InsaneScouter - Ball Over - Activities Games

Ball Over

  • Indoors
  • Equipment: 1 soccer ball or volleyball
  • Formation: Teams

Draw a line to divide the area and have two teams take positions on either side. Players must not cross the line. Blindfold one Cub and provide him with a whistle. When the whistle sounds, put the ball in play. The object of the game is to keep the ball in the opposing team's territory. One point is counted against the side that has the ball whenever the whistle is blown. The blindfolded Cub can blow the whistle whenever he pleases. The lowest score wins. For variation, have four or five players touch the ball before it can be returned to the other side. Or create a 'no man's land' along the dividing line. Teams, in getting the ball over, must bounce it into 'no-man's land'.


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