activities Games

Capture the Flag

Evening game, outdoors

Equipment: 2 handmade flags on staffs 2' long; 2 different colored sets of arm or headbands made of crepe paper.

Formation: teams.

Divide the group into two teams. Identify each by a set of arm or headbands.

Set up a jail area (3-4 square yards) and a separate hiding spot for each flag. Jails are set up at opposite ends of a 5-20 acre area.

The object of the game is to penetrate the other team's area and capture their flag. A flag is 'captured' after it has been returned to the captor's jail area.

Prisoners are taken by having their arms or headbands removed by an opponent. Prisoners are taken to the jail of their captors; then they wait there quietly until they are released. Prisoners can only be released when a member of their team (with arm or headband intact) runs through the jail in which they are being held captive. After their release, prisoners are given free escort back to a central spot near their end of the area. Here, they are issued a new arm or headband.

The game continues until a flag is captured, or time is up.

Note: Supervision at the jails and the 'new arm or headband area' is important. Encourage teams to plan elaborate strategies of defense and offense.

Variation: try playing the game with three or four teams, each with its own jail area and hiding spot for their flag.


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