InsaneScouter - Blue Dot Painted Webelos - Ceremonies Webelos

Blue Dot Painted Webelos


BALOO - Assistant Cubmaster
DRUMMER - a Cub Scout


MATERIALS: Blue, yellow, green, and red tempera paint, Webelos badges and certificates, safety pins, parents pins.


(DRUMMER begins slow, rhythmic beat).

AKELA: Webelos stands for Well Be Loyal Scouts. Will the following Scouts and their parents please come forward?

(BALOO reads the names of the Webelos candidates. They assemble in a line with the Scout in front and parents behind).

AKELA: The sign of the Webelos Scout signifies a major step on the Cub Scout trail on your way to the Arrow of Light and onto the Boy Scout trail to Eagle. Just as Indian boys became warriors and were painted in the colors of their tribe, we will paint you with the colors of Scouting.

(While AKELA recites the following, BALOO paints a round blue dot in the upper middle - along the hairline - of each Scouts forehead).

AKELA: The first blue dot represents the three activity badges you have earned as an active member of your Webelos den.

(BALOO then paints a second blue dot to the left of the first dot).

AKELA: The second blue dot stands for your understanding of the Webelos badge and the Webelos uniform.

(BALOO then paints a third blue dot to the right of the first dot).

AKELA: The third dot shows that you understand and intend to live by the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan.

(BALOO paints a fourth blue dot below and between the first and second blue dots).

AKELA: The fourth blue dot shows that you know the Boy Scout Salute, Sign, Handclasp, and when to use them.

(BALOO paints a fifth blue dot below and between the first and third blue dots).

AKELA: The fifth blue dot represents your agreement to follow the Outdoor Code.

These five dots will now be connected by two "Vs".

(BALOO connects the first three blue dots).

AKELA: The first "V" stands for the flag ceremony that you have led.

(BALOO connects the second three blue dots, They should form a "W").

AKELA: The second "V" represents the practice of your religious faith.

The letter that has been formed is a "W", symbolic of the total effort you have made to attain your Webelos badge.

The Webelos colors are gold, green, and red. These colors represent the entire Scouting program.

(BALOO draws a yellow line on each of the Scouts cheeks, from sideburns to just short of the nose).

AKELA: Gold represents the Pack. Gold is the color of the sun and will light your way along the Scouting trail.

(BALOO draws green lines under the yellow lines).

AKELA: Green represents the Boy Scout Troop that you will shortly join. Green stands for the tree so that you may stand tall on the Scouting trail.

(BALOO draws red lines under the green lines).

AKELA: Red represents the Explorer Post. Red stands for fire so that you may have a burning desire to explore new areas.

(BALOO presents the Webelos badges to each Scout's parent and the parent pin to the Scout. The parent pins the Webelos badge on the Scout's uniform shirt, and the Scout, in turn, pins the parents pin onto his parent).

AKELA: Wear your Webelos badge proudly while you are continuing to work toward your Arrow of Light.

AKELA and BALOO then shake each Scouts and each parents hand).





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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders