Materials: (for each den or patrol) a large bucket half-filled with water
Aluminum foil cake container
1 Alka seltzer tablet.
For each patrol, put an Alka Seltzer tablet in each foil cake dish and then
float one cake dish in each patrol's bucket. The patrols must now
transport the bucket through an obstacle course without the tablet getting
wet or falling into the water. They are not allowed to touch the foil cake
container or the tablet. The patrols could either carry the buckets by their
handles or pick them up between two poles.
Materials: Thread, string, drinking straws, long balloons, clothespins, tape.
Thread the string through the drinking straw and tie it taut between two objects, such as chairs.
Inflate the balloon, clip shut with the clothespin, then attach the balloon to the
straw with the tape. Race the rockets by removing the clothespin.
When you take off the peg, the trapped air rushes out and makes the
balloon move along. Scientists describe the way the balloon moves as
“action and reaction”. This means the movement in one direction (air
rushing out backward) causes movement in the opposite direction
(balloon moving forward).
Great Salt Lake Council