Materials Needed:
rubber mask rubber hands
blindfold rope to designate a circular area
How to Play:
The Zombie wears a rubber mask, a blindfold, and the hands. Everyone has to stay
within the circle while the Zombie wanders around with his arms stretched out in front, Zombie
style (this also keeps him from crashing). All players are able to move around the circle. When
the Zombie groans, all the players must groan back and extend their arms. This is how the
Zombie is able to locate his victims. When a player gets tagged, he becomes the Zombie and gets
to wear the mask, blindfold, and hands.
Materials Needed:
Frisbee (one for each player is best)
8 boxes or other types of targets
(pieces of cloth, buckets, cardboard squares, etc.)
Scorecards and pencils are nice but not necessary
How to Play:
This game is best played out of doors but could be played in a gym. Using targets at
which the Frisbee disc will be aimed, plot out a course. Once the course has been set, players
take turns attempting to hit the targets with the Frisbee.
Players must keep track of how many throws they take to get the target. The player who
completes the course in the fewest number of throws wins the game.
Materials Needed:
Large beach ball
2-liter plastic bottles -- 1 per player minus 1
Hula hoop -- 1 per player minus 1
How to Play:
Set the hula hoops on the floor with a 2-liter bottle inside the hoop for each player. One
player is the kicker and kicks an inflated beach ball at the bottles trying to knock them over. The
other players are the defenders. The defenders are trying to keep the beach ball away from the
2-liter bottle inside of their hula hoop. The defenders must keep one foot inside their hula hoop
while using their other foot to deflect the ball. The kicker stands at least 6 feet from the closest
player and can aim at any bottle. Once the kicker is able to knock over a bottle, he gets to change
places with the player that was defending that bottle.
Great Salt Lake Council