Tonight we pay special tribute to (#) Webelos Scouts who have earned their Arrow of Light award.
I light the first candle to represent the Cub Scout and his parents, all three working together. The parents guiding the Scout along the trail.
The second candle symbolizes the leadership provided by others to help the Cub along his trail... his Den Chief, Den Leader, Webelos leader, Cubmaster, and committee members. Akela leads the way!
The third candle represents the Chartered Sponsor of the Cub Pack. We salute (name of chartered sponsor) for making it possible for these Scouts to have their program.
The fourth candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting and Scouting. They are one and the same. The spirit of the entire Scouting movement is one of service, high ideals, and fellowship.
The fifth candle represents fun and fellowship... the fun that Scouts, parents, and leaders have together.
Fellowship with boys you might never have met except through Cub Scouting.
The sixth candle represents citizenship and the Scouting challenge. Young men learning to respect God and country and of their moral obligation to themselves and their fellow man.
Cub Scouting is a challenge to all who become involved. A challenge to live up to high ideals, bring forth creative ideas, and learn to express yourself. It is also learning to accept the ideas of others who may not agree with you and learning to compromise and work out differences.
The seventh candle represents achieving. The trail has been long, but parents and leaders helped the Cub Scout along the trail. They have reached the end of the trail. The arrow is, at last, aglow. The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting and the only award that can be carried into Boy Scouting and its symbol worn on the uniform.
Congratulations! an award well-earned.