InsaneScouter - Crossover to Boy Scouts, by Don Tolin - Ceremonies Webelos

Crossover to Boy Scouts, by Don Tolin


All 2nd Year Webelos Scouts
All Troop Boy Scouts
Webelos Den Chief
Scouts' parents and families



Webelos on one side of bridge working together like on activity pin, having fun. Webelos Den Flag in background. Den leaders and Den Chief with the boys. Webelos stand together and face audience. Have everyone stand. "We want to teach everyone a song we learned at Camp Buffalo Bill this summer" Sing the Beaver Song.

Beaver 1, beaver all, time to do the beaver call.
Beaver 2, beaver 3, let's all climb the beaver tree.
Beaver 4, beaver 5, let's all do the beaver jive.
Beaver 6, beaver 7, time to go to beaver heaven.
Beaver 8, beaver 9, STOP IT'S BEAVER TIME.

Webelos now ask everyone to join in and sing it one time together. Tell everyone to now sit down. Webelos remain standing.

When each scout is called to cross over, boys all give him high fives. The Cubmaster takes off the scout's Webelos neckerchief and his color tabs. The Cubmaster gives remarks. The Cubmaster shakes the scout's hand. The Den Chief accompanies the scouts across the bridge. The scout's parents and family crosses also.

Boy Scouts, in the mean time, have been sitting around a campfire on the other end of the bridge. Tent in background. Troop Flag and Patrol Flags in background. 12 points of Scout Law Displayed. When the scouts and the Den Chief cross-over the bridge, the boys stand up and fall in rank. The Scoutmaster greets them, shakes hands with their parents, and greets other family members. The Scoutmaster puts the troop neckerchief on the scouts, and puts on the red shoulder loops. He shakes the boy's hand. Boy Scouts welcome new scouts. The scoutmaster gives remarks. Applause or cheer.


Softly falls the light of day,
While our campfire fades away.
Silently each Scout should ask:
"Have I done my daily task?
Have I kept my honor bright?
Can I guiltless sleep tonight?
Have I done and have I dared
Everything to be prepared?"

-- Thanks to Don Tolin. Pack Meeting plan prepared in fulfillment of a ticket item for Wood Badge W5-638-95


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders