A Webelos Den Becomes A Boy Scout Troop
This ceremony can be held at a pack meeting when the entire membership of a Webelos den is being organized into a Boy Scout troop.PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Webelos den leader who is becoming the new Scoutmaster, Scouting coordinator, Webelos Scouts and their parents, head of the chartered organization.EQUIPMENT Boy Scout ...
AOL Cub Scout Safari Advancement
We're headed out on a Cub Scout Safari. Look, over there is a boa constrictor. Watch out, everyone! Listen to the monkeys. Aren't they loud? Wait! What's that roar? If we get really quiet, maybe we can spot some tigers. Look, here they come!This month our Tiger Cubs have ...
Broken Arrow Ceremony
Props: An arrow, two council fires.Personnel: Akela dressed as Indian chief standing by first council fire.Scout Master standing by second council fire.Akela: Will ________ and his parents please come forward and take their place of honor at the council fire. Tonight ______ has achieved two high honors. He will ...
20 Activity Pins
This evening, we're proud to announce that our pack is continuing with a very special award. In the Webelos program, the boys work on 20 different activity badges. During the past 2 years as Webelos, they have, as a den and as individuals, worked on all 20 of these ...
A Bears Welcome
PERSONNEL Cubmaster and Bear Cub Scout, seven Webelos Scouts; Webelos den leader.EQUIPMENT Large cards, each printed with a letter of W-E-B-E-L-O-S.ARRANGEMENT The Webelos Scouts, holding their letters, form a semicircle with their backs toward the audience. The Cubmaster and the Webelos den leader (and any other Webelos Scouts) stand. The ...
A Bridging Ceremony by Dave Colangelo
Props: "Campfire", bridge, troop scarfs, numbers, Boy Scout hat, Patrol Patch(es), neckerchief, hat, shoulder tabs, SpotlightCast: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader(s), Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Parents, Webelos, Patrol Leaders/Boy Scouts.Scene: Boy Scouts are gathered around a "campfire" at the end of the bridge. Cubmaster, Webelos Leader and Webelos approach bridge (opposite from ...
A Bridging Ceremony from Troop 6 Colonial Virginia Council
A darkened room, a single candle burning on a table. The Webelos Scouts (their parents behind them) are lined up near the Scoutmaster who is standing beside the flame.SM: "The flame you see before you represents the Flame of Knowledge. You Webelos Scouts who are bridging over to Boy Scouts ...
A Crossover Ceremony
This is the crossing over ceremony I used last year when I graduated my Webelos (including my older son) to Boy Scouts. This was separate from the Arrow of Light, which was done at the same meeting.First you need to invite local community leaders to the cerremony. I had invited ...
A Day Of
The arch is the sun rising at daybreak, starting another week in scouting.THE FIRST DAY - Is Sunday, a day of worship and development of the boy's spiritual life.THE SECOND DAY - is Monday, a day for improving understanding within the family.THE THIRD DAY - is Tuesday a day of ...
A Space Theme Crossover by Peter Farnham
We used an outer space theme this time. I have a Captain Picard suit I wear at Halloween, and a working toy ray gun. We started out by dimming the lights and playing over the speaker system at full volume Strauss' "Thus Spake Zarathustra," more familiarly known as the theme ...
A Webelos Ceremony
Assistant Cub Master: In fourth and fifth grade, Cub Scouts are brought into the tribe of Webelos. Webelos stands for `we'll be loyal scouts'. In the tribe of Webelos, boys prepare themselves for Boy Scouting. Webelos work on 20 different activity badges from five skill groups: physical, mental, outdoors, community, ...
Akela Arrow Of Light Ceremony
Setting: Scout leader dressed in Indian outfit as Akela, standing or sitting by a ceremonial fire.Akela: I am Akela, Chief of the Webelos tribe. My mother was Kind Eyes. My father was the son of the sun in the sky. His name ... Arrow of Light, who now lives with ...
Akelas Arrow
A tradition in a pack started many years ago. It is to present our graduating Arrow of Light recipients a real arrow with color (use plastic tape) bands for each of their ranks obtained while in Cub Scouts. This is to remember their Cub Scout years. The following ceremony ...
Akelas Arrow Of Light
PERSONNEL Cubmaster, narrator, boys, parents, two people to work the room lights and spotlight, drummer.EQUIPMENT Webelos prop stand, Arrow of Light with a stand, The Official Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scout Eagle badge poster, council fire, spotlight, drum.Cubmaster: Tonight we have the special privilege of witnessing the presentation of ...
Akelas Compass
PROPS: Compass made from pizza board. PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, new Webelos Scout, parents, Webelos Den member, Webelos Den Chief, Webelos Den Leader.ARRANGEMENT: Have the participants stand in a line facing the pack. As Cubmaster reads, the participants step forward as they are mentioned.CUBMASTER:I'm Akela, the leader of the pack.Akela leads ...
Akelas Life Story
EQUIPMENT: Ceremony board or log with three small candles and one large candle; tom-tom; artificial campfire.SETTING: Akela enters and walks behind the fire. Akela gives the Cub Scout sign and tom-tom beating stops.NARRATOR: Akela was the big chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift ...
Another Achievement Doodle
This ceremony was written to be used with your den doodle or it can be adapted to use the Den Achievement Wall Chart. This simple ceremony could be changed for variety and sometimes the boys could give their den yell in place of the achievement pledge, or an appropriate ...
Another Native American Ceremony
We rent a couple of Native American costumes complete with war bonnets. The Cubmaster and Webelos Den Leader Coach dress up. We lower the lights and the Webelos Den Leader Coach holds up a single candle and does the "Scouting Spirit" introduction. He announces to Akela, Chief of the Webelos ...
Suggested Props: Towel, water, gold foil disk on ribbonPresentation: Place towel and disk around boy's neck, wet hair and introduce the new aquanaut. ...
Archway To Boy Scouting
This is a graduation ceremony with a musical touch.PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, denner, den chief, parents of graduates, Scoutmaster, patrol leader, graduating Webelos Scouts.EQUIPMENT Rustic archway, as shown; artificial campfire; United States flag, pack flag, troop flag; graduation certificates; Boy Scout neckerchiefs.ARRANGEMENT Set up the rustic archway ...
Arrow Of Light Advancement
Using All RanksPERSONNEL Cubmaster; Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts; Webelos badge and Arrow of Light Award candidates and their parents.EQUIPMENT A large reproduction of each of the five badges of rank fastened to standards or held by each boy; Webelos badges, Arrow of Light Awards, certificates; safety pins.ARRANGEMENT Arrow ...
Arrow Of Light And Graduation Ceremony
NOTE: Ideally, this ceremony should be performed in an outdoor campfire setting; for example, at a pack picnic. This allows for a more natural feel as well as for the use of torches, firepots, and other "special effects". If an indoor setting is preferred by the pack, candles should be ...
Arrow Of Light Ceremony
Equipment: Drum or drum beat, rank ladder or rank candlesPersonnel: Cubmaster, 5 Cub Scouts (who have earned the rank they are representing), 1 Boy Scout, Scoutmaster(drum beats 3 times)Cubmaster:I, Akela, have heard the drums speak. I call ____ to stand next to the rank totem with his parents and den ...
Arrow of Light Ceremony 2
Cubmaster: The Arrow of Light is important. It's the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. But, more important than the badge itself is what you have learned, the work you have done to help others and the fun you have had earning it.(Hand ...
Arrow Of Light Considerations
The Purpose of Ceremonies:1. Promote the self-esteem of the participating boys.2. Reward the boys for "doing their best".3. Pique the interest of the younger boys and keep them motivated.4. Promote the thrill of Cub Scouting among the boys.5. Promote the interest and support of the parents.6. Show the boys ...
Arrow Of Light Council
PROPS: INDIAN drum, Indian costumes, arrows, and Arrow of Light symbol/candle holder.PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and 4 others in costume (either adult leaders or Den Chiefs)(Drum beats slowly in background, Den Leaders light candles and lights are dimmed - - drum stops.)CUBMASTER: Today we are gathered to witness the presentation of ...
Arrow Of Light Plaque
Cut a piece of 3/4 inch thick wood to a 24"x 6" rectangle. Route the edges. Trace the sun pattern and transfer onto the plaque placing the center ray just left of the center of the plaque. The top of the rays should be even with the routered edge on ...

Arrow Of Light Native American Style
PERSONNEL Akela (Cubmaster), Webelos den leader, light switch operator, tom-tom beater, Arrow of Light Award candidates, and their parents.EQUIPMENT Large symbol of the Arrow of Light Award made from 1-1/4" dowel painted gold and dusted with glitter; a simple candle board containing a blue, a white, and a yellow ...
Arrow Presentation
An Arrow of Light Incentive CeremonySometimes it is appropriate to provide incentives to Webelos to get the Arrow of light. This ceremony at the Blue and Gold may be appropriate for your unit.Staging: Lights dimmed, ceremonial fire (not lighted). Cubmaster dressed as a Chief, one scouter as Indian drummer, ...
Suggested Props: Paint brush on ribbon, large sheet of paper.Presentation: At beginning of meeting, award brush to scout and then have den chief do a silhouette of the boy. ...
Artist Badge
Webelos Scouts may earn a variety of activity badges during their year in the den. These activity badges are: Aquanaut, Artist, Athlete, Citizen, Communicator, Craftsman, Engineer, Family Member, Fitness, Forester, Geologist, Handyman, Naturalist, Outdoorsman, Readyman, Scholar, Scientist, Showman, Sportsman, Traveler.The Webelos den leader will be focusing on one of these ...
Suggested Props:Olympic torch (made from construction paper or cardboard).Presentation: Have the boy open the meeting by carrying the torch around the room. ...
Bear And Webelos Graduation
EQUIPMENT: Advancement board, candles for Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, etcWebelos bridge.PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Ass't Cubmaster, Webelos LeaderWill the following Bear Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward:(Light Bobcat candle (white) Wolf ( yellow) Bear (orange) Webelos (green)Upon completion of the Wolf and Bear ranks, a Cub Scout is well on ...
Bear To Webelos Campfire
CUBMASTER: The Cub Scout trail is a long one filled with many adventures. Will the Bears, their parents, and their leaders please come forward?Leaders, are your Bear Scouts ready to join the Webelos Tribe?Bears, you have in the past worked on the Wolf trail and your most recent adventures ...
Bear To Webelos Graduation
PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Webelos leader, Bear Cub Scouts.EQUIPMENT Indian headbands; Webelos neckerchiefs, slides, and caps; council fire; bridge; copies of Webelos Scout Book.ARRANGEMENT The Bear Cub Scouts are sitting at the council fire.Cubmaster: Bears, you have in the past worked on the Wolf trail and your most recent adventures have ...
Bear To Webelos With Neckerchiefs
EQUIPMENT: Spirit of Scouting candle and holder, badges, colors, and neckerchiefs.PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos den and den leader, den chief.Webelos den leader, Mr.______, will you and the den please come forward and join me on stage.Tonight we have (number) Bear Cub Scouts who have entered the fourth grade and are ...
Bear To WebelosJust A Bit of Webelos History
Props: Webelos Badge & Card, Webelos Handbook, Webelos Neckerchief, Lighted Candle (place these on the table)Cubmaster: Cub Scouting has been a part of the Boy Scouts of America since 1930. For more than 50 years there has been Webelos, but only since January 1, 1977, has Webelos been a ...
Bird Calls
Have the boys learn some bird calls. Have the boys do the bird calls while other boys are looking around with binoculars naming the calls they hear. Have them walk off stage like they are going to look for more birds. Have boys doing flag ceremony walk on. ...
Blue Gold Banquet Arrow Of Light 1
SETTING: Blue and Gold Banquet A large Arrow of Light (2ft by 5 ft - made out of wood) is on a table in front of the audience. The Awards Chairman, Cubmaster and Webelos Leader(s) are on either side of the table.CUBMASTER: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we gather on ...
Blue Gold Banquet Arrow Of Light 2
This is an involved Ceremony for a February Blue and Gold Banquet. Only the Webelos are receiving any awards tonight. The rest of the pack will receive their awards at the regular March Pack Meeting. It is our Pack's way to say good bye to our second year Webelos, ...
Blue Dot Painted Webelos
CHARACTERS: AKELA - Cubmaster BALOO - Assistant Cubmaster DRUMMER - a Cub Scout MATERIALS: Blue, yellow, green, and red tempera paint, Webelos badges and certificates, safety pins, parents pins. (DRUMMER begins slow, rhythmic beat).AKELA: Webelos stands for Well Be Loyal Scouts. Will the following Scouts and their parents please ...
Bridge To Boy Scouting
This impressive ceremony for Webelos Scouts can be used indoors or outdoors. Advancement recognition ceremonies for the lower ranks may precede it.PERSONNEL Webelos den leader (Akela), Scoutmaster, den chief as a torchbearer, Boy Scouts from the troop, graduating Webelos Scout and his parents, senior patrol leader.EQUIPMENT A rustic bridge ...
Bridging Webelos To Scouts 1
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos leader, Den Chief, Scoutmaster, Boy Scout candidates, and their parents.EQUIPMENT: American flag, pack flag, troop flag, a bridge, troop neckerchief for each candidate SETTING: The bridge is placed in the center of the room, pack flag is to the left of the bridge, the American flag ...
Broken Arrow AOL
Equipment: An Arrow for each boy, two council fires, awardsSetting: Cubmaster at first fire, boy scouts at second. Award is attached to arrow.Akela: Will (Read names) and their parents please come forward and take their place of honor at the Council Fire? Tonight (Read names) have achieved two high honors. ...
Burning Of Scarf
PERSONNEL: Narrator, drummer,' Akela Cubmaster , Webelos Leader, Brave Webelos Scout, Parents.EQUIPMENT: Magic solution actually 60% and 40% acetone, drum, candle of truth, Webelos scarf with the emblem removed, FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ARRANGEMENTS: The emblem must be removed off the scarf that you intend to burn. You can not use a ...
Candlelight Ceremony
Props needed: Arrow of Light Ceremonial Board cut out as a Large Arrow of Light, 4 red candles, 3 white candles, Webelos Award(s) and Certificate(s), and several straight pins.Personnel needed: Akela (in costume) and 2 Webelos Scouts (1st Webelos Scout lights the 4 red candles as he says the names ...
Canoe Neckerchief Slide For Bear Graduation To Webelos
Cubmaster calls forward present Bear dens. (Bear leaders are already at the front of the room.)LEADER # 1: You young men have worked very hard this year. You have achieved so much and are proud to wear your Bear badge.LEADER #2: You have learned a great deal and found ...
Career Arrow
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster as Akela, Boys receiving their Arrow of Light and each-of the boys parents.EQUIPMENT: Candles, stand for candles, one marked arrow for each boy receiving his Arrow of Light.After all other awards have been given, dim the lights and light the candies on the stand.**Akela takes out one arrow, ...
Ceremonial Fire
Setting: Scout leader dressed in Indian outfit as Akela, standing or sitting by a ceremonial fire.Participants: Akela, Cubmaster, Webelos Leader.Note: If trophy skins are being presented, involve parents to help with awards. Insert the presentation at **.The final and highest rank of Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light. ...
Closing Graduation
When using this closing, care must be taken that the Webelos Scouts are helped to make the transition into Boy Scouting.PERSONNEL Cubmaster; graduating Webelos Scouts and their parents; color guard; all boys in the pack.EQUIPMENT Colors; graduation certificates.Cubmaster: Our closing this evening will be, very special. Webelos Scouts, please stand ...
Compass Badge Presentation
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos LeaderEQUIPMENT: Compass badge and compass point.CUBMASTER: Tonight we have boys receiving Webelos recognition. (number) earning the compass and (number) earning the compass point. To earn the compass, a Webelos Scout has to earn his Webelos badge and four additional activity badges -- a total of seven ...
Crossing Over Into A Webelos Den
PROPS: Bridge and candlesCUBMASTER: Will the Denner from Webelos Den 1 escort (Cub Names) to the front. Could I have the former Den Leader and Webelos Den Leader come upfront?Could I have the parent(s) of (Cub name(s)) come up and join us?You were the first Den Leader along his Cub ...
Crossing over to Scouting
Setting: A bridge is in the center stage. One side of the bridge is represented as the Cub Scout side and the other side as the Boy Scout side. You can use your imagination on how to symbolize each side so it is apparent which side is which. Use of ...
Crossing The Bridge
PERSONNEL Webelos den leader, Scoutmaster, a Boy Scout, graduating Webelos Scout and his parents.EQUIPMENT A rustic bridge; two spotlights, one directed on each end of the bridge; Boy Scout neckerchief.ARRANGEMENT Place the bridge on the stage or in front of the pack meeting room. The Webelos den leader, with ...
Crossing The Bridge Ceremony
Read by the CubmasterA BRIDGE is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection or transition from one side to another. During the years you and your son have been in Cub Scouting, we have had numerous opportunities to work together along ...
Crossing the Bridge Ceremony Read by the Cubmaster
A BRIDGE is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection or transition from one side to another. During the years you and your son have been in Cub Scouting, we have had numerous opportunities to work together along the trail. ...
Crossover The Final Steps
ARRANGEMENT: Darkened room, Red light is on the bridge, which is centered between American and Pack flags. Assembled on stage to the left of the bridge are the parents and Webelos Leader, on the opposite end of the bridge is the Scoutmaster.CUBMASTER: Tonight we mark a great occasion, ... ...
Crossover Ceremony
The O/A Ceremonies advisor was the Cubmaster for the Pack. The logistics of the event may seem a bit daunting but the ceremony worked very well.Props: 4 canoes PFDs for everyone going into the canoesHints: Make sure that you comply with the Safety Afloat requirements for qualified lifeguards. Perform this during the day The four ...
Crossover Ceremony
The O/A Ceremonies advisor was the Cubmaster for the Pack. The logistics of the event may seem a bit daunting but the ceremony worked very well.Props: 4 canoes PFDs for everyone going into the canoesHints: Make sure that you comply with the Safety Afloat requirements for qualified life guards. Perform this during the day The ...
Crossover to Boy Scouts by Don Tolin
Participants:All 2nd Year Webelos Scouts All Troop Boy Scouts Cubmaster Scoutmaster Webelos Den Chief Scouts' parents and families Ceremony:Webelos on one side of bridge working together like on activity pin, having fun. Webelos Den Flag in background. Den leaders and Den Chief with the boys. Webelos stand together and face ...
Crossover To Scouts
Setting: A bridge is in the center stage. One side of the bridge is represented as the Cub Scout side and the other side as the Boy Scout side. You can use your imagination on how to symbolize each side so it is apparent which side is which. The ...
Crossover The Final Steps
ARRANGEMENT: Darkened room, Red light is on bridge, which is centered between American and Pack flags. Assembled on stage to the left of the bridge are the parents and Webelos Leader, on the opposite end of the bridge is the Scoutmaster. CUBMASTER: Tonight we mark a great occasion, ... the ...
Cub Into Webelos Den
EQUIPMENT: Webelos neckerchief for each boy going into Webelos.DEN LEADER: Mr. Cubmaster, a member of my den has reached the fourth grade and is now ready to enter the Webelos Den.CUBMASTER: Bring him forward.DEN LEADER: This is Cub Scout ________ and his parents, ______ has reached the Bear rank and ...
Cub Scout Graduation
Cubmaster: Tonight we have an important occasion, the recognition of (names of boys graduating) who are continuing along the Scouting trail. Will (names) and their parents please come forward. When you joined our pack you stood in front here and with the other members, repeated the Cub Scout Promise, and ...
Cub Scouting Is A Challenge
Tonight we pay special tribute to (#) Webelos Scouts who have earned their Arrow of Light award.I light the first candle to represent the Cub Scout and his parents, all three working together. The parents guiding the Scout along the trail.The second candle symbolizes the leadership provided by others to ...
Cub Scouting Is For The Family
Some people think Cub Scouts is for boys only but it isn't, Cub Scouting is for the family. mothers and fathers, as they work in Cub Scouting with their boys, are able to maintain the natural relationship with them, yet they come to see their boys' play and leisure ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Eagle Feather
Equipment: "Eagle" Feather, Arrow of Light Light box, Drum, Akela Costume.Webelos Leader: Tonight we have our Arrow of Light presentation. The Arrow of Light is the highest award a Cub Scout can achieve and is the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. Will ...
Earning The Webelos Badge
ARRANGEMENTS: Webelos Leader, 3 Cub Scouts, and 1 Webelos Scout (representingBobcat, Wolf Bear, and Webelos) Webelos candidate and parents.EQUIPMENT: Webelos badge, ceremony board, and four candles.WEBELOS LEADER: Tonight, we are recognizing Webelos Scout (name) from our pack who has earned the Webelos badge. Would (name) and his parents come ...
Engineer Badge
Webelos Scouts may earn a variety of activity badges during their year in the den. These activity badges are: Aquanaut, Artist, Athlete, Citizen, Communicator, Craftsman, Engineer, Family Member, Fitness, Forester, Geologist, Handyman, Naturalist, Outdoorsman, Readyman, Scholar, Scientist, Showman, Sportsman, Traveler.The Webelos den leader will be focusing on one of these ...
Suggested Props: Can of spinach, white paper or cloth sailor' cap.Presentation: Present can of spinach to scout and have him strike a pose and do his best "Popeye the Sailor man" impersonation. ...
Flag Scout Oath And Arrow Of Light
EQUIPMENT: 3 Candles in a holder with the Arrow of Light symbol, 1 red, 1 white, & 1 blueWEBELOS LEADER: Have you noticed the strong bond between our flag and the Scout Oath? Let me show you. (Light white candle in the center)One of the colors on our flag ...
Follow The Arrow
When a member of a Cub Scout den is transferring to a Webelos den, the Denner of the den he is leaving may read this poem as a closing part of a ceremony. Then give him a Webelos Scout Book.So long, good luck!We've played together and worked together,Had maybe a ...
Suggested Props: Leaf (real or made from paper, cardboard or cloth).Presentation: Present boy with leaf award at the beginning of the meeting. ...
From Sea To Shining Sea
We are fortunate to live in this beautiful land of America. We have been blessed with freedoms that others can only dream of. There are great diversities from sea to shining sea. We have mountains and valleys, plains and rivers, and a great mix of landscapes. We have a ...
Suggested Props: Rock on a string.Presentation: Present boy with rock and have him wear it for the rest of the meeting. Tell him that his performance in earning the geologist activity pin "really rocks"! Or, present him with a picture of a mountain (from a magazine) and call it the ...
Gifts And Talents
We each have several gifts and talents. Each day we have the ability to improve our talents and develop new ones. Cub Scouting gives us the opportunities to try new areas and learn new skills.(Call the boy up.)_______ has improved his skills in many areas by earning the pins. ...
Graduation From Pack To Troop
The whole ceremony, as presented here, has been made informal, with the idea that those taking part will use their own words. This merely suggests what packs can work up for themselves.PERSONNEL Cubmaster, denner, den chief, Scoutmaster, patrol leader, Webelos Scout, and his parents.EQUIPMENT Electric campfire, graduation certificate.ARRANGEMENT The lights ...
Graduation Into Boy Scouts
Tonight we honor ______ Webelos, who will be crossing a very important bridge along the scouting trail. This is a bridge of decision and fulfillment, and we the adult leaders can only hope that crossing this bridge leads to the fulfillment of all those hopes and dreams a boy ...
Graduation Of A Webelos Scout
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Webelos leader, Webelos Scout and family, 2 Bobcats, 2 Wolves, 2 Bears, and 2 WebelosEQUIPMENT: Troop scarfARRANGEMENT: The 8 Cubs are lined up in 2 rows of 4 facing each other in order to form a bridge for the graduation. There needs to ...
Graduation Of Cub Scout To Webelos
This ceremony can be conducted in a den or at a pack meeting. All Cub Scouts in the graduate's den sit in a circle with the graduate in the middle of the circle.EQUIPMENT: Ten candles, ten cards with verse.PERSONNEL: Eight Cub Scouts. graduate, Den Leader, and Assistant Den Leader and/or ...
Graduation To Webelos Den
When a member of a Cub Scout den is transferring to a Webelos den, the denner of the den he is leaving may read this poem as a closing part of a ceremony. Then give him a Webelos Scout Book.So long, good luck! We've played together and worked together, ...
Green Advancement Ceremony
Equipment: 2 small jars or glasses with water; one should be dyed blue and one dyed yellow, large empty jar or glass, table, second-year service star, Webelos neckerchiefPersonnel: Cubmaster, boy advancing and parentSet-up: On the table are the jars of colored water and the empty jar. The two colors will ...
Suggested Props: Bicycle Pump.Presentation: Award pump to boy and let him hold it for the meeting. Tell him that everyone is all pumped up about him earning his Handyman activity pin. ...
His Path Is Fully Lit
PERSONNEL: Webelos Leader or Cubmaster, Scouts, parents.EQUIPMENT: Arrow of Light Ceremonial board.ARRANGEMENTS: The room is in darkness. The leader introduces Webelos Scout(s) who are receiving Arrow Of Light and explains they have met the requirements to receive the highest award in Cub Scouting.LEADER: The purpose of Cub Scouting is ...
His Pocket
Make a poster strip of each of the Arrow of Light requirements. Make a large pocket and sew it onto a sheet for your props.We have a lot of uses for pockets. They are great to put things in. We can pull things back out of our pockets and ...
There is one insect that is known for its hard work and great contribution to the world, the Honeybee. Honeybees live in large groups. Each of the honeybees has its own job which benefits the entire hive. There are queens and drones responsible for laying eggs.Some gather nectar and pollen. ...
I Am
PERSONNEL: Chief Akela, Lord Baden Powell, Indian Braves: Lone Indian Brave, Cub Scouting Colors, Four Winds, Ideals of Cub Scouting, Ships of Scouting, Seven Virtues of Life; Cub Scouts: one each Wolf, Bear, 1st & 2nd year Webelos; Adult Leaders: Den Leader, Cubmaster, CommitteeMember & Parents...MATERIALS: 7 wax candle ...
I Salute You
CUBMASTER: Tonight I have the honor of presenting the Arrow of Light to one of our Webelos Scouts. Would (name) and his parents please come forward to receive this award, a Webelos Scout must have passed the following requirements: Been active in the Webelos den for 6 months, have ...
Indian Arrow Of Light Ceremony
PERSONNEL: Medicine-man, Akela, AidEQUIPMENT: Bells, Council fireARRANGEMENT: Lights out, Council fire lit.MEDICINE-MAN: (Walks up to the fire, raises arms, and calls out to Akela to come forth.)Ha a a a a a ah h h h; Ha a a a a ah h h h; Ha a a a ...
Indian Webelos Den Induction
PERSONNEL Pack advancement chairman or Webelos den leader, Indian scout (den chief), Indian chief (Webelos den leader), Bear Cub Scouts, Indian drummer, Webelos den members.EQUIPMENT Indian drum; artificial campfire; peace pipe; Indian costumes; Webelos neckerchiefs, slides, and caps; copies of Webelos Scout Book.ARRANGEMENT The Webelos den members in Indian costumes ...
Induction Into The Webelos Den
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos Den Leader, Webelos DenEQUIPMENT: 4 Candles, Webelos emblem, Webelos scarf and colors for the inductee, table ARRANGEMENT: 3 candles equally spaced in a block of wood with the Webelos emblem behind it or to the side of the candles. (4th candle to light the other 3.)CUBMASTER: ...
Jungle Book Ceremony For Advancing To Boy Scouts
By Edward A. HaluskaPEOPLE REQUIRED: 1 ) Akela, the leader of the wolf pack (the Cubmaster) 2) Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts from the patrol(s) that will be accepting the Cubs Scouts Props: 1 ) Bridge (a small symbolic one is adequate) 2) New Boy Scout bandannas 3) Suitable recorded ...
Jungle Book Ceremony for Advancing to Scouts
People required: Akela, the leader of the wolf pack (the Cubmaster) Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts from the patrol(s) that will be accepting the Cubs. Props: Bridge (a small symbolic one is adequate) New Boy Scout bandannas Suitable recorded music and tape player Hints: It is very common for the Boy Scouts to be responsible for the ...
Jungle Book Ceremony for Advancing to Scouts
by Edward A. HaluskaPeople required: Akela, the leader of the wolf pack (the Cubmaster) Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts from the patrol(s) that will be accepting the Cubs. Props: Bridge (a small symbolic one is adequate) New Boy Scout bandannas Suitable recorded music and tape player Hints: It is very common for the Boy Scouts to be ...
Jungle Book Ceremony For Crossing Into Boy Scouts
People required: 1) Akela, the leader of the wolf pack (the Cubmaster) 2) Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts from the patrol(s) that will be accepting the Cubs.PROPS: 1) Bridge (a small symbolic one is adequate) 2) New Boy Scout bandannas 3) Suitable recorded music and tape playerHINTS:1) It is very ...
Leaving Cub Scouting Forever
EQUIPMENT: Signs with each insignia on it (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light). A bridge to walk over. PEOPLE: Cubmaster, 3 or 4 assistants, Boy Scout Troop Leader. CUBMASTER: Most awards here are fun, goofy, or crazy. Not this one, this is ...
Like An Acorn
When you first see an acorn, it may seem quite small and insignificant. Who could guess the great potential lying inside its small shell? A cub scout is like an acorn. Although he may appear to be small, he has the potential of greatness within him. As an acorn ...
Look Forward
This holiday season is a time for focusing more on good cheer and serving others. We reach beyond ourselves and give to others. As we are heading into a new year, we look forward to new beginnings, setting new goals, and moving on to new adventures.Tonight we have a ...
Magic Neckerchief Graduation Ceremony Script
This Ceremony is written for Webelos Graduation to Boy Scouts. With slight modification, it can be used for any level rank advancement. It is written assuming several scouts, but with minor changes could be used for a single scout. Materials:Neckerchief (if using Webelos neckerchief, the Webelos patch must be removed ...
Memorable Arrow Of Light Ceremony
by Rick ClementsPEOPLE REQUIRED:1) Cubmaster2) Asst. Cubmaster (Asst. CM)3) Den Leader and Asst. Den Leader (DL/ADL)PROPS:1) One 3 foot length of rope for each Cub Scout2) Arrow of Light Awards (with tape affixed to the card the badge is on)(The Cubmaster, Asst. CM, Den Leader and Asst. Den Leader ...
Native American Ceremony
Each boy recieving the WB is given "warrior marks", i.e., 2 stripes of EASILY WASHABLE paint on each cheek. When our pack did it, we used the colors blue and yellow (gold). The colors should be in the same order on both cheeks. ...
Suggested Props: Stuffed, rubber or plastic animal.Presentation: Present boy with the animal and he can hold on to it for the meeting. ...
Neil Armstrong Quote Graduation Ceremony
Equipment: Stage. "Crossover Bridge" (stairs or anything similar which will convey the image desired), Graduation Certificates, Scout neckerchiefs.Cubmaster: On July 20, 1969, an American did something that men throughout history have wanted to do. On that date, Neil Armstrong stood on the surface of the moon. His first words ...
One Boy Into A Webelos Den
EQUIPMENT: Webelos neckerchief and/or handbook.CUBMASTER: (Boys name) of Den_____, a Bear Cub Scout, is now 10 years old and is eligible to advance into the Webelos Den. (Boys name) , do you know the secret meaning of the word "Webelos.CUB: It means "We'll be loyal Scouts".CUBMASTER: Webelos is a ...
Order Of The Arrow Four Winds Crossover
ARRANGEMENT: Allowat, Kitchkinet, and the Four winds stand ready at the back. If outdoors, torchbearers should lead the way to the clearing. Indoors, a storyteller can set the appropriate mood before the ceremonialists enter. Kitchkinet enters the clearing and taps the Cubmaster/MC on the shoulder three times. The Cubmaster/MC ...
Our Secret Recipe
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, committee chairman, or den/Webelos coachEQUIPMENT: Kentucky Fried Chicken box containing a rib, thigh, breast, and a wing.SETTING: Call forward all who you wish to welcomeNARRATOR: It's not easy being the BEST. You start out by doing just one thing and you keep on doing that thing until ...
Suggested Props: Piece of rope with bow-line or square knot tied in it.Presentation: Have the scout identify the know and then wear it for the rest of the meeting. ...
Pouch Ceremony for Arrow of Light
"In addition to the Arrow of Light Award, you will also receive a special pouch your Akelas made for you with three items in it.The first item is a pinch of soil to remind you from where you have come, it is the earth that supports all life. It is ...
Presentation of Several Activity Badges
PERSONNEL Webelos den leader, den chief, Webelos Scouts who have earned activity badges, parents.EQUIPMENT Arrow of Light ceremonial board with one small candle for each activity badge to be presented plus one large candle, and the activity badges.Den Leader: Four members of our Webelos den have earned activity badges this ...
Presentation Of Webelos Activity Badges
PERSONNEL: Webelos den leader, Den Chief, Webelos, and their parents.EQUIPMENT: Arrow of Light ceremonial board, with on small candle for each activity badge to be presented plus one large candle, and the activity badges.DEN LEADER: (number) members of our Webelos den have earned activity badges this month. They are: (Name), ...
Suggested Props: Large red cross.Presentation: Present the red cross to the boy and then have the den call out "911" in unison as a cheer. ...
Round Table Ceremony
The cubmaster is dressed as a king (Arthur, maybe) and "knights" each boy recieving the WB.Those ideas can also be used for ANY Cub rank advancement. ...
Suggested Props: Mortar board hat with tassel. (Lightweight cardboard ones are usually available at party shops.)Presentation: Present hat to scholar to wear during meeting. ...
Suggested Props: Lab coat, toy microscope on a string.Presentation: Wearing the lab coat, present the boy with the microscope to wear. ...
Seven Great Virtues
Prop: "Cub-a-labra" with 7 candles, preferably using the 7 rays of the AOL as candleholders.Tonight we gather to honor (# of Scouts receiving the award) Webelos Scouts that have earned the highest award in Cub Scouting: The Arrow of Light. These Scouts have worked very hard over the last ...
Seven Virtues Using Colors
Love (Yellow) Love of family, home, fellowman, God, and country.Justice (Blue) To be fair in everything we doWisdom (Purple) Not in knowing everything, but in how we use what we know.Faith (White) Faith is our belief in God.Self Control (Brown) Knowing when to stop, or even when not to start.Courage ...
Suggested Props: Toy musical instrument on a string.Presentation: Award instrument to boy and then let boy (help him, if needed) lead a song to start the meeting. ...
Spirit of Akela Ceremony
The den(s) gather at stage right. Across the front of the room are standard issue poster pictures of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos badges (large enough to be seen). Each was attached to a pole in a flag stand about five feet from the ground. Below the poster an arm ...
Spirit of Akela Ceremony
The den(s) gather at stage right. Across the front of the room are standard issue poster pictures of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos badges (large enough to be seen). Each was attached to a pole in a flag stand about five feet from the ground. Below the poster an arm ...
Suggested Props: Old baseball glove.Presentation: Present glove to boy and then have him lead a sports-related song or poem. (Examples: "Casey at the Bat" or "Take me out to the old ball game") ...
Straight Arrow Ceremony
Akela - I have summoned you before the council tonight to pay honor to one of our Webelos Scouts. Will ____ please bring his parents before Akela. We honor ______tonight with the highest award in Cub Scouting - the Arrow of Light.This arrow represents the Arrow of Light. Its shaft ...
That Diamond Is Now Complete
As Cub Scouts, you have come before the Pack to receive the badge of the Webelos. Your worthiness is witnessed by the activity pins you have earned and now wear on your uniform. In Cub Scouting, there are four badges of rank that a scout can earn. When sewn ...
The AOL Charge
In Boy Scouts, when they have an Eagle Court of Honor, a charge or challenge is made to the new Eagle Scout. Tonight, I want to offer such a challenge to each of you. You have now achieved the highest rank in Cub Scouts. I challenge each of you to ...
The Boy Scout Trail Graduation
Invite Scoutmaster or other leaders of troops your Webelos are joining. Have a rustic bridge or archway to Scouting. Ask Scoutmasters to stand at the far end of the bridge or archway. Cub Master and Webelos den leaders stand on the near side.CUBMASTER: Boys, for the last time I'm ...
The Challenge Of Bears To Webelos
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos leader, candidates, and their parentsEQUIPMENT: Webelos neckerchief for each candidate, tableSETTING: Cubmaster is in front of the room with a table holding the neckerchiefs (folded)CUBMASTER: Our Webelos dens have one big purpose. That is to prepare our Webelos Scouts for Boy Scouting. As Webelos Scouts, our ...
The Final Rank
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Arrow of Light badges with a safety pin, a picture of or wooden symbol of the Arrow of Light, one piece of rope about 3 feet long for each boy receiving the Arrow of Light rank, Career Arrows (directions found in the Staging Den and Pack Ceremony ...
The Gypsy Pack
MATERIALS: Have an artificial fire if indoors and a tripod over the top. Tripod: 3 long sticks (or PVC pipe painted brown) at least 5 feet long, tied near the top with a rope. Use a kettle or a plastic ice cream container painted silver. Place awards in it. ...
The Large White Candle
EQUIPMENT: Cubmaster or Webelos Leader, narrator, Arrow of Light cut-out, one each of white, black, red, blue, and green dinner candles. Seven birthday size white candles.TURN OUT THE LIGHTS AND LIGHT THE LARGE WHITE CANDLE.CM or WL: (Standing behind the table) Will Webelos (name) and his parents please come forward.NARRATOR: ...
The Life Story Of Akela
Tonight we are recognizing Webelos Scouts from our pack who have earned the Arrow of Light Award--the highest honor in Cub Scouting.We all know that the Cub Scout advancement plan follows the life story of Akela, an Indian brave of the mythical Webelos tribe. As we follow the Cub ...
The Lodge Of The Webelos
EQUIPMENT: Ceremony board with four candles Webelos insigne, Indian headdress.CUBMASTER: Many moons ago you came to us seeking to be a member of the Bobcats. Is this true?SCOUTS: Yes, it is true. (Cubmaster lights the first candle)CUBMASTER: Next, you followed the trail of the Wolf until you had gained his ...
The Milepost
PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Webelos den chief, graduating Webelos Scout and his parents, Scoutmaster, and two Scout aides.EQUIPMENT Troop neckerchief for graduate.Cubmaster: (Addressing audience.) Cub Scouting is part of the great Scouting movement.In the final months of his Webelos Scouting experience, a boy learns the requirements for the Boy Scout badge. He ...
The New Webelos Den Induction
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Asst. Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, boys to be inducted into Webelos den, and parentsMATERIALS: Webelos cap, neckerchief, colors, and Webelos Scout Book for each boy. (Can bepurchased by parents and brought to pack meeting) Also Webelos den flag.CUBMASTER: Tonight we have some boys who have reached the fourth ...
The Pack Pays Tribute
Materials needed are blue and yellow paints, Arrow of Light Badge, certificates, and parent’s pins.CUBMASTER: Tonight we recognize certain of our Webelos Scouts who have achieved the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Will the following Webelos Scouts and their parents please step forward (call each ...
The Pursuit Of The Arrow Of Light
Since Webelos is a 2-year program, our 4th graders are not actually graduating to a new rank. That does not, however, diminish the importance of the transition they are making here tonight. These Scouts have worked hard throughout the year, and have earned their Webelos Badge. They are now ...
The Sassafras Tree
THE CUBMASTER SPEAKS: __________names of boy (s), you are now taking the big step from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. There is a saying among Boy Scouts that SCOUTING IS OUTING.You will have many opportunities to get out into the woods and observe nature. I hope you will start ...
The Story Of The Cub Scout Colors
PERSONNEL: Akela, two Cub Scouts dressed as Indian braves.EQUIPMENT: A tripod with a large cooking pot suspended over a fire. A small pot fits inside the large one and contains a yellow Wolf neckerchief and a blue Bear neckerchief and awards. Dry ice may be packed around the small ...
The Story Of The Six Arrows
Setting: Centerstage, Cubmaster, Webelos, and Council Fire.Many years ago there lived a tribe of Indians who had a peculiar method of choosing their chief. When the chief of a tribe became too old and knew he had only a short time to live, he would call before him all the ...
The Sunburst
Begin by dimming the lights. The curtain opens and standing in a circle of lit candles is a costumed Indian Chief (talk to your OA Chapter). He begins by raising his arms and yelling:"SILENCE! Many moons ago as the white man started to encroach on land once owned by ...
The Trail Toward Eagle
EQUIPMENT: Birch log drilled to hold candles, 2 blue and 1 yellowCUBMASTER: The first step in crossing the bridge to a Scout Troop, is earning the Webelos badge.The requirements for the badge include a knowledge of the Scout Oath, Slogan, Sign, and Handshake.The Webelos Scout must also be able to ...
The Words Are Different
(Props: candles for each Cub and leader)(At the close of his last den meeting Bob is asked by his den leader to stand in the center of the den circle. The den chief lights each Cub's candle from his own.)DEN CHIEF: "Den 2, let's all repeat the Cub Scout ...
These Seven Yellow Bands
EQUIPMENT: Cubmaster dressed as Akela Indian Chief. A blue arrow shaft with 7 yellow bands or strips around it.AKELA: I have summoned before the pack tonight to pay honor to one of our Webelos Scouts. Will Webelos Scout (name) please bring his parents before Akela. We honor tonight with ...
They Are Now Eligible To Join The Webelos Den
ARRANGEMENT: Boys to be inducted into Webelos den are called forward with their parents.Cubmaster stands with them. Webelos leader and member of Webelos den stand to one side. Six Webelos Scouts have speaking parts.CUBMASTER: It is my pleasure to announce that (Names of boys) have now reached age 8 ...
Three Webelos Candles
ADVANCEMENT - THREE WEBELOS CANDLESEQUIPMENT: Parent's Pin, Webelos Badge, a Green Candle, a Red Candle, and a Yellow Candle.CUBMASTER: Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward? (Read names) Tonight you areto receive the Webelos rank. This rank is the next to last step in Cub Scouting. ...
Through The Fire A Crossover To Boy Scouts
SETUP: Two small fires burning with a path through them. Cubmaster and members to cross stand on one side while the scoutmaster stands on the other side of the fires.SPEAKER: (name) Fire has two sides to its nature. On one side it provides light to see by and, heat ...
Tonight Webelos Badge
WEBELOS LEADER: Tonight, I have the honor of presenting the Webelos Badge to one of our Webelos Scouts. Would (boy's name) and his parents please come forwardTo receive this award a boy must: Earn three activity badges- Be active in the Webelos den for at least 3 months- Understand ...
Tonight We Have Webelos Induction
Tonight we have _____ Bear Cub Scout(s) who have completed the third grade and are transferring into the Webelos den.Now will Cub Scouts) _____, ______, and _____please come forward with your parents.As you enter the ranks of the Webelos den, it is important for you to understand that Webelos ...
Tonight We Honor
1) Use den chiefs to escort boys and parents to the stage.2) Light the main candle on the table.3) Hand out candles to each boy when they reach center stage.4) Light boy's candle when given an award.NARRATOR: Tonight we honor the Webelos Scouts that have completed the requirements for ...
Top Of The Mountain
CUBMASTER: Tonight we have the honor of crossing over young men from Den(#) into Boy Scouting. Before they complete their last act in Cub Scouting by crossing over the bridge into boy Scouting, let me take a moment to tell you a story about the Cub Scout trail.Afar in ...
Totem Pole Crossing
EQUIPMENT: Cub Scout totem pole (a 5 foot 2X4 anchored in a base, with large reproductions of Cub Scout rank emblems tacked to the front of it in ascending order with Arrow of Light at the top), Boy Scout totem pole (Same as Cub, only with Boy Scout ranks ...
Toughen Up
There are several things we can do to toughen up our bodies. We can lift weights, do aerobics, walk, run, swim, and get involved in team sports. Tonight we have someone who has toughened up, not only physically, but mentally, spiritually, and morally by building good character.Would ______ please ...
Suggested Props: Toy car on a string.Presentation: Place car around boy's neck and then have the rest of the den ask "Are we there yet! ...
Trueness Of The Path
EQUIPMENT: Arrow of Light symbol, 7 - 1" candles and matches, 2 candles with protectors for boys, Arrow of Light Badges and/or pins.Place symbol on the table and light candles. Lower lights in the room.WEBELOS LEADER: Tonight we honor (name) with the presentation of his/their Arrow of Light Award(s). ...
Turn Back The Clock
Tonight we have for you a special edition of This is Your Life. We would like to Turn Back the Clock on one of our Webelos. could you come forward with your parents as we go back in time?" Have parents tell a story and show pictures of the ...
Webelos Arrow Of Light Arrow Of Light Cutout
PERSONNEL Webelos den leader, Arrow of Light candidate, and his parents, light switch operator.EQUIPMENT Arrow of Light cutout with electric light, Arrow of Light Award and certificate, safety pin.ARRANGEMENT The Arrow of Light cutout draws attention to center stage. It is made by cutting out the Arrow of Light from ...
WEBELOS to Boy Scouts Bridging Ceremony
Props - 4 - 5 to 6 foot 4 X 4's for foundation or 2 X 6's notched to interlock5 - 4 foot 2x10's - one plain, one yellow, one blue, one green, one redAll words are spoken by the same person - Narrator, emcee, Cubmaster, whoeverWEBELOS leader, will ...
Webelos Activity Pin Ceremony
Purpose: To recognize a Webelos who has earned an activity pin.Props: Poster made of Webelos colors with activity pins and cards attached.Tonight we have the privilege of recognizing Webelos Scouts that have earned an activity pin since their last Pack meeting. As you can see from our Pack's Webelos ...
Webelos Arrow Of Light Candle Lighting
PERSONNEL: Akela, Arrow of Light Award Candidate and parents, two Webelos Scouts.EQUIPMENT: Arrow of Light Ceremonial Board, four red candles, three White candles, Arrow of Light Award Certificate, straight pins.ARRANGEMENT: Akela and two Webelos Scouts stand at the left of candles, Candidate, and parents at right.1ST. WEBELOS: (lights four ...
Webelos Badge
PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Webelos leader, Webelos Scouts, and their parents. EQUIPMENT Webelos badges, safety pins.Cubmaster: When our boys become Cub Scouts, they work to earn four badges to form a diamond on their left pocket. First they must earn their Bobcat badge. Next, they earn the Wolf badge and then they ...
Webelos Badge Advancement
PERSONNEL Webelos Scouts, Webelos den leader, Cubmaster, parents.EQUIPMENT Webelos badges, ceremonial board if desired, table, safety pins.ARRANGEMENT The Webelos leader and Webelos Scouts present themselves at the front of the pack meeting. The Webelos badges are placed on the ceremonial board or table, ready for presentation by the Cubmaster. The ...
Webelos Ceremony
Mothers, dads, Cubs - Let's climb the hill to the land of Scouts. Tigers are the first Scouts, of that we are aware,This is where we learn to search, discover, and share.Then we start down the trail as a good BobcatIt isn't awfully hard for the stones are fairly ...
Webelos Crossover Yellow Brick Road
EQUIPMENT: A paper pathway cut from yellow paper; four small tables; one yellow, one blue, one white, and one red candle in candlesticks for each graduating Webelos den.PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, assistant and den chief, Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader of troop receiving the graduates; graduating Webelos and ...
Webelos Crossover By Mark E Kissel
PERSONNEL: Chief (1 ) Medicine Man (1) Guides (4) GUARDs (3) Drummer (1) Eagle (1) Crossover Helpers (2)Four (4) Guides are to lead the Webelos down the designated path and into the ceremony area. No talking is permitted by the guided or Webelos unless necessary. The lead guide will ...
Webelos Crossover The Rustic Bridge
EQUIPMENT: Rustic bridge.CUBMASTER: Cub Scouting is the younger brother part of the great Scout movement, where boys are grouped together in a den. During the last part of Cub Scouting, a boy learns the requirements for the Arrow of Light award. Then when he reaches the proper age, he graduates ...
Webelos Den Induction
EQUIPMENT: Webelos colors and/or neckerchief and/or handbookCUBMASTER:_________of Den, a Bear Cub Scout, is now 10 years old and is eligible to advance into the Webelos Den.CUBMASTER: Webelos is a very exciting part of Scouting. It is a chance for a boy to have an adventure in the outdoors. It ...
Webelos Den Induction 2
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster or advancement chairman; Indian Scout (den chief); Indian Chief (Webelos leader); drummer, Webelos den members; and boys to be inducted.EQUIPMENT: Indian drum, artificial campfire and a peace pipe.ARRANGEMENT: Webelos Scouts in Indian costume sit on stage or floor in circle with artificial campfire in a prominent position, with ...
Webelos Den Induction Ceremony
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader, Den Leader, parents, boys.EQUIPMENT: Webelos neckerchiefs and books (optional), Webelos slides.CUBMASTER: Will the following boys come forward with their parents and den leader? (Reads names of boys moving into Webelos dens)These boys are now eligible to advance into the Webelos den. Do you boys know what ...
Webelos Geologist Activty Badge
EQUIPMENT: Activity pins Webelos will be receiving. PERSONNEL: Webelos Den Leader, Cubmaster, Webelos Scouts. WEBELOS DEN LEADER: Webelos "We Be Loyal Scouts." Our goal is to be loyal scouts. We try to do our best even tough the road appears difficult at times, we are striving to meet that goal. ...
Webelos Graduation Teachings Of His Tribal Elders
The Cubmaster enters at the beat of the tom-tom, in Indian attire. He raises his hand for silence.When a mighty chief of an Indian nation had a task of honor to perform, he always wore his finest feathers and attire. I find myself rewarded with this very task tonight--for ...
Webelos Graduation We Are Prepared
Invite Scoutmasters or other representatives of the troops your Webelos Scouts are joining. Using poles driven into the ground and rope, make the winding trail, with the Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos, Arrow of Light, and Boy Scout emblems on top of the poles.Have troop representatives at the far ...
Webelos Graduation The Changing of the Shirt
This ceremony in which Webelos Scouts are graduated from the Pack to Boy Scout Troops, involves the whole Pack, including adult leaders. First, call forward the graduating Webelos Scouts and their parents. Next, form two lines (facing each other) as follows: nearest the graduates, pack committee members; then Cub Scout ...
Webelos Graduation Feathers
PROPS: one blue, yellow, and red feather for each boyCUBMASTER: Through your Webelos activities you have had many opportunities to experience the outdoors, including activities such as Day Camp, camping with your Webelos den, and with Boy Scouts. You now know the OUTING is the essence of Scouting.Now as ...
Webelos Graduation The Changing Of The Shirt
This ceremony in which Webelos Scouts are graduated from the Pack to Boy Scout Troops, involves the whole Pack, including adult leaders. First, call forward the graduating Webelos Scouts and their parents. Next, form two lines (facing each other) as follows: nearest the graduates, pack committee members; then Cub ...
Webelos Induction With The Four Winds
PERSONNEL: Webelos candidates, their parents, 4 adults (1 in each corner of the room), Cubmaster, Webelos leader, someone to operate the lights.EQUIPMENT: 5 candles, Webelos neckerchiefs, slides, & colors.CUBMASTER: Tonight we have Cub Scouts that are ready to join a Webelos Den.Will the following boys please come forward:_____,_______.(Light candle ...
Webelos Magic Box
EQUIPMENT: washing machine or similar box. But a door leaving hinge to close and open, decorate with large magic eye shooting out rays. Stars. Moons. Use magic symbols. Cut hand holes around the box so cubs can pick it up one hole per den member.PERSONNEL: Webelos leader, Webelos den, ...
Webelos Outdoor AOL And Bridging
PERSONNEL Akela (Cubmaster), Webelos Den Leader, Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts, graduating Webelos Scouts and their parents, tom-tom beaters.EQUIPMENT Scout assembled a field bridge, tom-toms, candles for each boy, AOL candleholder, campfire, wooden target arrows.ARRANGEMENT We do our bridging at our spring campout. With the Boy Scouts supervising the construction ...
Webelos Scout Is Faithful To His Cub Scout Promise
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos leaderEQUIPMENT: Ceremonial prop that holds four candles: WHITE-spirit of Scouting; BLUE-spirit of Cub Scouting; YELLOW-Arrow of Light rank; GREEN-Boy Scouting, awards to be presented.SETTING: At the opening of the ceremony only the WHITE candle is lighted. Use it to light the blue and yellow candles as ...
Webelos Scout Uniform
PERSONNEL Webelos den leader; Webelos den chief, the transferring Cub Scout, his den leader and his parents; members of Webelos den to hold flags.EQUIPMENT The pack flag; the transferring Cub Scout's den flag; the Webelos den flag; the Webelos cap; neckerchiefWebelos Den Leader: Tonight we welcome Bear Cub Scout [name] ...
Webelos to Scout Troop
Props: U.S. flag, Pack flag, Webelos Den flag, bridge, troop neckerchief, and red spotlight.Personnel: Cubmaster, Webelos Scout and his parents, Webelos Den Leader, Scoutmaster, Denner, and light switch operator.(In a dimly lit room, the red spotlight is on the bridge, which is centered between the U.S. and Pack flags. ...
Webelos Twentieth Award
The Webelos Twentieth Award is presented to the Webelos Scout who earns all twenty activity badges. This is not a national award, but any Webelos Scout who has achieved this goal should be recognized.CUBMASTER: Although the Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting, the Twentieth Award ...
Welcome Bear Cub Scout
PERSONNEL Cubmaster; Webelos den leader; Webelos den chief; the transferring Cub Scout, his den leader, and his parents; member of Webelos den to hold the pack flag.EQUIPMENT Pack flag, the transferring Cub Scout's den flag, Webelos den flag, Webelos neckerchief and slide, a copy of the Webelos Scout Book.Cubmaster: Tonight ...
Well Be Loyal Scouts
PERSONNEL Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, Webelos den chief, Arrow of Light Award candidates and their parents, and the pack. EQUIPMENT Arrow of Light Awards, advancement certificates, and safety pins. Cubmaster: Tonight we are assembled to honor those Webelos Scouts who have earned the ...
When Camelback Mountain Walked the Earth
(Story Rock, by Rick Clements)People Required: Akela (Cubmaster) Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster)Props: Mountain scene with broken bridge Badges (with tape affixed to the card the badge is on)Akela: Long ago, a group of braves from a tribe went out hunting. One brave sat on a rock to rest.Baloo: He heard a voice speak to him.Akela: ...
When Mt St Helens Walked the Earth Webelos Ceremony
CUB SCOUT ADVANCEMENT, NATIVE AMER. THEME (Story Rock, Pacific NW Indian references) by Rick Clements People Required: Akela (Cubmaster) Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster) Props: Mountain scene with broken bridge Badges (with tape affixed to the card the badge is on) Akela: Long ago, a group of braves from a tribe went ...
White Eagle Crossover Ceremony
by Peter Van HoutenPARTICIPANTS: Akela, Scoutmaster, SPL, White Eagle, tom-tom drummer, candidates, and Boy Scouts (one for each crossover candidate)SETUP: Council fire (simulated or real), Crossover bridge or arch, Indian costume, tom-tom, peace pipe, and twig for each crossover Candidate.[The lights are turned down, if indoors]AKELA: [Akela calls for ...
Witness Their Accomplishments
(This ceremony can be performed either at a council fire or at a pack meeting. The Master of Ceremonies is in the center with the Arrow of Light Props.The Master of Ceremonies begins: Will Webelos Scouts (Names each Scout) and their parents come forward. (Form to each side of ...
Witnessing The Presentation
Today, we have the special privilege of witnessing the presentation of the highest award in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is a major achievement in the life of a Cub Scout. It is recognized as such by Boy Scouts of America and is one ...
You Have Now Completed Your Journey
PEOPLE REQUIRED: 1 ) Cubmaster, 2) Asst. Cubmaster (Asst. CM), 3) Den Leader and Asst. Den Leader (DL/ADL)PROPS: 1 ) One 3 foot length of rope for each Cub Scout, 2) Arrow of Light Awards (with tape affixed to the card the badge is on)ARRANGEMENT: (The Cubmaster, Asst. CM, ...
Your Journey To Manhood
This Arrow of Light ceremony has a more up-to-date flare to it. It would be more effective if it were used in an outdoor (summer) pack meeting. Try to find a neighbor or an Order of the Arrow team who is fairly proficient in archery, to assist you. Have ...