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InsaneScouter - Dizzy,Frog Handstand, and Ankle Hop - Activities Games
Dizzy -Cub Scouts hold their left ankle in the back of their right leg with their right hand. Then they hop, making three turns in place without losing their balance. Then they reverse position and try hopping on the left leg.
Frog Handstand -Scouts squat and place their hands flat on the ground between their legs. They lean forward slowly, shifting the weight of their bodies onto their hands and elbows until their feet swing free of the ground. They should keep their heads up and point their toes backward. (This is the first step in learning the handstand).
Ankle Hop -Tell Cub Scouts to stand erect and then take a squat position, grasp the ankles, and hop-forward four times without breaking the ankle grip. They turn around and repeat hopping back to their original places.