Form a circle as large as the room permits with all Cub Scouts facing the same direction. Give instructions for various activities as follows:
- Start walking in a circle, and keep walking between these exercises.
- Start hopping.
- Make yourself as small as possible and continue walking.
- Make yourself as tall as possible and continue walking. Now reach your hands high over your heads.
- Bend your knees slightly, grasp your ankles, and continue walking.
- Walk as if the heel of one foot and the toes of the other were sore.
- Walk stiff-legged.
- Squat down and jump forward from that position.
- Walk on hands and one foot with the other leg held high, imitating a dog with a lame foot.
- Walk forward at a rapid pace (don't run) while swinging your arms vigorously.
- Take giant steps.
- Walk forward, raising your knees as high as possible with each step.
- Run, lifting your knees high.
- Walk on your hands and feet.