Nigel's Navy

  • Type: Pack
  • Equipment: Four small balls of different colored wool, and some white cards

Divide the Cubs into three or four fleets. Each has an adult Leader as an Admiral and Quartermaster. Each also has a base in which the Admiral/Quartermaster sits. There are three types of ships; battleships, submarines, and destroyers. There should be three destroyers to every two submarines and to every one battleship. Each Cub should be given a small piece of card with the letter D, S, or B, to show which ship they represent. Each fleet has its own color wool, and each Cub in that fleet has a piece of that color wool ties around his arm. During the battle a battleship takes a destroyer; a destroyer takes a submarine, and a submarine takes a battleship. The facts should be made very clear. At a given signal the fleets are released from their bases to the central fighting area, where every member challenges any other member of another fleet by tagging them. Each then says what ship he represents. Nothing happens if they are the same, but when different the loser must give up his piece of wool to the other, and return to base for a new piece of wool from the Quartermaster. He may not continue fighting without a piece of wool his own color. The side collecting the most wool of the other colors wins. It is advisable to have intervals in order for the Cubs in the fleet to change ships, by swapping cards.

One of the battleships is given an extra card, which signifies the flat it carries, for he is the flagship. This flag must be made the decisive factor, and so, depending on the number in each fleet is worth at least 50 to 150 pieces of wool. If this battleship is attacked by a submarine, it must surrender its flag as well, which the submarine at once returns to his Admiral, who at once gives it to his own flagship, who thus becomes doubly valuable. This flagship, if attacked, loses both its flags at the same time. Clearly, it is wise for this flagship to play a defensive role and to be helped out by defending submarines and destroyers of his own fleet. The flagship can only be changed once in the game. The game may be played for up to thirty minutes. Count wool as it is handed into the Quartermasters.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders