Materials Needed: none
How to Play:
To begin, all of the players but two -- one Ute and one Pioneer -- join hands in a circle.
They drop hands, and the Ute chases the Pioneer as they both weave in and out between the
players in the circle. Each time the Pioneer passes between two players, those players
immediately lock hands and yell, "No way out!" The Ute cannot pass under, over, or through the
locked hands. If the Ute tags the Pioneer the two must exchange roles and play continues until
one or the other is locked inside the ring. This will happen because all the players have been
locking hands as the Pioneer has been running between them.
Materials Needed:
100 marbles
4 plastic dishpans
Watch with a second hand
How to Play:
Divide the marbles between two of the dishpans and fill them about half full with water.
Place the empty dishpans next to the water-filled dishpans. Divide the players into two teams.
Players are to remove one shoe and sock. Each player is allowed thirty seconds to remove
marbles from the water-filled dishpan and place them in the dry dishpan using only their toes.
After each player on the team has had a turn, the marbles are counted and the team who has
removed the most marbles from the water is the winner.
Materials Needed:
1 four foot long stick
(doweling works well)
How to Play:
Each person takes a turn holding the
stick straight above his head with both arms
extended into the air. He then turns around
ten times counting each turn aloud, constantly
watching the stick as he turns, and drops the
stick to the ground. He must then jump over the stick and salute! It sounds easy, but is it?
Great Salt Lake Council