InsaneScouter - Bear To Webelos With Neckerchiefs - Ceremonies Webelos

Bear To Webelos With Neckerchiefs


EQUIPMENT: Spirit of Scouting candle and holder, badges, colors, and neckerchiefs.

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos den and den leader, den chief.

Webelos den leader, Mr.______, will you and the den please come forward and join me on stage.

Tonight we have (number) Bear Cub Scouts who have entered the fourth grade and are joining our Webelos den. Den Chief,________, escort Bear Cub Scouts,______, and their parents to our awards table please. (Cubs' names) you have shown yourselves worthy of joining our Webelos den by working hard through the ranks of Wolf and Bear. We would now like to present to you the new parts of your Cub Scout uniform. (Webelos den leader presents parts as they are explained.) Mr._______, please remove their neckerchiefs and replace them with the Webelos neckerchief. Next, place the Webelos badge of colors on their right shoulder. These colors will tell everyone that you are an older boy preparing for the adventures of Boy Scouting. The badge of colors will hold the activity badges that you earn as you explore some of the 20 Webelos activities with your den. Mr. & Mrs. ________, you have helped your sons along the Cub Scout trail this far. It is important that you continue to go along with your sons and learn about the Boy Scout trail in his Webelos den. We know that we will soon have the pleasure of seeing you present your son with activity badges, the Webelos badge, and finally, the Arrow of Light award, the highest in Cub Scouting, Congratulations ______, & ________, and remember to keep the spirit alive in all that you do.

We have a very active Webelos den. Since our last meeting, every one of our Webelos has earned a new activity badge. As I call your names, would each boy and his parents please come forward? (Call all Webelos) 

Each boy, in order to earn his Webelos badge, must earn three activity badges, be an active member of the Webelos den for three months, know and understand the requirements to be a Boy Scout, know the parts of and meaning of the Webelos uniform, and lead a flag ceremony in his den. We have (number) Webelos Scouts that have earned their badges this month.

Would and their parents please come forward. (List activity each boy has earned to qualify for the badge, and present to parents to pin on his chest.) Congratulations to all of you, and keep up the good work.

Pack, how about a cheer for the Webelos, their parents, and especially for Mr.________, their leader.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders