InsaneScouter - Archway To Boy Scouting - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Archway To Boy Scouting

This is a graduation ceremony with a musical touch.

Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, denner, den chief, parents of graduates, Scoutmaster, patrol leader, graduating Webelos Scouts.

Rustic archway, as shown; artificial campfire; United States flag, pack flag, troop flag; graduation certificates; Boy Scout neckerchiefs.

Set up the rustic archway at the center of the stage with Boy Scout and Webelos Scout emblems suspended from its top. On each upright hang acoustical tile squares bearing drawings or decals of the Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light emblems. The artificial campfire and the pack flag are to the left of the arch. The United States and troop flags are to the right. Graduating Webelos Scouts and their parents are on stage.

Cubmaster: Tonight we honor graduating Webelos Scouts [names]. Will the graduates' den leader and den chief come forward and stand behind the graduates.

Scoutmaster [name] and Patrol Leader [name], of the [name] Patrol, please stand to the right of the arch.

In honor of these graduates, let's all sing "We're on the Upward Trail," found in the Cub Scout Songbook. (After the song, the Cubmaster continues.)

Webelos Scouts [names], you are graduating from Cub Scouting. With your parents, you have visited and decided to join Troop [number]. You have been active members of our pack for [number] years and we are proud to recommend you and your parents to Scoutmaster [name]. Come join our group and stand by our campfire and flag.

Webelos Den Leader: [Graduates' names], the members of our Webelos den regret losing you. You have earned each of the Cub Scout ranks displayed on the archway and are ready to become Boy Scouts. I have enjoyed my association with you and your parents. May you continue to do your best.

Cubmaster: To help you remember this warm and friendly campfire, our assistant Cubmaster will lead us in singing "Cub Scout Advancement Song" (After the song, the Cubmaster continues.)

As you leave the warmth of our fire please accept this certificate of graduation. (presents certificates.) Remove your Webelos Scout neckerchief. I now escort you and your parents through the archway to meet Scoutmaster [name].

Scoutmaster: (Gives Scout handclasp to the graduates and their parents.) On behalf of Troop [number], I welcome you to the Scouting brotherhood. Our troop has great traditions and high standards. We hope you will help keep them high. Since you wish to join the [name] Patrol, I have [name], the patrol leader, with me.

Patrol Leader: We welcome you into the [name] Patrol. Our troop furnishes den chiefs for Pack [number]. Our patrol tries to be the best in our troop. We will count on you to help us. (He gives graduates the Scout handclasp.)

Scoutmaster: (To the parents.) As you and your boy enter Boy Scouting, you and he should realize that he is entering a new world of activity. However, he will continue to need your help and encouragement.

There are many ways you can help. I will look forward to your participation in our activities.

(To graduates.) We have already had a visit together. As soon as we have another conference on your Boy Scout requirements, you will be invested at a troop meeting. You may now wear this Boy Scout neckerchief to show you belong to our troop. (Places neckerchief around the neck of each pack graduate.)





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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders